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Menu Домашняя Обзор и правила подачи Обратная связь. Вопрос 1: Об инициативе Является ли источник инициативы государственной организацией? Вернуться к списку Перейдите к этапу номинации. Пожалуйста, кратко опишите инициативу, какую проблему или задачу она стремится решить и укажите ее цели максимум слов. The Rooftop Garden project is an inspirational experience where a non-used public space such as the rooftop of municipal buildings and facilities become a garden full of herbs and vegetables, where people with disabilities get empowered and create value with their volunteering. The aim of the project is to foster the social inclusion of people with disabilities and the advancement of their autonomy and learning. To do so, several urban allotments have been installed on the non-used rooftops of municipal buildings, and their operation has been entrusted to organisations working with and for people with disabilities. The general objectives are the improvement of the physical, social and emotional health of people with disabilities and the increase of the number of green areas in the city. The experience has also some innovative objectives, aimed at creating synergies between the local city administration, organisations specialised in urban agriculture and organisations that work with people with disabilities. In the end, the experience fosters urban agriculture and locally-sourced cultivation and provides innovative ways of managing water and the soil, to guarantee a more sustainable and quality production, offering locally-grown produce to organisations that work with people at risk of exclusion. Пожалуйста, объясните, как инициатива связана с выбранной категорией максимум слов. By opening-up new spaces, the experience invites people with different types of disabilities to use public facilities on a daily basis: they become regular users and visitors of office buildings, and thus the project offers the opportunity to bring join public servants who work in the city administration, high-specialized researchers, organisations of people with disabilities and people with disabilities themselves. In short, it has proved to be an empowering tool for people with disabilities, a way to encourage a greener city and a boost to social inclusion. Пожалуйста, укажите, какие ЦУР и мишени поддерживает инициатива, и конкретно опишите, как инициатива внесла вклад в их реализацию максимум слов. This is a multidimensional project, which make it unique and replicable at the same time. It is relevant to the following targets and SGD: - Educational dimension for people with disabilities, who have the opportunity to experience growing vegetables in the centre of the city, and who even become trainers for newcomers to the project. SDG4: target 4. A - Empowering tool: people with disabilities, frequently in the role of passive beneficiaries, become active actors, trainers and donors of surplus to other people of their communities such as ONG and food banks. Opening an inclusive space for the regular use of citizens with disabilities means that no-one is left behind; therefore, many actors have been involved to remove barriers and find accessible solutions for everyone regardless of personal abilities SDG target Пожалуйста, опишите, что делает инициативу устойчивой в социальном, экономическом и экологическом отношении максимум слов. Sustainability is a recurrent theme in the initiative: not only does it promote social inclusion through normalization and therapeutical activity, but also it provides practical learning and an invaluable contribution to the empowerment of people with disabilities, as active participants in the community. At the same time, it encourages a greener city and fosters the idea of locally-sourced consumption. Regarding economic concerns, rooftop gardens enable to skip the shortage of available land in a city as dense as Barcelona. Пожалуйста, объясните, как эта инициатива позволила устранить существенный недостаток в государственном управлении или государственной службe в контексте конкретной страны или региона. Максимум слов. The project has raised a challenge of coordinating a human and organization chain that involves the four stakeholders: - City administration both the leader of the project and other departments hosting the gardens. With the aim that rooftop allotments become a space for coexistence, both public servants and the organization have welcomed changes in their daily functioning and have adopted several adaptations, such as the removal of pre-existing architectonical barriers for wheelchair users. An open procedure for accessing the gardens has been established, in order to favour those organisations closer to the gardens and those who can present a specific project that guarantees the their involvement. It is a key stakeholder in the sector of agronomic innovation, whose mission is to contribute to modernising, improving, boosting competitiveness, and fostering sustainable development in the sectors of agriculture and food. These ONG have welcomed fresh food and volunteering. Пожалуйста, опишите, как ваша инициатива направлена на решение проблемы гендерного неравенства в стране. In fact, during the implementation of the project, some growing tables had to be redesigned for some users mainly wheelchair users. But some participants could not reach yet the tables because of mobility impairments, so they were assigned other tasks related to the project, such as taking photographs and other chores linked to dissemination. Пожалуйста, опишите, кто был целевой группой группами , и объясните, как инициатива улучшила результаты для этих целевых групп. The pilot project came to light in , when the Municipal Institute for People with Disabilities placed an urban allotment on its headquarters building rooftop, in the centre of Barcelona. Three years after this beginning, there are five urban allotments in operation on the rooftops of various municipal buildings, run completely by organisations of people with disabilities. About people from six organisations in are participating in the project: people with intellectual disabilities, people with physical disabilities and people with mental health disorders. A sociological study conducted in assessed the impacts of the project on participants, taking inclusion, health, and wellbeing into consideration through surveys and interviews of participants, families, and social workers. The goal was to understand the benefits gained by participants from being in regular contact with urban nature and gardening, participating in different stages of food production, developing new relationships with one another and with the surrounding community of municipal workers and residents, building ties in the neighbourhood, and being involved in new social and learning opportunities. It was also observed that it helps reduce anxiety in some people. Пожалуйста, опишите, как была реализована инициатива, включая основные события и шаги, мероприятия по мониторингу и оценке, а также хронологию. Gardens are allocated to organisations of people with disabilities mainly Occupational Centres by means of a request for tender. Eligibility criteria are the promotion of people with disabilities, support in horticultural learning, the proximity of the centre to the building where the garden is located, group dynamics that enrich the experience in the garden and improvement of the social and relational life of people with disabilities or the donation of the product. The farmers receive training in horticulture from IRTA when they attend the garden about all the processes of growing vegetables: planting, fertilisation, watering, pruning, harvesting and pest control. The allotments use raised growing tables with a pioneering outdoor hydroponic system, which favours lightweight plantation with a greater yield. The yield allows harvests per year and the drip irrigation systems controls water consumption, with all the necessary nutrients for the plants in they produce lettuce, endive, spinach, chard, tomatoes, peas, zucchinis, cucumbers, peppers and aromatic herbs. The initial destination of the crop was the consumption of the participants themselves. However, organisations cannot take up the whole production, and so the project now has incorporated the donation to organisations with social aims. Thus, the farmers themselves carry out most of the harvest to a range of facilities such as social canteens or food banks, where fresh food is unusual. These facilities are located near the gardens and do not have frequently fresh food. The donation of vegetables implies a change of role for people with disabilities, used to be a recipient of social benefits and frequently stigmatized: participation in this project changes this role up by putting our farmers in an active role. Пожалуйста, объясните, с какими препятствиями столкнулись и как их преодолели слов. A key point of the project is to achieve the economic sustainability of the project. At present, the economic difficulties of the project do not focus on the initial costs of setting up the allotment, but on the maintenance costs. While it is feasible to obtain the initial investment to build the garden, the difficulty is to raise funds for maintenance and easing the extension to other areas of the city. For this reason, the project will focus on rethinking costs as well as on searching new financing means which might include selling a part of the crop. Пожалуйста, объясните, каким образом инициатива является инновационной в контексте вашей страны или региона максимум слов. The project has involved a range of stakeholders and so it has implied building a human and organization chain that involves different areas of public administration, professionals and about persons with disabilities from six occupational centres and several NGO who receive the garden products. The initiative has enriched the local community by creating networks between the occupational centres managing the rooftop gardens, local food banks and associations in the vicinity as receivers of fresh food. The experience has a high potential for replication and adaptation. The model of using urban farming as a tool for social inclusion can easily be extended to other socially disadvantaged groups and can be replicated in other places. Пожалуйста, опишите, если применимо, как данная инициатива почерпала вдохновение из успешных инициатив, проведенных в других регионах, странах и населенных пунктах максимум слов. Also, more than 15 groups including researchers and PhD students have reviewed the experience in situ. Если да, пожалуйста, объясните, где и как максимум слов. The environmental and welfare benefits of increasing green areas of large cities have been widely contrasted and so it has become a common element in municipal public policies. This project incorporates this central element, but also uses agronomy for a social dimension project with people with disabilities. The project has already been replicated within the city of Barcelona and there will be 7 rooftop gardens managed by people with disabilities in the end of The project requires low technical complexity in its operation, so that it is open to a wide audience of organisations of people with disabilities, either as a leisure, therapeutical or work objective. It might be interesting to replicate the project in other areas, outside the scope of the municipal administration, such as private buildings used by organisations of people with disabilities, for example. Made the initial investment for which there are several subsidies , the operation is easily assumable by the same entities. The project is easily replicable to other public administrations in any city. Many cities want to increase their agriculture projects and have the common problem of who takes care of these gardens. This might be solved by the incorporation of people with disabilities in the day-to-day management of allotments. There are similar projects of allotments that need to commission workers. In the case of the rooftop allotment, while it clearly benefits a vulnerable group of population, they put themselves in the centre of the action with their being responsible for the care of the harvest, an essential element for success. The project could also widen to other profiles of people and organisations. Какие конкретные ресурсы например, финансовые, человеческие или другие были использованы для реализации инициативы? Finally, some gardening utensils have also been acquired. Greens and herbs are placed on metal tables, designed specifically to allow the access of people in wheelchairs. Пожалуйста, объясните, что делает инициативу устойчивой с течением времени, в финансовом и институциональном плане максимум слов. Besides, the project is now exploring how to be given the opportunity to commercialize a part of the harvest, so the initiative is increasingly sustainable over time. An external study evaluated in the impacts of the project on participants, taking inclusion, health, and wellbeing into consideration through surveys and interviews of farmers, families, and social workers. It evaluated the benefits gained by participants from being in regular contact with urban nature and gardening in different stages of food production, developing new relationships with one another and with the community, building ties in the neighbourhood, and being involved in new social and learning opportunities. Пожалуйста, опишите используемые индикаторы и инструменты максимум слов. A group of participants and a control group were compared regarding issues like self-determination, well-being emotional, physical, material , social inclusion, personal development and interpersonal relationships. Каковы были основные результаты оценки например, адекватность ресурсов, мобилизованных для реализации инициативы, качество реализации и стоящие перед ней задачи, основные результаты, устойчивость инициативы, воздействие и как эта информация используется для информирования об осуществлении инициативы слов максимум. The research highlighted that the participation of people with various disabilities in the project is bringing significant benefits to their quality of life and personal development, allowing them to discover new urban environments, breaking the daily routine of occupational workshops, being in the open air, working as a team, boosting their self-esteem and expanding their levels of responsibility. As a result of having the garden, the eligibility criteria for awarding the Label will from now on, include the feature of incorporate green areas. The Municipal Institute for People with Disabilities IMPD, leader of the project , works horizontally and vertically across all the city administration areas and levels, promoting inclusion and accessibility throughout the spaces, services and activities of the city and boosting participation of people with disabilities in first person. The rooftop garden is an example of the work done by the IMPD to achieve a more inclusive city for all, breaking barriers and easing the exercise of rights to people with disabilities. В Повестке дня в области устойчивого развития на период до года особое внимание уделяется сотрудничеству, участию, партнерству и интеграции. Пожалуйста, опишите, какие заинтересованные стороны были вовлечены в разработку, реализацию и оценку инициативы и как протекало это взаимодействие. The experience relies on the ability to involve several actors even if adaptations are needed. For example, in the beginning the crops were basically aromatic herbs, but the specialists in agronomy had to identify other crops that provided more learning processes and variation of chores to people with disabilities, given that their time availability and capacities were higher than expected. Since the rooftops are accessed by external persons, the whole organization has adapted its rules to allow seamless visits of the farmers. The first harvests of every garden include presentations and even voluntary donation of products to the people who work in the building, allowing everyone to get closer to the project and to know its benefits directly. This has proved to be a moment of discoveries and synergies. Even some of the families of the farmers have visited the gardens, after expressing their surprise of the work done. Пожалуйста, опишите основные извлеченные уроки и то, как ваша организация планирует улучшить инициативу максимум слов. The development of the project has overcome the original barriers thought by its own designers: although the first thought was to work only with organizations with intellectual disabilities, we have opened up to other profiles of people with disabilities because the experience offers many and unexpected benefits for them too. The same goes to the social return of the project: a part from giving the food to people in need, the participants are taking a positive new role as volunteers. From the agronomic point of view, new vegetable varieties are grown and the production is increasing every season in all the rooftop gardens. It is also remarkable that all the stakeholders participate not only in the ruling of the allotments but also in the design of the project itself. In this way, most of the improvements came from the proposals done by the different agents participating. Finally, we have tested different types of hydroponic allotments and now we are testing vertical allotments that will give the chance of having gardens in smaller rooftops, terraces or even balconies. This new system is also more efficient in the use of water and more ecologic because of the use of compostable materials. Если вы ответили «да» выше, укажите, какая из SDG является наиболее актуальной для этой инициативы. Я даю согласие связаться с соответствующими лицами и организациями, чтобы узнать об инициативе в целях проверки.

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