Carrie Lam administration scorning the elected councils will be not be forgotten by Hong Kong citizens

Carrie Lam administration scorning the elected councils will be not be forgotten by Hong Kong citizens


(12 May) Hong Kong Chief Executive (CE) Carrie Lam, won the CE election with the Election Committee members only represent around 0.03 percent of the population, was interviewed by Takunpao, a Chinese state-owned and controlled media, and accused the newly elected district councils of having no contributionafter being in office term for 6 months, and supported the government officials to dismiss or leave the meetings to boycott the councils. Coincidentally, just one day before this article was published, Casper Tsui Ying Wai, the newly appointed leader or the Home Affairs Bureau, said “The District council is a playground”, and as long as everybody plays by the rule, it will be great fun. The head of the administrative government, publicly disregarded the council, disrespect and challenged the citizen-empowered councillors. This is to pour scorn on the councils, insult the dignity of the councillors, and to eradicate the society’s effort in the success of fighting the virus. 

From January 2020 until today, the Central and Western District council along with other councillors, have discussed and had over 70 discussion papersAnd among the discussions, many were about livelihood of the citizens, such as the land use of an old incinerator in Kennedy Town and the neighbouring lands, annual bus route planning, the management of the Sun Yat Sen Memorial park, the consultation on the expansion of HKU campus, the review of Social welfare department 24 hour service, illegal parking, insufficient of parking space in the district, and unutilised lands, etc. The Central and Western District, which I myself belong to, was the pioneer to livestream council meetings on facebook to establish transparency. 

And other district councils, under the lack of competence of the government in combatting virus, deployed power and resources, to procure medical supplies, such as face masks, hand sanitisers, bleach, etc.Again I use Central and Western district council to put forward the case. When the pandemic was still un-contained, Chief Secretary for Administration, Matthew Cheung Kn Chung, refused to implement health declaration system, (to ask travellers to submit health declaration of health status and measure body temperature). And yet, the district, has already voted to increase funding of 1.3 millions to increase cleanliness and hygiene of the streets and procure medical supplies, and the funding subsequent jumped to 2.2 millions. Hong Kong government suppressed the council by refusing to provide any venue and secretarial service, and upheld the power under District Councils Ordinance but the council organised meetings on discussion anti-pandemic measures.Councillors in various districts joined with the citizens, and fight this pandemic together, including procurement of masks, distribution of free cleaning supplies, and so on.

All these were ignored by Carrie Lam. She has forgotten how she herself “disallowed her officials to wear a mask”, and instructed her staff to “take off masks even when wearing one”(4 Feb 2020), how herself said “closing borders and banning incoming Chinese travellers is impractical” (31 Jan 2020). The success of the anti-pandamic measures, was attributed to the civil actions and contributions. She took all the pride of success, and obliviated her inaction, which might have caused the virus to transmit to the outside world, through Hong Kong as a transit port and ultimately turn into a pandemic. 

Those with good memory suffer, because they cannot forget what the heartless people did. But we need more of these people, to remember the inhumane treatment of this regime, and to bear in mind how this regime scorn and disrespected our will, and take action to resist the tyranny.

Those indulged in bureaucracy, do not solve problems for the people, scold them, suppress them, and not willing to change themselves. Then the people have reasons to remove them from office. So I will way, removing them is correct, they should be removed- Chairman Mao’s speech in the 2nd plenary session of the 8th Central Committee of the Communist party of China.

Source: Stand News林鄭政府矮化民選議會%E1%85%A0市民終將記住/?fbclid=IwAR3j05vzL01dPknXQVHbsTV-O7RBG5UAZIn5GWjUwP9dtVwx7Gtgv2MxSuw

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