Carpet washing guide - how to wash carpet

Carpet washing guide - how to wash carpet

To find answers to the questions of how to clean the carpet, how to wash the carpet, read this article.

Learning how to wash carpet tiles

Carpets are one of the decorative items that are a little troublesome to clean and cannot be cleaned with just a simple dusting, on the other hand, washing them for the first time may cause color change or damage to the carpets. Therefore, in this article, there are simple ways to clean the carpet board.

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What should be done in order to find out whether the carpet will return the color or not?

The point that should be mentioned in this section is that hand-woven carpets are of different quality and may lose color when washed. Therefore, in order to find out whether the carpet will return color or not, first wet a white handkerchief with lukewarm water and wipe it on parts of the carpet, if the handkerchief turns white, the carpet will return color and should be Washing it observed some points.

How to wash the carpet

If for any reason you feel that your carpet is dirty, we suggest you get help from carpet cleaning centers that specialize in washing carpet. But if you don't know or don't have access to such centers and you want to do it yourself, do the following:

1- First of all, remove the carpet from its frame.

2- Then sweep the carpet board with a vacuum cleaner with a clean opening to remove dust particles.

3- Then make sure not to leave the woven colors in the carpet and pour one liter of cold water and two cups of carpet shampoo into a container and stir well until it foams. With a large piece of sponge rolled in this solution, cover the surface evenly and quickly.

4- To dry, you should spread the carpet panel on the floor, in a relatively warm environment away from sunlight, so that the moisture evaporates and the colors of the carpet panel do not change. This does not allow its colors to slide into each other and merge.

Points you should pay attention to:

- To apply special shampoo on the carpet, use brushes or sponges with soft texture, wire or rough brushes will damage the fabric of your carpet. This is one of the points that you should pay attention to

- One of the most important points is choosing the right carpet shampoo. Carpet shampoos with a low percentage of acidity and no salt essence are your priority.

- If you use water instead of shampoo, the carpet will not only not be cleaned, but it will become slippery and sticky and will dry later.

قیمت قالیشویی ارزان

Do not use hot water to clean the carpet. If hot water is used, it is possible to return the color and merge dark colors into light colors. (This is not possible if the carpet fibers are dyed with high quality)

- Never spread the carpet board on the rope. Because the folded line may not disappear or it may stretch and fall off. Spreading carpet under the sun is not a good thing. If you want to do this, place it on its back in the sun.

- For daily dusting of the carpet, the best method is to use a vacuum cleaner dusting brush.


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