Carpet Beater Spanking

Carpet Beater Spanking


Carpet Beater Spanking

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peter d mikov: why is he still crying ? befor i put him in the... | more »
Denny: Ive only been spanked by one Black Woman that I... | more »
rich: absolutely fantastic art!... | more »
"I expect that the ironing will be finished when I get home from work each day! I have an important business meeting tonight and my skirt is still waiting to be pressed. Perhaps a little reminder with our favorite carpet beater will encourage you to be more focussed in the future? Once we are finished, you can spend the evening kneeling in the closet, polishing all of my shoes - and they had better be shining when I get home or you and I will be having a bottom beating appointment every night for the rest of this week. Do I make myself clear young man?"
Another nice illustration from Lumasoc and a reminder that I am actually still here! Some more good stuff in the pipeline so stay tuned. Have a nice weekend!
 "Yes I agree Shirley, our new inmate turned out to be a bit of a cry baby! Still, it's his own fault - he should have cooperated when you asked him to bend over for the cavity search. They never learn. You did a great job with that paddle girl - he was howling and blubbering after the third stroke. We will let him cool off in the cage for a couple of hours before taking him off to meet his new cell mates."
Otto was kind enough to send me some more of his artwork which I will share over the coming weeks. A couple of pieces, such as the one above, are on an institutional - rather than domestic - theme. It's nice to imagine that there are places to which misbehaved hubbies and partners can be sent for intensive therapy and further training.
I have also added a story which Underling wrote to accompany his "Late Home" picture and you can find that under the relevant post. Have a nice weekend!
Have just returned from a business trip in cold, snowy Denmark and it's time to begin catching up with a backlog of posts. I have quite a bit of new material waiting in my "Inbox" and will get busy putting some of it up in the coming days.
To start off, here is another great drawing from our good friend Franco - for those that prefer the more mature spanker. I am certainly not ageist and enjoy a matronly spanker from time to time. Keep the contributions flowing and I will try to get things moving again. 
I was delighted to learn
that Lady Governa is an enthusiastic reader of this Blog. She is a wonderfully
creative person with the style of a stern, vintage governess. She is also a
true expert in the kind of traditional, old-fashioned disciplinary methods about
which all of us love to read. I reproduce here a brief paragraph from her
fascinating website.
"The man is belittled
& kept in his place for his own good & her own pleasure...
He is a ward, a pupil, an
infant, a sissy, a doll, a pet, a toy, a plaything ... for a moment or a
lifetime, as she so wishes. He is a vulnerable yet potent creation of the woman
who controls and nurtures him, as is her prerogative. The adult male is enticed
and regressed by the adult female and forced into a helpless and vulnerable
state in her delicate hands. The man is physically, mentally, emotionally and
sexually dominated and manipulated by the woman. He is immobilised and
incapacitated, disciplined and humiliated by her. He is made to submit to her
will, her whim and her desire. The man is stripped of his adult male status and
he is laid bare by her natural seductive power and control.
The woman utilises her
womanly wiles and charms to emasculate and disempower the man. His freedom of
choice and movement is taken from him and he must do as the woman demands for
her pleasure or suffer her displeasure. He is kept as a plaything in restraint
and containment by his female owner. He loses control of the most basic of
functions of movement, feeding, toileting and sex. He is disciplined and
punished, mocked and chastised, teased and cooed over, dressed in frills and
fancies, displayed as a novelty, treated as a human toy for her entertainment.
He is ashamed yet aroused at this humiliation and cruelty that he cannot stop.
His inherent weakness is his sexual desire for seduction by the female and this
is used against him by the provocative and powerful woman. His erect cock is
the explicit manifestation of the desire that he cannot hide and she controls its
pleasure and pain, release and restraint, as she sees fit. He is a dependant
for his physical and sexual release and he must beg for her attention and her
mercy. The man is belittled in this most fundamental form of male submission
and female domination. Her feminine beauty is the natural weapon of the woman
and her high heels, black stockings, red lips & red nails adorn this.
He loves and hates it. He
craves and fights it."
"I hope we understand each other now, Mr. Phillips, although that really shouldn't have been necessary. The company procedure for male medicals is clearly laid out in your employee pack, and yet you chose to be a baby about it.
I'm going to be adding a note to your file about your difficult behaviour, which I'm sure will be dealt with thoroughly back at work. They have whole days set aside for that sort of thing. For now, if you give me any more trouble then you'll simply be paddled again, even harder - after which you'll be getting your internal exam, AND providing your sperm sample, out there in the waiting room in full view of everybody."
A wonderful New Year present from our good friend Underling. It's time for annual company medicals at Osiris - at least for the male employees! The accompanying text is also Underling's work. He sends his best wishes to all readers for the year ahead. He has also kindly sent me a short story to accompany his previous drawing and I will edit that post later to include it. I am sure you will all join me in hoping to see more of Underling's outstanding work in 2010.
"Now David, the ladies are ready to hear your apology. I suggest that you are as sincere as possible because it may have some bearing upon the degree of leniency that our chief warder considers appropriate to grant you. We usually enjoy plenty of groveling, begging and pleading. This will of course be followed by a great deal of howling, crying, blubbering and bawling!"
Some more wonderful Lady Carole artwork.
Dear friends and readers all over the world - this post is just to wish you all the compliments of the season and good health, happiness and peace in the year ahead. I would also like to thank everyone who has sent me contributions for the site, posted comments or dropped me the occasional email. Your encouragement and support has helped to keep the Blog going in what has been a very busy and demanding year in my profession! I look forward to keeping in touch with you all in 2010 - and, hopefully, to posting a little more often too.
"Don't be such a big baby - I have only just started! Your bottom is going to be a lot more painful by the time I finish with it my dear. And don't think you are getting your clothes back anytime soon either. You know the rules - bare bottom spanking and bare for the rest of the day! Now stop wriggling all over my lap and take your punishment like a man."
Was delighted to receive this nice CG art from a new contributor - OTTO. He also kindly sent me some more of his work and I will feature a selection of these later. 
"Well dear - when I said we were going to a speed dating event, I didn't quite give you the full picture. It's actually more what you might call speed spanking! Now remember ladies - just five minutes to get to know each naughty bottom and then change when you hear the bell! You can choose who you would like to take home at the end of the evening."
Some delicious artwork I found in my files drawn by Lady Carole. I think "speed spanking" might just catch on - what do you think ladies? 
"It's all very well crying and howling now dear. You should have thought of that when we told you to finish tidying the house! Carpet beaters are not only for getting dust out of rugs you know - they can be used for husbands who sit around all day on their lazy, fat bottoms! Keep going Maria - I don't think he is truly sorry yet. He always cries like a baby anyway. Another twenty strokes should do the trick!".
Another illustration kindly provided by Lumasoc. I understand that carpet or rug beaters are popular instruments of discipline in Italy!
Owww! Please Ma'am - I promise I'll be good!

So many fun implements to play with...

 Thank you Kevin, for these lovely strap (above & below). The blue strap for household discipline. The red strap, common in Reform Schools, & the black Prison Strap. Both the red & the black have a rubber core, which greatly enhances the "corrective value" of the implement.

A gorgeous Spencer Paddle made from a spanko in Hawaii. The wood is maple.

A paddle maker made me these two beautiful school paddles with my name engraved 

as Principal Davis on both. Thank you S for the gift & your appreciation!

The lighter colored one on the left is made of oak plywood.

The darker vintage paddle on the right is made of douglas fir

Cane-Iac Delrin cane,Mahogany long paddle, Triple Delrin Cane,Mango paddle with Mahogany Handle,Mahogany OTK paddle with Two Holes for a more stingy spanking, Leather slapper, and a Mahogany paddle

Another wicked strap from Kevin R. One side leather, one side rubber. Think you can handle this?

Thank you Kevin for putting so much hard work into these gorgeous straps. You are very talented!

Thank you Kevin R., for creating this lovely paddle for me! The wood is Tambote from South America. It's very hard, dense, & has a wild graining figure. The grip is true Ebony w/ white Micarta accents underneath. The mosaic pins securing the grips are brass, copper, & nickel and go all the way through from one side to the other for strength.

Thank you Dave from D.C. for this fab leather studded paddle! I also loved our Miss Jenn Experience at the Monuments.

2 of my vintage celluloid hairbrushes

A vintage Board of Corrections paddle from Victoria Rage

 Only a spanko can truly appreciate the beauty & power of the hairbrush

Thank you P for this adorable gem, love the saying

 Thank you Clint for these 2 amazing paddles. The top one, "Small Hickory", a silky smooth (in my opinion) OTK paddle hand carved out of hickory wood. The bottom one, "The Brute", made of black walnut wood and engraved with my name!!!! It's a force to be reckoned with, 18" long and a full 1/4"thick and 3"wide. And both are so silky smooth that I just love the feel of them against my skin, and you will too!

The Glasgow strap & tawse from the London Tanners

Only 25 sets were made, & mine was #11. Thank you, Kevin, for this very special gift

Thank you J for this Natural Willow Branch Bundle which needs to be soaked in warm water for 30-minutes prior to use

Carpet beater from J, bath brush & hairbrush from a spanko in Vegas. The left 2 are quite wicked!

An "evil stick" made from South American Canarywood from the Rosewood family. Thank you, Kevin for this gem!

Cherry wood (lighter bigger paddle) & walnut (smaller, darker). Thank u Princess V

Some more fun ones! From two different spanko's. The Jokari paddle & the lollipop

Below: The loopy johnny, 8mm x 28in long oil filled cane, horse crop, & paint stick

A lovely belt strap that Ms. Portia made for me

The purple heart from Miss S at KinkFest in Portland

Handmade with love from a spanko in Hawaii, leather paddles are by no means easy to make
A Kent hairbrush from The Vermont Country Store

Or click here for my spanking blog
 2022 is turning out to be an incredibly challenging year for me, hence I haven't been as interactive with my fans as I normally am on ...
 Love those pretty frilly panties, they are just perfect for girls or sissy's to be spanked in.
 Which is your favorite of these 3 pieces of fetish art & why? Who else loves Barb O'Toole fetish & spanking art? CF...
 the list goes on. I think she had a bad day (or a good day depending on who you ask & if they are a spanko)
Does anyone know who this artist is? Very talented spanking art, I love it! She looks like she excels in instilling discipline. And the...
Is that a shoe in her hand that she is spanking this poor lad with? If so, I love it! Is this Mother and Son? Or a Female Led R...
The Mother-in-law I was recently contacted by the famous spanking artist Franco . Turns out he reads my blog & had seen a blog po...
 a very nice husband and wife, domestic discipline scene
 and I've got my brush and lap all ready for you!
 I'm absolutely mesmerized by it... Can't stop thinking about all the different stories there could possibly be behind this piece o...
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Professional Disciplinarian extraordinaire, Miss Jenn who *loves* spanking , spanking tube, spanking audio clips and spanking therapy
VERY IMPRESSIVE Collection Miss Jenn!! (and I especially like the wooden 'fish shaped' one) ;)
I love it! When I was in 1st grade my teacher took me to the principles office and she used a paddle that was a Fish like yours only no hole in it!
Which toys are you bringing to Florida?
I was spanked by Miss Jenna one time I had a good time with her hopefully she'll come back to Dallas and have another session with her
Miss Davis I notice you dont have a vintage ladies shoe stretcher. They are ideal for the "sweet spots" and thighs they sting like fire. I would love to send you one. Where can I send it to?
oh how wonderful! You can send to: JD Coaching Services PO Box 33563 Shoreline, WA 98133
O you do have some nice wooden paddles I hope when you're in town and we meet for some heat on my pants I will get them
You have a lot of weapons of ass destruction 😂 love to be over your knees.

 2022 is turning out to be an incredibly challenging year for me, hence I haven't been as interactive with my fans as I normally am on ...

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For the participants ( including  DIY ers ), the noise of a spanking is a big part of the ambiance of the event. Examples of these can be found on the  SPANKING AUDIO PAGE .
However noise may create problems with other family members, neighbours or if in motels, car parks etc. The thin construction of modern buildings and higher population densities makes this problem worse.
Sound travels through the air and there are many ways of soundproofing an area. Additionally raising the background noise level by using a Radio, TV etc will mask the noise. ( Search for soundproofing and background noise level for further information. ) The sound of a spanking may also be masked by varying the rhythm or spanking in time with an external sound. The increased sound level of TV commercials can be used ( this adds interest to watching TV and takes the timing of the spanking out of the hands of the participants ).
A simple way of checking how much noise is escaping an area is to prepare it as you intend to later ( by closing windows and doors and covering vents and gaps under doors etc ). Have an assistant stand where the spanking is to take place and clap their hands together while you check the external noise level. If outside, remember that noise travels further downwind, over water and on damp nights.
Reducing the noise made by the spankee is basically a matter of self control and using an appropriate level of force during the spanking. Gags etc should be avoided for safety reasons.
We created this page to suggest some methods of reducing the noise of a spanking.
The”smack”associated with spanking comes from the escape of air trapped between the bottom and whatever strikes it.
Loose material that air can flow through covering the bottom will lessen noise .
As will using a cotton or wool glove.
A cupped hand will trap the air and increase noise.
Starting with an open hand and then closing the fingers along with varying the force used will soon determine the best”setting”for these variables. Most noise comes from the palm, not the fingers striking the bottom.
Thin spanking implements are generally quieter :
( See  CARPET BEATERS , coat hangers can be fashioned in a similar way, be careful not to cut the skin. )
( See  KITCHEN  , spatulas are best used with a sock over them. )
Some of the items mentioned on this page may be included in your  SPANKPACK .
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