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By Staff
- March 5, 2018 05:28 pm EST

Whether your first orgasm happened shortly after you discovered masturbation or years into being sexually active, it's an unforgettable and deeply personal experience. You might have felt tingles, fire or a full-body blush, you might've been caught halfway through or had it with your one true love — however it happened, it's a story worth telling. Thankfully, loads of Reddit users have taken to the forums to share exactly what their first orgasm felt like, and we've rounded up some of the best responses.
1. "One night, when I was 13, I humped a pillow for a while, trying to get the best angle of attack. And then all of a sudden my d— just like, erupted. It felt awesome, but a messy sort of awesome, like when you destroy a cake with your bare hands. I didn't know what it was, but I was suddenly tired, so I went to sleep.
The next morning I woke up and my pillow was stuck to my face. My dad pulled it off and then looked at the pillow and just said, "oh"."
2. "First orgasm with a guy, it was mind-blowing. He was fingering me. It was uncomfortable and I was squirming and trying to figure out how to tell him that it was hurting me, then it started to feel really good. When it hit me I bucked so hard (I was underneath him) I almost bucked him off the bed. It lasted quite awhile. It was like he was riding a mechanical bull. To his credit, he hung on well! I thought to myself, "Holy crap, if his fingers did that, sex must be...." I tried to get him to have sex with me but he wouldn't. I was 15 and a virgin and he was quite a bit older than me."
3. "First that I remember, I was 14 and in my boyfriends car. He was fingering me and licking me from the side (sitting in the drivers seat, me in the passenger seat). I came so hard I saw stars and actually squirted...he said it was 'f—ing disgusting' and while I've orgasmed since, I can't bring myself to squirt because of that. Booo."
4. "I was 16 years old. Good girl from a good Christian family, never masturbated, never even tried. Only dated a couple of guys but not serious. Then I started dating my now husband, who was a few years older. I got so turned on for the first time in my life with him! We had been dating a month or two and had progressed to kissing and some mild dry humping, but no further yet. We were in my house on our couch in the living room, laying face to face kissing heavily. His leg was between mine and I was humping his thigh while we made out. He slid his hand up my side and eventually—finally—made it to my left breast and cupped it. Electricity shot through me as he squeezed me gently over my shirt. I pushed my crotch tighter against his thigh. I started to feel tingling like I had never felt before, something building. I almost stopped. I had an idea what it might be, but wasn't entirely sure. It kept building as we made out and he squeezed his fingers tight around my left nipple and—explosion. My body spasmed, I dipped my head down into his chest, my hips rubbed my clitoris against his leg harder. I was cumming! Oh, my God! It was amazing. After I calmed down I kissed him hard. He asked, 'Did you just...' I shyly nodded my head and blushed. He said, 'That is so hot!'"
5. "I was 16. My boyfriend at the time loooved to eat p—. To this day, I have not been with a guy who enjoyed cunnilingus that much. He was going to town for about 45 minutes or so (I know.. I know..). When I was young, everyone said that you will know when you have an orgasm—there will be absolutely no question. So, I am laying there on the floor as he thoroughly enjoys every moment of going down on me. All of the sudden I feel something starting to change in my body. And change. And change. I realize now, that I was climaxing. At the time, I wasn't exactly sure what was going on. It gets more and more intense... until... ploof. I fart right in his face.. I am horrified. Horribly horrified. But he is sweet- really sweet. He looks at me, tilts his head slightly as he realizes how embarassed I am, and says 'ohhh...' (in that don't worry, it's okay tune). Then he goes back to finish business, but quickly springs his head back up and says, 'I'll have to wait a minute'."
4. "My friends and I were talking when I was 13 (they were 14) and they asked me if I'd ever masturbated. When I said that I hadn't, they told me how to lay in the bathtub and let the stream of water hit my clitoris till I came. Then they locked me in the bathroom till I figured it out. Best friends ever."
5. "My parents got me a book about puberty, which included labelled anatomical diagrams. One of the items labelled was 'clitoris'. I didn't know what that meant, so I looked it up in the glossary, which explained the function of the clitoris. So I located it, applied friction , and verified that the book was correct."
6. "Learned to give myself clitoral orgasms when I was very young, maybe 9 or 10. Had my first orgasm during sex with a [friend with benefits] and had a few more, though they were never intense as they are now with my bf. A great orgasm starts with this tingling in my feet and my heart starts beating faster and faster. My hands start to tingle and go numb, my legs start shaking and my vision has a white tone to it. Then I'm pushed over the edge and this bolt of energy runs through my body, my whole body shaking and my muscles contracting. Ahhhhh, best feeling ever."
7. "In high school I would always fake it for my boyfriend and then one day he... actually made me cum. It was wonderful and fuzzy and nice like being covered in thousands of kittens. Started masturbating after that."
8. ''I was 19, it was the day after my birthday, my current bf and I were having a morning session and I was on top doing my thing. Suddenly he took my hips and made me go faster and faster. After a few minutes I had one. It felt amazing. It was so intense and wonderful.''
9. "I was 13 maybe. I didn't even touch anything. I was playing soccer outside in my neighbor's front lawn and I lied down to take a rest for a minute and the way my legs crossed just rubbed my vagina the right way, and I orgasmed. I loved it."
10. ''I had been with my boyfriend for a few weeks, and I knew he really wanted to go down on me. I was sleeping over at his house. We had just turned off the lights and I thought we were ready to go to sleep, when he moves down the bed and takes off my bottoms. He proceeded to eat me out until I had the most intense sexual experience EVER. It was my first orgasm. He sat up and smiled at me, and I said, 'can I post a Facebook status about this?' I was 19.''
11. "Started having sex when I was 18—a lot of it felt AWESOME, but I didn't have an actual orgasm (vaginal contractions and all) until my boyfriend was f—ing me from behind, and I had a vibrator on my clitoris and I was like "wow this feels good... wait oh my god what's happening OH MY GODDDDDDDDDD I CAN'T CONTROL MY BODY F— YEAHHHHHHH."
For me, a clitoral orgasm is like heat and tingly shivers and muscular contractions that start at my clitoris and move in waves up my spine and out my scalp... I also have G-spot orgasms from internal penetration that are less intense, but I feel it all over my body, and it kind of feels like I disconnect from my ego for a few moments and go totally primal."
12. "When I was 20, in a jacuzzi-bath. Late, but that kind of opened the floodgates—having been frustrated for over a decade but unable to quite get there, it took quite a lot of power and concentration at first but became easier over time, and now I can even come during sex! It feels like warmth sweeping through my whole body, intense contractions, loss of control over my body and the capacity for coherent thought, shaking and gasping, relief... pretty f—ing good."
Article written by: Emily Keyes. Follow her here .
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By Guest | 249 posts, last post 2 months ago

Kate Smith
answered this
Can You Get Pregnant After Accidental Contact With Sperm, Without Sexual Intercourse?
I don't want to be one of those girls who get pregnant at 13 help I just want to know so if we went any further I wouldn't get pregnant.
He's not one of those guys who force's me into stuff. He doesn't make me do anything I don't want to. He respects me and doesn't want to ruin my life by getting me pregnant before I finish school 

Well I can kind of relate to you. I'm 16 and I already had a kid. She's 5 months now. Well fingering and eating out wont get you prego. But once you let his penis in, you might. Like if he jizzes(clear stuff) or cums(white stuff) in you. Yea then your screwed so. dont take things to far. Take is slow I wish I did... So please be careful.

yeah cuz jus use a condom but they can break so donr get too carried away

I'm 13&ive thought about having sex but I dunno after reading this !!

had you ever been fingered before ?

Did you ask if I've been fingered? If you did then no I haven't been fingered. Me and my boyfriend speak about it on bbm.&were both 13 he wants to finger me but I'm not sure. He's a lad that has respect for girls. I'm not sure if I should let him finger me because of puberty if u no what I mean ...

STOP STOP before you get ahead of yourself. im 25 yrs old n my words may not seem useful now, but im a young mother of two beautiful boys, but if I couldve things differently I woodve. save your virginity for later in your life. babies are expensive and take up all your time. stick to making out n dry humping with clothes on.. no need to rush it youll regret it I promise


1 of 17













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