[Captain America 2.0] Not Ashamed, No Regret, No Cowardice in Pursuing Democracy and Justice

[Captain America 2.0] Not Ashamed, No Regret, No Cowardice in Pursuing Democracy and Justice

Translated by the Guardians of Hong Kong November 15, 2021
MA Chun-man, aka Captain America 2.0

MA Chun-man, aka Captain America 2.0, is convicted by the court today (11th Nov) guilty of “inciting others to secede” and sentenced to five years and nine months imprisonment. CHAN Kwong-chi, the designated judge, pointed out that the defendant repeatedly incited others to secede, in the mean time disparaged the National Security Law (NSL). Chan deems that this case is a “serious offence” as articulated in the law. Ma wrote his own letter of intercession and emphasized that he does not feel ashamed and has no regrets. He also pointed out that on the road towards democracy and justice, he “will not have any cowardice”. After being detained for 311 days, he predicts his coming days in prison will make him tougher and stronger.

In his letter of intercession Ma begins with his personal background, describing himself as growing up without any goal in life. “Since I was young, I see myself as a person with no goal, no motivation for self-improvement, no dream and even no plan to live. I failed schooling, cannot handle heavy duty work and reject any criticism. I tried many different jobs but found them unsuitable so not one last long. Finally at 23 I found a food delivery job upon a friend’s referral. Since then I started living on that minimal wage and live a life with little desire and no aim.”


He said he could not understand people’s outrage during the Anti-Extradition-Bill movement in 2019. “During the whole movement, even though: the media overwhelmingly publicized that the society is unjust; broadcast the familiar song day after day; chanted the same slogans, all these could not make me understand their fear and anger or accept acts of “private resolutions” to physically assault other individuals. During those days, I was still immersed in a peaceful and calm feeling, not to mention any thoughts to contribute to this world.”

In April last year (2020) when he read news about the "Sing with You" campaign he became curious. Afterwards, when he searched for further information he found a speech by Edward LEUNG Tin-kei, former spokesperson of the Frontier for Local Democracy, on the Internet. Ma was deeply inspired. “Since then I realized I have a responsibility for this place. For the first time I found a dream in my life.”

He began attending assemblies, went to different places to chant slogans and go on processions. He described that “Gear up everyone for armed revolutions” was not just a slogan. He also established a “Channel of 610,000 with no fear of arrest”. He published articles and organized activities via this (social media) channel, in order to “let the world visualize our dreams”.

To date Ma has been detained for 311 days, he wrote in his letter he felt happy when pleading not guilty, “feeling calm with a trace of joy”. He believes that his future days in jail will make him tougher and stronger.

Finally he wrote, he had no regret and will proceed towards his dream with all his might.

“Your Honour, I am not ashamed, have no regret about what I did in the past. I also promise I will not have any cowardice on the road to seek democracy and justice. Here and after, I will use all my capabilities and energy to march on and pursue the dreams in my heart. May glory return to Hong Kong.”

Court case number:DCCC 122/2021

Source: The Stand News #Nov11

https://bit.ly/32Nskzz (from archive.web.org)

#MaChunMan #CaptainAmerica2.0 #LetterOfIntercession

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