Capricorn Talents

Capricorn Talents


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There is more to the Moon's alignment with Mercury and Jupiter in your income sector today that a chance to bring lucky hunches, a sharp nose and a smart head for money together. While this is advantage enough, the Moon's last visit before Mercury leaves next week is your last chance to get a bird's eye view of Mercury short and Jupiter's long term perspective in one snapshot. Mercury is looking at the steps you can take now while Jupiter is looking at the income growth and potential between now and his departure in December.
The Moon returns to your communication sector every four weeks and as well as making it easier to give your emotional responses a voice, this brings together a mix of intuition and logic, imagination and intelligence. As the Moon returns to begin the lead up to tomorrow's New Moon, this makes this the most important visit of the year so far, something that will benefit all your communications. However, as the only visit while Venus, the planet of love is here, this will also make her mission to give your heart and your relationships a voice a lot easier.
You’re the sign ready to launch this week, Capricorn. Ideas, writing, the internet or studying feature. As could what you say or the means that you say it. Make your message love now.
Say it any way you can – but with love
Inspiration comes straight from the source
Let’s talk love at the highest possible wavelength, Capricorn. And ideas which are fuelled by compassion, empathy, truth, beauty, inspiration and deep spiritual growth. Everything you say, send out, write or create could just be like weaving a magic spell now. All thanks to the muse-like line up in your 3rd.
Many of you could choose to plunge deeper into subjects such as psychic development, the Tarot, astrology or mediumship as this house is also your house of study and learning. Your 3rd is ruled by Mercury of course and this changes from shadow to quicksilver on the 13th as it clears its retroshadow drab. All planets in the sky are direct from this point. A rare window to go for what we want.
But what this tells you is that this is the week for anything you want to say, send out, apply for, launch, create, share, pitch. Especially at the time of the new Moon also on the 13th. Business, commerce, that side hustle, website or your social media feed may have a key role to play in all of this too. As could the devices you use or how you get around.
Saying ‘I love you’, or it being said back to you, yes answers or just using words that heal both you and others are a key part of this magic act. Sometimes it is a message from the universe or spirit which appears on a Venus/Neptune conjunction like we have on the 14th.
Those ideas may be inspiring or appear channelled from something or somewhere higher. Use them not just for your benefit but look at how they can raise someone else’s vibration too. The Ceres/Chiron conjunction wants you to take a chance on something which has long term potential. Sharing those feelings and ideas with love is a good place to start.
Make certain others get your meaning
Mean what you say, say what you mean and don’t be afraid to ask others to clarify this month, Capricorn. Asking questions, probing and ensuring you understand one another completely is the key to love, understanding and so much more in March.
Don’t assume. And don’t be afraid to ask someone to repeat something. Or to repeat what they have said back to them to ensure you are both on the same page. There is nothing wrong with saying ‘Just to make sure I’ve understood this correctly . . .’ Honestly, it saves both parties a lot of wasted time and potential misunderstanding and hurt feelings. And if this happens, blame the big line up in Pisces and your 3rd.
That being said, this also amplifies your creative talents and ability to channel truly inspired ideas. You communicate with compassion, empathy and a touch of magic. This month also hands you incredible potential when it comes to money, income, your talents, skills and self-worth. You’re still benefitting from those planets in your Now Age 2nd. Mercury will shrug off that retroshadow on the 13th. And when it does, we enter a rare phase where every single planet in the sky is direct. But before that happens it has its third and final meeting with generous Jupiter on the 5th.
Some of you could be looking at more than one way to boost your income. Or just upgrading your main source. Whether it’s a portfolio career, a side hustle, a new position, a client you want to land or an idea you want to launch. What you do now could be a real money-spinner. And add to your feelings of attainment and self-worth too. Solutions to long term money questions could appear.
Have an unshakeable belief in your talents and skills now. Or even the way you run your life on a daily basis. Courtesy of ruler Saturn now in your 2nd. This does not mean you are not open to new ideas and suggestions. In fact, someone may well hand you a few innovative ideas this month not just around working smarter not harder; but also making more from what you are CEO of. Those ideas for instance. Your time, energy and everyday resources.
So, with that in mind, when it comes to money, work related issues or even wellbeing, avoid over-reacting or taking offense. Or if someone is being tactless or blunt to the point of being in your face, measure your response and ask yourself if they really mean to come across that way? Especially when Mars now in your 6th from the 4th, makes a narky angle to Mercury on the 24th.
But you will know the difference between someone making constructive and supportive suggestions and destructive, confidence eroding criticism too. And if that happens, also what to do about it. Don’t give in to self-doubt with the slew of planets in your 3rd, boosting ideas and inspiration.
Write it, create it, launch it, blog about it, start a YouTube channel, apply for it, submit it, talk about it and sell it if need be. Underselling yourself – stop being shy. Know you are the bomb. But if you don’t know something – please, don’t fake it. Nobody knows everything. It’s that simple. If you fudge the facts or talk up a good game without the playbook to back it up, you will be found out this month! Especially after Mars lands in your 6th from the 4th. You’ll need to remain factual and credible around the period of the 22nd – 24th. The 22nd sees a fabulous angle between Mars and your ruler Saturn. So, ensure you know your stuff because you are in a position to impress now and receive rewards for that.
Being clear, cutting through confusion, sticking to what you know and also asking for clarification, sees you and others on the same page. And could potentially bring in good news especially around the 11th – 14th. We have important meetings between the Sun and Neptune in your 3rd and Venus and Neptune, as well as a new Moon during this time on the 13th.
This new Moon is important as it falls close to the stellium of planets in here igniting the power of your imaginative ideas. And nudging you into taking action. Mercury which rules this house isn’t now far behind. And you won’t be able to resist doing something once it lands in here
The Sun lands in your 4th of home, family, living arrangements, roots, lifestyle and security on the 20th. This is also the day of the equinox – when day and night are of equal length. So, a theme is balance, stability and equality. Venus lands in here on the 21st and conjuncts the Sun on the 26th. This is a wonderful time under which to upgrade your home – move, redecorate, renovate or just look to general lifestyle improvements.
This is the Moon’s ruling house in your chart. And we have a full Moon in your 10th on the 28th. Your 10th being Libra and Venus’s ruling sign. The full Moon doesn’t just reflect light back at the Sun in your 10th, but onto Venus too. This could show you areas where improvements can now be made. And this can even extend to career factors as this too plays a role in your overall security. Some of you may have been looking at a long-term shift in where you live or how you work due to Covid.
Relocations, permanent remote working or a realignment of priorities are possible now. You’ll be open to making radical shifts in these areas as the Sun and Chiron meet in here on the 29th. The meeting of Mercury and Neptune in Mercury’s 3rd on the 30th asks you go with the flow of your ideas now. This is your time to draw on the resources of pure imagination. Use this in your daily and your professional life this month, Capricorn.
In a nutshell: A little self-belief goes a long way this March, Capricorn. Leap into spring knowing you got the goods, baby. And let others know just what these are – in every way you can!
You should be experiencing a feeling of lightness stepping into 2021, Capricorn. As if a burden has been lifted. Your birthday cycle and the New Year sees Pluto as the only slow-moving planet left if your sign.
The new Moon on the 13th will mark an important new beginning for you. It will appear one degree away from Pluto pointing to a key point of transformation. You may simply feel a sense of release. Something that has been limiting you or holding you back may cease to be a problem. It may simply fall away or no longer have a hold over you as your attitude to it changes. Very often we don’t actually solve problems. They simply no longer have any power over us. One way or another, you begin January with a sense of freedom and optimism.
Think of the Now Age of Aquarius as your Go Fund Me for your future, Capricorn. With ruler Saturn and Jupiter in your Now Age 2nd, expect one of the main focusses of the year to be on your finances. And combined with Uranus in your 5th house, on your values. What you will or won’t ‘sell out’ over. Your self-worth. What you will and won’t do in the name of love as well. Knowing your worth.
The latter is the most important element of this year for you. It is where you set your ‘price’ or value system if you like. Ruler Saturn is there to help you set this. Think of its rings as encircling you and what you stand for. Saturn as you of all signs knows, rules restrictions while Pluto remaining in your 1st, rules control.
Don’t think of restrictions as necessary being negative. We can voluntarily create them. Perhaps even on ourselves. One aspect of this could be setting limits on your spending by deciding to only buy what you need instead of giving in to what you want. And understanding the difference. You value yourself too much to end up worrying about debt. So, you take control to avoid that.
That being said, Jupiter in your 2nd promises that at some point during this year, you should have more of that folding stuff, your income may increase or you are the recipient of generosity and gifts. As well as a raise or better paying job, others may increase their earnings via a side hustle. This is a time of exploration and also being unafraid to try. Yes, do you research first. But if this reveals things add up, then go for it.
A good time to begin is January with Mercury in your 2nd. It meets ruler Saturn and then Jupiter in here. It will retrograde and then hit Jupiter twice more. Making this an excellent time for budgeting, spending and business plans. Review expenses. Talk to an accountant if necessary. Venus lands in what is its ruling house from the 1st February. And with that Mercury backwards and forwards across Jupiter between then and March, this adds up to one of the best periods of the year for shoring up self-worth and re-evaluating your talents and skills to your advantage.
Innovation and seeing your skillset differently may form a part of your process. Some of you may even embrace an entirely new way of earning a living. Striking out in a fresh direction which seems more authentically you. If you have felt like the square peg in a round hole, or if you have been sticking out a role which wasn’t you but you did it out of a sense of duty and responsibility, 2021 could be the year that breaks you free.
Love is the other great experiment for you this year. Uranus in your 5th is all about you needing more variety and freedom to be yourself in relationships. If your current partner does not provide you with the room to evolve and love you ‘just the way you are’ – then you will attract one who will. If 5th you are one of the many Capricorns who have been through relationship challenges during the past few years, 2021 should allow you to begin anew. Either via a new partner or with you and your current boo entering a new cycle stronger and more together than before.
Just be aware that this will either be a year when you attract a partner in effortlessly. Or else you look for love in all the wrong places. So, bear this in mind. Sudden, exciting and unusual partnership prospects can appear. This could see lightning strike when you least expect it! Or an unexpected, heart starting flirtation leads to so much more.
The only period where you should take care not to rush in is November when you have a partial lunar eclipse in your 5th on November 19. If you have recently met someone new, then take things slowly. Others may need to pay special attention to their children at this time. The rest of the year’s eclipses will involve your 6th/12th house axis. More on this shortly.
You start the year with Venus in your 1st making a trine to Uranus. One thing to bear in mind now and with the Now Age planets in your 2nd – personal image and how you see yourself will have a big influence on career progress and your earning ability now. Think not just investment dressing but investing in your future via your appearance, look, style and image. It could just pay dividends. Especially if you are seeking a new role. Look the part, Capricorn. Also, dress like you are a keeper when it comes to love.
Your creativity as well as your powers of attraction will be at a height in May. All thanks to Venus in your 5th. Children, babies, millennials, young people and teenagers may play a larger role than usual. If you have teenagers at home, they may challenge you or test the boundaries this year. And you may find yourself having to reach for new ways to communicate with them. You’ll find old authoritarian models don’t work. Also, step back and ask yourself if they are reflecting a need within you to rebel on some level?
You may find creative pursuits or hobbies are an excellent outlet not just for children but for you too. Writing, painting, photography, journalism, acting, teaching, presenting, influencing and the internet hand you an Access All Areas pass. Again, this may influence how you earn a living. You have Neptune, planet of inspiration in your 3rd. This opens up the realms of fantasy and imagination to you. Storytelling, ideas and channelling that muse.
Jupiter also enters this house briefly in May. It will only remain in here for two months before re-entering your 2nd again on July 28th. But take this as handing you a preview of what 2022 has in store for you in terms of business, commuting and giving you a glimpse of just how far an idea can take you.
June and July see Venus, the Sun and Mercury in your 7th making this another excellent phase for duos of all descriptions. Including working ones. Keep in mind all year what I said about how attracting love should be effortless without you needing to chase it.
As I mentioned earlier, the majority of this year’s eclipses occur on the 6th/12th house axis of your chart. The first on May 26th is a total lunar eclipse in your 12th. Emotionally, this is a blind spot for you. Think of the card of The Hermit in the Tarot. In fact, meditating on this card at this time may uncover just what is being concealed now. The Hermit holds a lamp which is the only light in the darkness. The lamp represents intuition and wisdom. So, heed those hunches and follow up on insight now.
The next eclipse will be a solar one in your 6th on June 10th. This is about the mind/body/spirit dynamic. It is about the effects of what you do every day. What you eat, drink, exercise (or not), your work (paid or unpaid) and the effect all this has on your overall wellbeing. This is an Annular eclipse which results in a ‘ring of fire’. So, you have a glimpse of the truth. But not the whole picture.
Venus enters your 1st on November 5th, but it is slowing down to prepare for a rare retrograde in your sign from December 19. Love will go on hold or reverse at this point. And Venus’s arrival occurs days before the eclipse in your 5th (19th) which is why you need to slow down when it comes to any matters of the heart. We have one final eclipse in your 12th on December 4. This is a total eclipse in your house of secrets, spirituality and hidden truths. So, take it you are utterly in the dark or this is a ‘blind spot’ for you. What is concealed may not now be revealed until 2022.
But take it that by the time the Sun enters your sign on December 21st, you should be looking back on a year where you have seen significant improvements around your income, money, values and love compared to the years previously. Jupiter will re-enter your 3rd on December 29th promising expansion, travel and learning opportunities for 2022. What you say or communicate will turn out to be your ticket to success. 2021 is the year where you begin the funding process for you future.
Capricorn is an Earth sign ruled by Saturn the lord of responsibility. The most tenacious sign of the Zodiac Capricorn will always reach the top of the mountain. Powerful, strong and forceful Capricorns are capable of great success. Your soul lesson is learn to let go sometimes and let someone love you!
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