Can't get into the game! Error!!!

Can't get into the game! Error!!!


WARNING: Do not try to update the game files of another client, especially of outdated timelines (Interlud etc.), we use the Classic version, so only download and update the client from
WARNING: If antivirus scolds the MMOAGE.exe updater - add it to exceptions, this is due to lack of signature.

Updating files

In the game folder you should find the System folder and then delete it

Run our "Updater" MMOAGE.exe, it will do a quick check of the files and update the client to the current version. Usually you need to update 100-200Mb.

Waiting for the updater to download all the files

It didn't work for me!

  1. Make sure you are using our game client
  2. Added "Updater" "MMOAGE.exe" to antivirus exceptions and tried a Full check
  3. Updated the video card drivers

Where to go if you have not been able to resolve your issue?

Report Page