Cannabis On The Ballot In 5 States: Our Predictions

Cannabis On The Ballot In 5 States: Our Predictions

Cannabis On The Ballot In 5 States: Our Predictions Cannabis Training University October 27, 2020, 7:12 pm Cannabis is on the ballot in 5 states. Here are our predictions on which states will pass medical and adult-use weed. In exactly one week, voters will flock to the polls across the country. Many… Weed Talk NEWS - Trump Shuts Down a Marijuana Promo, Michigan Surges, and When Do We Vote, Again? High & Marijuana Blog | Cannabis October 25, 2020, 5:00 am What is new this week in the marijuana industry? Join Jimmy Young of Pro Cannabis Media, Curt Dalton of, Debra Borchardt of the Green Market Report, Solomon Israel of Marijuana Business… Nearly 75,000 Pot Plants Eradicated In Southern California News – High Times October 28, 2020, 12:09 am The total number of cannabis plants were racked up over the last six months.

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