Cancer Erogenous Zone

Cancer Erogenous Zone


Cancer Erogenous Zone
Originally Published: June 20, 2018
Aries (March 21 - April 19): Your Hair
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Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Your Neck And Throat
Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Your Arms
Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Your Boobs
Leo (July 23 - August 22): Your Spine
Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Your Torso
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Libra (September 23 - October 22): Your Bum
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Everywhere
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Your Hips And Thighs
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Your Legs
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Your Calves And Ankles
Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Your Feet
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The simplest way to take your sex life to the next level.
If you're looking for a super simple way to take your sex life to the next level, your zodiac sign is key. In astrology, each sign is associated with at least one part of the body, starting with Aries, who rules over the head, to Pisces, who rules over the feet. These are areas of the body that tend to be more prone to ailments and are sensitive to touch. According to astrologers, these are considered to be the zodiac sign erogenous zones . Whether you're looking for ways to pleasure your partner or make yourself feel good, each zodiac sign has at least one area of the body to focus on.
Erogenous zones are parts of our body with heightened sensitivity to arousal. While a lot of people share certain core spots ( like the famous seven Monica outlined in Friends ), a lot of the physical and emotional response varies from person to person. For instance, a Capricorn, whose sign rules over the skeletal system , might get pleasure from a sensual back massage, while a Libra, who's associated with the butt area , would love a playful spank. It's truly up to the individual.
So if you've been stuck in a rut or a routine in bed, and you're looking for something to give you a little added energy, you can turn to the zodiac . Astrologers have found that your zodiac sign doesn't just exist in your personality; It can resonate in your body too. And while no zodiac recommendation is going to be a one-size-fits-all solution, it may be fun for a bit of exploration when you're looking for it.
With that said, here is your erogenous zone, based on your zodiac sign.
While your hair is, technically, not a living part of your body, it can feel really, really good to be touched. Especially if you're an Aries. " Aries love to have their hair stroked and played with, as the head is ruled by Aries," astrologist Lisa Stardust tells Bustle. "Gentle hair play brings tingles down their spine, awakening their senses, and gets them in a hot blooded mood." So whether it's a little tug, or a soft nuzzle, a touch to your hair might be just what you're looking for.
While you might not be into a good old-fashioned hickey, if you're a Taurus, you should still be aiming for some action on the neck.
"Soft kisses to the back of the neck will drive Taurus crazy ! The throat chakra is ruled by Taurus, and any gentle action to the neck or throat will make any bull run wild," Stardust says. So whether you want to take it a step further or not, don't forget the place between your lips and your breasts.
Of all of the zodiac erogenous zones, this is one of the more surprising. But for Geminis, it's a great little secret. "Winged messenger Mercury rules Gemini, which makes their arms super sensitive. A little feather tickle up the arms will drive Gemini into a sexual head spin," Stardust says. So if you're a Gemini, see what happens when you ask your partner to play with your arms a bit more. You may be in for some fun.
Everyone has 'em. So don't leave them out. " Cancer rules the breasts ," Stardust says. "Gentle kissing, light massages to the chest and breast will delight even the most crabby of Cancers." This erogenous zone is particularly fun because Cancers can get turned on by even the most subtle attention to their boobs, which can make the excitement of foreplay all that much sexier.
Next time your hands wrap around your Leo partner, pause a while. Leo's erogenous zone is rooted in their spine. "A back massage, particularly to the spine, will make every Leo’s heart soar with passion, as the warm sensations run throughout their body, making their hearts race," Stardust says. Plus, a good back massage can be good for the body and increase emotional intimacy. It's quite the win-win.
Virgo can get turned on by even the gentlest play. And play around the torso is especially exciting. "The torso is the hidden erogenous spot for Virgos ," Stardust says. "Kisses and light biting up and down their torsos, stomachs, and waistlines makes even the most docile of Virgos excited." So make some time to focus on this part of your body next time you're alone or with a partner, and see whether you discover something new.
When done right, a lot of people enjoy a little light spanking. But for Libras, anything in that region can be a huge turn-on. "The buttocks is the pleasure spot for Libras, as [they are] ruled by the butt. Libras love to have their backend cheeks gently stroked or hit gently with a love tap," Stardust says. Plus, if you're a Libra who's definitely interested in this type of touch, and are looking for more (or have thought about it), it might be a sign that anal play is right for you. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it, right?
Scorpios: lucky you. The nature of your sign means that you whole body is ripe for sexual pleasure. "Light touching and teasing all over the body can send Scorpio into depths of intense arousal. Passionate by nature, the whole body is their erogenous zone ," Stardust says. So put it to good use.
This is hard to mention without immediately launching into " Ayo Technology ," 50 Cent and Justin Timberlake's 2007 hit, but Sagittarius: your hips and thighs are, in fact, where it's at. "Massages to the thighs, hips, and upper legs drive Sadges wild, as their most powerful sexual spots are being activated by touch," Stardust says. So remember to go a little bit farther south when you're going downtown to maximize pleasure.
And good luck getting "your hips, your thighs, they got me hypnotized" out of your head.
Once again, as the zodiac progresses, it seems that the sign's erogenous zones are being found further and further down the body. But who cares? There's more to explore. "Getting a little leg action, even a light touch to the thigh, can drive Capricorn crazy . Earthy Capricorn loves the power of connection through touch," Stardust says. So run your fingers up your partners' leg, or kiss them when your partner's legs are over your shoulders . Do whatever it takes to satisfy your Capricorn partner's urge to connect.
Aquarius, the water-bearer, likes to stay sexually grounded at the root of their body: their calves and ankles. " Aquarius rules calves and the ankles of the body," Stardust says. "Light biting or kissing to the ankles will make Aquarius hot, especially during intercourse." If you both are into it, try tying your Aquarius partner's ankles up in handcuffs , or tickling their calves. It might drive them wilder than you'd expect.
Last but certainly not least is the Pisces, who is surprisingly turned on by touches to their feet. "A nice good foot massage will make Pisces swim fast with delight and pleasure, as they will feel calm and centered — and sexually robust," Stardust says. Perhaps think of it as their little internal fish gaining legs, and feeling that sensation for the first time. Or think of it as an opportunity to explore foot play that you'd previously written off. Do whatever feels right for you.
Your erogenous zones are up to you to explore, but sometimes peoples' interests have more in common than you'd expect. Exploring your relationship to your body through the zodiac can be really fun, and since you're looking into erogenous zones, pretty low-risk. Just try a light brush or touch to your sensitive body part, and see how it feels. You may learn something new.
This article was originally published on June 20, 2018

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Can you imagine understanding mathematical errands without learning the basics of addition subtraction division & multiplication. The answer is a universal number, so this is what our zodiac signs are for each one of us. Our zodiac can give you so many intricate characteristics about us to which we were blind always. So is here to give you sneak peek into your zodiac.

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Every sign in the zodiac has at least one or two hidden erogenous zones on their body that have to power to get them seriously turned-on.
Some signs love having their hair played with, some are suckers for those neck kisses and some will melt if you give them a sensual back massage.
So today, I present to you, the hidden erogenous zones of the zodiac signs!
Aries erogenous zone: their head, face and hair.
Aries can’t say no to a deep and satisfying head massage. Not only will it leave them feeling calmer and happier… but it can put them in a state of total arousal.
They’ll also shiver with waves of euphoria if you gently run your fingers through their hair!
Taurus erogenous zone: the back of their neck.
The Taurus has a hidden erogenous zone right on the back of their neck.
Simply running your fingers up and down this area can induce a powerful response and sensual kisses can drive them crazy with lust!
Gemini erogenous zone: their hands and arms.
Geminis are surprisingly responsive to being touched on their hands and arms.
Massaging the back of their hand as well as giving them a light tickle up their arms can seriously raise their arousal levels.
Cancer erogenous zone: chests, abs and breasts.
Cancers are extremely sensitive and receptive to touch around their chest area. They love to be kissed, massaged and can even get into a bit of soft biting.
Anything involving their nipples is also a surefire way to get them hot and bothered!
Leo erogenous zone: their back and shoulders.
Leos have a bit of a weakness for being touched anywhere on their back area. They love deep and sensual shoulder and back massages.
Running your fingers along their spine is also a surprisingly effective way to gets their endorphin’s going.
Virgo erogenous zone: their stomach and waistline.
Virgos have a hidden erogenous zone right in the middle of their stomachs. When touched around this area it can induce arousal and have a very powerful effect on them.
Kissing them along their waistline is also sure to drive them wild!
Libra erogenous zone: their lower back area.
The Libra has an erogenous zone tucked away on their lower back. Simply giving them a gentle massage around this area can be a powerful way to send their libido soaring.
Throw in a few light scratches too and you can make them lose their mind!
Scorpio erogenous zone: their genital region.
Sure, most people get hot and bothered having their junk touched but for Scorpio this is especially true.
Their biggest erogenous zone is focused and concentrated right around their genital region making them extremely sensitive to even the lightest of touch.
Sagittarius erogenous zone: their thighs and hips.
If you’re looking to turn a Sagittarius on then you should pay close attention to their thighs and hips.
These little-known erogenous zones are extremely responsive to any sort of touching, kissing, or massaging.
Simply running your hands lightly along their inner thigh can be enough to make them weak at the knees!
Capricorn erogenous zone: their legs and knees.
The Capricorn has an erogenous zone right around their knees and legs. This often overlooked area is super receptive to all kinds of physical contact.
Try running your hands up and down each of their legs and even lightly tickling the back of their knees and they’ll get giddy and playful real fast.
Aquarius erogenous zone: their calves and ankles.
It’s a well-kept secret that Aquarians are extremely sensitive around their calves and ankles.
Pay close attention to these areas the next time you’re showing them affection and you’ll be amazed at how receptive they are to your touch!
Pisces has a hidden erogenous zone right in the souls of their feet. If you offer them a foot massage you’ll find they rarely turn it down.
Play with their toes and gently rub the bottom of their feet and you’ll leave them feeling utterly relaxed and even a little turned-on!

Home » The Cancer Sexuality - Traits and Characteristics
Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac calendar and includes those born from 22nd June to 22nd July. Emotional and family-oriented, Cancer men and women bring the same qualities of sensitivity and nurturing to their sexual relationships as well. Being in love The Cancer is a complex personality and like the Crab whose sign they bear, they are tough on the outside but emotional and sensitive within. While a Cancer may take some serious wooing on your part, once committed to a relationship, they can be counted to stay away from affairs and do their best to make things work. It is common for Cancer partners to express their commitment as intense nurturing, whether you need it or not. So in a relationship with a Cancer, you might be pleasantly surprised to find that your girlfriend has baked you your favorite cake or that your boyfriend has remembered to bring a wrap along on a date night in case it gets chilly. But while they are sweet and caring on the whole, at times they can also come off as clinging and possessive, especially if you are the kind who lays great store by personal space and independence.
TIP: Click here to download the book 'How to Meet, Date and Keep the Man of your Dreams' Above all, Cancer lovers need to feel needed in a relationship. Not for them the airy detachment of an Aquarius or the intellectual companionship of a Gemini. For Cancerians being in love means deep emotional intimacy. And just as they want to share tier innermost feelings with you, you can also trust them to be perfectly attuned to your needs and desires. Interestingly despite their deeply emotional personalities, Cancer partners are not good at demanding affection openly or verbally. They take time to emerge from their shells but once they feel secure enough in a relationship, they will love you with everything they have. However in order to develop a close connection with your Cancer lover, ensure that you are always willing to listen to them, share with them your own feelings and often be extra demonstrative to satisfy the unspoken craving for affection. How to turn on a Cancer The best way to turn on a Cancer is make your partner feel needed. In case of women especially make time for a prolonged foreplay and focusing on sharing your deepest romantic emotions as you snuggle with her in front of the fire or share deep kisses out on the porch. The most erogenous zones for Cancer men and women are the breasts, chest and tummy. So, while caressing your girlfriend, use a gentle touch and when she begins to get aroused, lightly suck on her nipples and run over her stomach with the tips of your fingers. Women of this zodiac sign are more likely than others to cry after making love, primarily because for them the experience is an intensely emotional one. So if you want to keep your girlfriend, be there to hold her hand amidst her sniffles and don’t simply turn over and start snoring. Female Cancerians are incredibly sweet and graceful and the perfect find if you like your women to be soft and feminine. In order to seduce a Cancer man, Begin with tender loving romance that goes on all night long. He will love the feeling of your hands and fingers on his skin. Let your hands roam all over his body, brush gently along his cheeks, nibble, nip and lightly kiss him all over his face. Oral sex is another way you can be sure of pleasing your Cancer mate. Alternatively invest in some super soft, stretchy c­rings to bring you both some wild vibrations that will help make sure you enter the gates of paradise at the same time. There are few things a Sensual Cancer man enjoys more than crossing the finish line together ­ with the woman he loves. Sexual fantasies for Cancer lovers are usually intensely private and romantic. Most of them are in fact related to water which is why a long bubble-bath with your partner can turn into a truly amorous experience for you both. Other erotic scenarios include moonlight, dreamy landscapes and the soft gurgling of streams nearby. For a special night with your Cancer man, turn out in a long flowing gossamer gown preferably in aquatic shades. Or if you are keen to arouse your Cancer girlfriend, treat her to a dinner by the beach and feast on exotic sea-food dishes, avocado or grapes. Finally, make sure that your lovemaking is gentle, unhurried and focused as much on giving as on receiving pleasure. How to make it work The secret to sexual compatibility with a Cancer lover is emotional intimacy. Unless you are willing to bare your own soul and ready to receive your partner’s confidences and deepest feelings, you are unlikely to enjoy sex with him/her. The best way to ensure that you have a great time in bed with your Cancer lover is to ensure that you come off as caring and giving out of it. Go on long moonlit walks with your girlfriend or throw a surprise party for your boyfriend, celebrating the anniversary of the first time you met. Also remember that home and family score very high among the life priorities of both Cancer men and women. If you are not looking for a life partner, it is best to avoid playing around with your Cancer lover. Even in case of non-marital relationships, they are likely to avoid short flings and settle for long term partnerships. In case you want your Cancer partner for keeps, express delight in their nurturing personalities – for instance if your girlfriend prepares you favorite dish, don’t refuse by saying you are on a diet; refusal of food for Cancer women is like rejection of their love. The same affinity for home is evident in a Cancer male as well. For such men, the best kind of date night is a night in, cuddling with their partner and watching a classic black and white love story on DVD. Above all, be careful of what you say to your Cancer partner and more so, how you say it. As this sign is sensitive to the slightest rebuff, if you reject your lover’s overtures or refuse to share your feelings with them, they can take these things quite personally. As long as you are sensitive to their emotional needs, you can find in your Cancer man or woman one of the most caring and giving partners of the zodiac.
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