Can any one explain how bitcoin works?

Can any one explain how bitcoin works?


Bitcoin is a virtual currency that is only used digitally. Just as other currencies like the dollar, rupee, etc., bitcoin is a currency. And, we can't feel these kinds of virtual currencies in our hands or even see them.

How does Bitcoin work?

Look, it doesn't matter how Bitcoin works, it's more complicated. Let's just learn how Bitcoin works.

I've said before that Bitcoin is a kind of electronic currency or digital currency. And, for the use, exchange, or purchase of such currency, the Internet is needed.

Nowadays, there are lots of online wallet apps such as "Paytm“, “freecharge” etc. Just as, using this wallet app without having to hold money or looking at the eyes, we can digitally transfer money from our app to another's wallet app, just as Bitcoin and a virtual money type that you can never see or see in your hands. This whole process is done virtually or digitally via the Internet.

However, you must use one of the Bitcoin apps or websites such as Bitcoin exchange 

to sell or exchange Bitcoin.

Through the website or apps, you can see the numerical value or amount of bitcoin you have. And, through this bitcoin website or apps, you can buy and sell Bitcoin as needed. In general, people buy Bitcoin when demand is low in the market. Because when the market is low in demand, the value or value of each bitcoin will go down.

So, you can buy more bitcoin by spending less money. Again, when the demand for bitcoin increases again in the market, it will be more expensive. And, this is when you can sell bitcoins at a lower price, earn more profit or money.

You will also know through apps or websites, no more than the price or value of bitcoins you purchased.

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