Can I Make Money Spread Betting

Can I Make Money Spread Betting


May 4, 2020September 12, 2017 by Charles
Here at The Sure Bettor, we’re always on the lookout for great ways to make a profit from betting. You may not have heard of spread betting but we’re going to have a look at it today.
Spread betting is the process of placing a bet on a market to move in a given direction. Your profit depends on how much the market moves. Fixed-odds betting has a win/loss outcome.
The bettor knows how much they’ll win or lose depending on the result of the event. In spread betting, you predict which way a market will go.
If you predict correctly your profit increases in relation to how far the market goes. If you pick the wrong way your loss will increase with how far the market moves.
Betting on the price to increase is called going ‘long’ and betting on the price to decrease is called going ‘short.’
As you can see it’s quite a risky method. Your losses can far exceed any profits and it’s almost a complete gamble whether a price will increase or decrease.
Spread betting can also be used as a way of investing. An investor can stake money on a share price increasing or decreasing, the same as a betting market.
As the investor never owns any of the stock there is no capital gains tax to be paid on any profit so it makes spread betting rather enticing.
According to Tom Ryan, Director of Barclays Stockbrokers ‘17% of active investors are now using spread betting platforms.’ This is no longer just a method for city brokers but for anyone interested in investing.
However, as we’ve already said it’s a rather risky strategy and very few spread bettors are successful in what they do!
Sporting Index, one of the leading sports spread betting companies, recently launched the first spread betting app on Google Play Store.
This just goes to show that spread betting is aimed at a very wide consumer base. According to Jamie Adams, Product Manager at Sporting Index, there are several ‘innovations in the pipeline.’
I’m surprised there is so much interest in spread betting and it will be interesting to see where the industry heads next due to its inherent risks.
To answer the main question of this article: Yes, you can make money spread betting but we don’t advise it. There are too many risks involved.
In our honest and maybe slightly biased opinion matched betting is a much better way to make money online. There is no risk involved and all of our profits are tax-free. Granted, the winnings may not be as big as they can be in spread betting but our losses certainly won’t be painful.
If you’re looking for a great way to make a second income online matched betting is your answer. With expert help from sites like The Sure Bettor, you’ll be a pro in no time.
Sign up for a free trial today and see for yourself how awesome matched betting is. We’ll hopefully see you on the inside of the fastest growing matched betting community soon.
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Shobhit Seth is a freelance writer and an expert on commodities, stocks, alternative investments, cryptocurrency, as well as market and company news. In addition to being a derivatives trader and consultant, Shobhit has over 17 years of experience as a product manager and is the owner of He received his master's degree in financial management from the Netherlands and his Bachelor of Technology degree from India.
Spread betting can yield high profits if the bets are placed correctly. Most spread betting traders are successful only after creating a systematic trading plan following years of experience. Only a small percentage succeed and the majority fail. We look at the important factors for success and profitability for spread betting.
NOTE: Although popular in Europe and particularly in the United Kingdom, spread betting is illegal in the United States. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission prohibits the sale of foreign security futures products to retail investors based in the U.S.1
Assume a stock is trading at 300 pence. But due to its illiquid nature, the bid-ask spread is wide at 290–310 pence. Because of the wide spread, a buyer who pays 310 pence for their position doesn't make a profit even if the stock jumps 3.33% to 310 pence.
Now take a similarly priced but highly liquid stock. Its spread is tighter at 298–302 pence. A buyer who pays 302 pence for the position will profit after a smaller move. Betting on instruments with tight spreads improves the potential for profits significantly.
How much total trading capital is available? How much money will be used per spread bet? How frequently will spread bets be placed? Answers to such questions help create an efficient trading plan.
Having £50,000 and blowing £25,000 on a first bet will leave you at a significant loss. With the remaining £25,000, you need to gain 100% profit just to recover your lost money. The profitability of spread betting can be improved substantially when one enters with a clearly defined spread betting plan, which is based on total capital, bet amount per sequential bet, and frequency of placing the bets.
Structuring bets properly can allow one to be profitable in the long run, even if your losing trades outnumber your winning trades. Consider Ami, who on average wins 4 of every 5 bets, while Ben only wins 1 of every 5 bets. Whose trades are more profitable?
On the surface, the answer would seem to be Ami, but it depends on bet sizing and the risk-reward scenario.
The key is placing bets in the right size given the risk versus potential reward. Losing multiple small bets for the chance of a single big win can pay off if trades are structured properly.
A UK-based spread betting firm like CityIndex offers spread betting across 45 global markets, with asset classes including stocks, indices, forex, commodities, metals, bonds, options, interest rates, and sectors. 
Most novices tend to simultaneously play around in multiple markets and securities without a clear understanding. One should build expertise in a few asset classes. Attempting to generalize will lead to mounting losses.
Most spread betting firms offer a free practice demo account. Learn the tricks of the trade, backtest the structured betting plan, and practice it multiple times before jumping in with real money. Markets will remain forever, but real money lost during an initial phase of ignorant and inexperienced attempts will be difficult to recover.
Once comfortable with virtual returns, enter with real money. Start small and then expand as the betting profits increase.
Spread betting is available on leverage, which magnifies profit (and loss) exposure despite limited capital. With £100, a 10% leverage margin can allow one to make bets for up to £1,000. Leverage is a double-edged sword. It magnifies profits when a bet works favorably, but also the losses if it goes wrong.
Successful spread bettors use leverage efficiently with tight controls, while novices get tempted to take large positions and end up blowing their accounts. Controlling the leverage usage, based on a realistic availability of the capital amount, is necessary for success in spread betting.
While devising a trading plan, or while comparing performance from different trading activities, it is important to factor in the tax benefits available in spread betting. This is a very significant factor in making genuine profits.
Spread betting, though illegal in the U.S., is very popular in the U.K. and European countries. It offers potential for high profits, but most traders when they start due to inexperience. Building sufficient knowledge, selecting the right instruments, and practicing and backtesting a trading system can assist in generating profits from spread betting.
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The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation. This compensation may impact how and where listings appear. Investopedia does not include all offers available in the marketplace.
Options Trading Strategy & Education
Spread betting refers to speculating on the direction of a financial market without actually owning the underlying security.
Guerrilla trading is a short-term trading technique that aims to generate small, quick profits while taking on very little risk per trade.
Pyramiding is a method of increasing a position size by using unrealized profits from successful trades to increase margin.
Forex scalping is a method of trading where the trader typically makes multiple trades each day, trying to profit off small price movements.
Novice or introductory traders can use micro-lots, a contract for 1,000 units of a base currency, to minimize and/or fine-tune their position size.
A forex trading strategy is a set of analyses that a forex day trader uses to determine whether to buy or sell a currency pair.
Investopedia is part of the Dotdash publishing family.

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