Can I Celebrity Blog

Can I Celebrity Blog


Niche blogging – Creating a celebrity/gossip blog – first part
I am going to start a session of tutorials, to explain how you can get informed and how you can create a blog for specific niches, some blogging tips which have helped me. I am doing this because I have a few blogs in different niches and I want to share with you my experience. You’ll see that it is simple, the only thing you need is time and patience, because the results appear after a few months of blogging, four or five months to be more exactly.
In this first part I will show you some tips and tricks for the celebrity/gossip niche. Why this niche? Because it’s fairly simple to write articles about stars, where they go, where they eat and so on. On the other hand there is a lot of information on the internet about gossip that makes this niche important and easy to generate traffic and money.
What should you know about the celebrity niche?
The most important thing you should know when you are in this niche, is that pictures (especially) and videos have an important role in the equation, the content is on the second plan. Why? Because it’s a little hard to get with content on the first page in google for certain keywords. Google images is much more important for this type of blogs, because with a lot of pictures which have a great name and description it’s easy to get on the first page. I’ll explain this method to get traffic later on in this article.
So how should you start a celebrity blog?
The domain name – branding is good!
A lot of SEO gurus would say that including keywords such as celebrity, gossip, stars in the domain name is the best solution. They are right, but not for this niche! If you research a bit you’ll see that:
You should buy a domain name that doesn’t have any relationship with the celebrity/gossip niche because it will be much easier to remember and create a brand of your own. Here are two examples of domain names that don’t use specific keywords: and
I am going to talk only about wordpress themes because you should use a paid hosting plan with the best blogging platform installed – wordpress. In this niche, your blog’s design is not so important, many of the famous celebrity blogs lack of design. In my opinion you should use a simple wp theme, with three columns and then mode it yourself, especially the header. You should add some shiny things like stars and an illustration depending on your domain name and of course, don’t forget the logo!
Also here are a few wordpress themes you should take in consideration (I am thinking to design one myself soon):

Simple Theme This is a simple wordpress theme, made by me, which is very simple to mode, widgets ready with some good ad positioning.
Elixir wp theme – For those who like colors – it is simple and nice. Also pink color is very good celebrity, gossip blogs.
GossipCity – The name says it all – it has all you need to start blogging about celebs and gossip
This is the first part of the tutorial “Creating a celebrity/gossip blog”. In the next part I’ll show you the best solution on how to stay informed, how to write an article based on pictures, promoting pictures to recive traffic, CPC vs CPM and a few more things in part three. Stay tuned!
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Things are slow and I'm running out of things to amuse myself. I think reading celebrity blogs are the way to fill my time! So where can I find them? I've read all about how Mariah Carey started showing signs of insanity in her blog, and someone else did too. I've got to get on that bandwagon! I want to be among the first to smell upcoming trouble.

So I rephrase my question to, where can I find incipient lunatic celebrity blogs?
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