Can Ether (Ethereum) be converted to Bitcoins (BTC)? If yes, then how?

Can Ether (Ethereum) be converted to Bitcoins (BTC)? If yes, then how?


For Ethereum Bitcoin conversion you can follow the given below steps

  • STEP 1: Select the coins ETH in the left dropdown and BTC in the right downtown and click “View all Offers”. It will show all the offers from exchanges for ETH to BTC conversion.
  • STEP 2: Select the recommended exchange or any other exchange you like.
  • STEP 3: Enter your wallet address of BTC to receive the converted amount and click 'Next'. This will create your order and will show an address of the coin ETH.
  • STEP 4: Transfer ETH from your wallet to the above provided address. Your coins will be exchanged and you will receive BTC in your wallet. Simple!

Visit here to exchange Ethereum to Bitcoin

ETH BTC Price Details | Ethereum to Bitcoin Exchange Rates

1 ETH will give you 0.03538982 BTC currently. In the last 24 hours, the highest ETH BTC exchange rate was recorded at 0.03551771 and the lowest at 0.03527511. CoinSwitch provides you with the trend reversal in exchange rate, which can help you gain a better understanding of the coin. BTC price fallen by -1.71312% in past one hour and decreased by -1.28553% in the last 24 hours.

In the last 24-hour time frame, the ETH BTC exchange volume is 2,420,751 BTC, which means that these many ETH BTC trading happened over a period of 24 hours.

ETH BTC Exchange Benefits

ETH to BTC exchange is asset worthy and can give you the following benefits. Bitcoin is an innovative and revolutionized payment system, which is much more advanced and developed compared to Ethereum. BTC payments are processed through a network of computers linked through a shared program.

Bitcoin is highly scalable as the lightning network enables instantaneous transactions, which are much more efficient and faster than any transactions. It has even incorporated SegWit (the Segregated Witness soft-fork) to solve transaction malleability. The best part is that Bitcoin purchases are discreet, i.e the user can stay anonymous while making a transaction. Last but not least, the BTC transaction costs are kept very low since Bitcoin transactions have no intermediary institutions or government involvement.

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