Camping Spanking

Camping Spanking


Camping Spanking

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Subject: Spankings While On Vacation / Travelling?
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Date Posted: 19:10:30 01/12/16 Tue

Currently travelling on business, and overheard a short spanking a room or two down. Sounded like a boy and girl. Girl got about 5 smacks, boy about double that after being yelled at for a minute or so.

It certainly brought back memories! I remember plenty of hotel spankings, and how everybody must have heard them through the paper-thin walls.

If it was a long trip, my parents would usually pack the strap in the suitcase, otherwise the belt or plastic spoon were usually along for the trip anyway.

I still recall a trip to Hawaii when I was 15. My mom had stopped packing the plastic spoon a few years prior, as it was generally my dad who took care of my punishments at that point. The strap was not packed, nor was a belt, since my dad only brought shorts on the trip.

I was acting up one afternoon and called my mom some names. After being chased around the room by my dad, I made the bad choice of going out on the balcony and closing the door. He flung the sliding door open so hard that it actually knocked the door partially off the rail (this resulted in a second spanking later that evening, with a belt purchased downstairs for the sole purpose of spanking me), came out with an ethernet cord, and whipped my ass severely on the balcony. I'm sure plenty of people in the hotel across the street witnessed the show from their balconies. That was the second time in my life I had been spanked with a cord, and it was just as excruciating as the first.

How was anybody else punished on vacation? Were spankings common?

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings While On Vacation / Travelling?

Date Posted: 08:06:35 01/14/16 Thu

We got a few spankings growing up when we were on vacation, my parents certainly didn't change how they dealt with misbehaving just because we were all on vacation.
As a dad now I've given a few myself as well.

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings While On Vacation / Travelling?

Date Posted: 13:17:36 01/14/16 Thu

My sisters and I have got our share in motel rooms and rest area restrooms my parents small paddle fit in my moms purse and my dad packed belts for his pants and spanking .As a mom I take the wooden spoon we spank with in my purse.

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings While On Vacation / Travelling?

Date Posted: 03:30:17 01/16/16 Sat

Our parents were softer during the vacation, and definitely stricter during the school year which did not mean that wouldn't get spanked when my parents decided I needed to. However there was less need to, because I enjoyed travelling to different places and the fear that my parents would send me to my relatives instead of taking me with them, worked as a better deterrent than a whipping.

Looking back, I do remember one hotel spanking which a memory I have tried to push away earlier - My dad stayed in Portugal for a short while for business, and my mom took me there for maybe ten days or so holiday. My sisters stayed with my cousins, so it was a real quality time for me with just my parents. We stayed in a small family run hotel, the son of the hotel owner who was a year older than me ”worked” there basically hanging around with me and an other boy who was also 12 and from Germany - three of us made good friends and I had great time with them. I even got my own very small room ”of a garcon” for myself with a door straight to the garden and the pool.

Everything went great until the last night there. There was a nice restaurant in the hotel, and my parents took me there for a bit better dinner, all dressed up and everything. First everything went great, but then I started behaving badly at the table and it ended up people looking at us. That was enough for my dad, with a calm voice he told me to get up and follow him into my room right there and then. I knew I screwed up badly, there was no much need for any talking in the room, I knew what to do: take off my pants, bent over the bed and get the hiding from my dad's belt. I was lucky, because this time dad saved me from more embarrassment and did not make me come back to the restaurant and face all the other people who had just seen what had happened earlier. My dad went back to the restaurant alone, and I stayed in the room. I cried a bit of embarrassment and disappointment for ruining the last day of the wonderful holiday. I did not even put my pants back on but lay on my stomach feeling disappointed and sorry for myself. Soon I calmed down and got other things in my mind. My parents came late to their room, it was already late but I was still awake and the way dad left me earlier. I put my pants on, tidy up myself and knocked their door to apologize my mom. I felt so bad of myself that I almost requested for an other punishment, but luckily did not.

I kind of got a second punishment the next morning as we left the hotel and when I saw my new friends for the last time in the hotel foyer. The sad and empathetic look they gave me, but also the small grin on their face: I realized that it was an old building with thick walls but paper thin doors and half open windows with wood covers. I am sure that most other hotel guests were away from their rooms when I got the strap, but my friend most likely had been nearby and possibly overheard my belt licking - if not seen something between the wood window covers. I did not say them anything as we left, so big was my embarrassment.

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings While On Vacation / Travelling?

Scott for Pete
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Date Posted: 19:57:30 01/16/16 Sat

Most of our family vacations were car trips in the station wagon. Accompanying us on every trip was the paddle that was kept under the drivers seat. It got used both roadside and in the motel room at night on me and my siblings as needed.

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings While On Vacation / Travelling?

Date Posted: 09:30:11 02/08/16 Mon

We used to go on caravan holidays in the summers when I was a boy. Me and my brothers were still spanked if we misbehaved just as if we were at home. I got two holiday spankings, one time when I was 7 remember getting a hand spanking over my dad's knee and the second one was a belt spanking off dad when I was 13.

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings While On Vacation / Travelling?

Date Posted: 10:39:30 02/17/16 Wed

I can remember one occasion going on holiday on a train and being disobedient and naughty during the journey.Dad said that despite being on holiday I would get a good spanking when we arrived at our hotel.Hoping Dad would forget this I tried to keep out of his way until we arrived but he hadn't forgotten and as soon as we went into the room he gave me a lecture and after picking up his slipper bent me over the bed and gave me a really good spanking.What a start to my holiday.

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Date Posted: 12:40:29 04/07/16 Thu

There was a rest stop a few hours down the road that we'd pass on long trips. It was better than most with running water, lots of trees and semi-private picnic areas. It was also a point where we could get out of the car. Often we got spanked there for misbehavior in the car on the way.
Once my brother and cousin and I were acting up and told to calm down. Then the car pulls over and my brother and I start saying how we'd be better and not to spank us and give us another chance. My mom said that we were just pulling over for a break. My dad laughed. My mom said that if we thought we were that bad, then a spanking might be good for us. She gave us each a play mock type of spanking as we played a long. My sister thought it was funny.
We got pulled over her lap one by one and not hit that hard. Mostly for show. The final three were "real" ones with our pants down. We we're laughing through it.

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings While On Vacation / Travelling?

Date Posted: 21:45:47 04/10/16 Sun

a couple of years ago when my son was 7 I took him camping in the hills near a small town in derbyshire, uk. and mostly we had a great time, just dad and son hanging out. but towards the end of trip his behaviour turned for the worse and i started to warn him that his bottom was in danger,

he knew i was not likely to spank him at the campsite due to the number of people and not wanting trouble from busybodies etc, but what he hadnt thought of was the four miles of mostly deserted fields and hills between the town and the campsite,

so after the second evening in a row of very bad behaviour I told him he was in trouble and we started to walk towards the site, saying no more about it, about half way i took a detour off a path and sat down on a stone bench behind a stone wall someway off the road, reminded him of my promise and asked him if he thought his behaviour had improved, he agreed that he had not been a very good little boy and promised to try harder, I told him it was too late then i took down his trackies and undies, bent him over my lap and gave him a quick but hard spanking with my hand, promising a bigger one if he didnt sort himself out, he cried quite a bit and then we carried on walking back to the campsite, for the rest of the holiday he was really well behaved and we had a great time.

the spanking was louder than i expected and it echoed like crazy in the valley, I thought that sure someone, somewhere must have heard it for sure but would have no idea where it was coming from, i must admit i found the idea quite funny, a disembodied spanking bouncing around the valleys of derbyshire late on a summer evening, scaring the locals and letting them know that somewhere, some naughty little kid was getting his bottom roasted for pushing his dad too far

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings While On Vacation / Travelling?

Date Posted: 07:48:23 04/20/16 Wed

We went to Mexico about every year either in the summer or at Christmas. We never stayed in motel, but we usually stayed with extended family or friends. At one aunt's house, I had a horrible attitude from being in the car all day. I threw a fit at dinner, which was very embarrassing to my parents. My dad took me to the next room and gave me one of the hardest spankings he ever gave me. It was much worse than a similar offense at home would have been. He didn't say it, but I could tell it was worse because he was really upset I was acting this way in front of family we didn't know very well who were letting us stay with them and had made us dinner.

One time we drove to California from Texas with my grandma, aunt, and two cousins. There were four kids I think 11, 10, and two 8 year olds. My mom bought a paddle from a truck stop. I think that scared all four of us into our best behavior because no one got spanked that whole trip.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Spankings While On Vacation / Travelling?

Gary Steven
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Date Posted: 08:42:02 05/15/18 Tue

You mentioning the paddle your' mom purchased is pretty funny. I noticed when I was traveling as a kid, that many of the gift shops had novelty paddles with pictures and sayings on them such as "Hyde Tanner", "Heat for the Seat" and so forth. Usually the paddles were located right in the front of the gift shops. Suggestive selling maybe? We were in Hodgenville, KY at Lincoln's Birthplace and went into the gift shop and sure enough the very first counter had paddles on display. There was one that had a picture of a deer and a bear on it and it said "For the cute little DEER with a BEAR behind". My mom decided she wanted to buy that paddle. It was put to use on my bare behind that very day in the car out in the parking lot of Lincoln's Birthplace.

I went on a long overdue vacation last year, honestly my first vacation as an adult. My travel companion and I went to a lot of gift shops in our travels and sadly, not one sells the novelty paddles anymore. Just a novelty from days gone by I guess.

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings While On Vacation / Travelling?

Date Posted: 08:23:17 04/22/16 Fri

I only remember one holiday spanking. Me and my brother went off exploring from the campsite without permission and were gone for a few hours without mum and dad knowing where we were. When we returned we were marched back to the caravan where we both had a trip over dad's knee for a good spanking.

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings While On Vacation / Travelling?

Date Posted: 11:13:35 04/22/16 Fri

I was always warned in advance that any acting up while on the trip would result in a very hard spanking. I do remember one when we were on a picnic. My cousins were there and we were getting a little wild. We ran off and were playing in mud puddles. We came back 1/2 hour late for lunch all wet and muddy. Our parents dragged us off to the restrooms, and we all got a spanking! Luckily It wasn't too embarrassing because we all got it! I'm sure there were others, but I don't remember.

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings While On Vacation / Travelling?

Date Posted: 19:12:25 05/06/16 Fri

Growing up, my family went camping a lot. It was cheaper than motels and theme parks, and it was a lot of fun. I remember one spanking I got while we were camping. I liked to go exploring in the woods around the campsite. One time, Mom told me not to wander off too far because we'd be eating soon, but like a typical 12-year-old boy, I lost track of time.

When I didn't come back after awhile, my parents were frantic and went looking for me. There were several other families camping near us, and they helped look.

When I finally wandered back to camp, my parents were relieved that I was OK, but they were so mad too! Dad pulled off his belt and grabbing me by the arm, he pulled me over to a nearby picnic table. He yanked my jeans down, bent me over the table and whipped me with the belt.

Besides my own family looking on, the other families camping there, including several teenage girls, couldn't help but see and hear my prolonged whipping. That was just one of several spankings I got on our camping vacations, but that one was the most public one I received growing up.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Spankings While On Vacation / Travelling?

Alan to Ryan
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Date Posted: 08:07:35 05/09/16 Mon

That must have been embarrassing! Did you get to keep your underwear up? Did any of others say anything to you afterwards?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Spankings While On Vacation / Travelling?

Ryan to Alan
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Date Posted: 18:42:50 05/10/16 Tue

Hi Alan. It was very embarrassing, even if I did at least get to leave my undies on. The underwear didn't provide much protection from the belt, though. I was crying and carrying on, but no one said anything afterward. I think they all felt sorry for me.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Spankings While On Vacation / Travelling?

Alan to Ryan
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Date Posted: 08:09:18 05/13/16 Fri

Glad you got to keep your undies on. What type were they?

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings While On Vacation / Travelling?

Date Posted: 09:45:36 12/23/17 Sat

We 3 kids were acting up,while traveling across country in our Dodge van,distracting Dad. He didn’t want to stop,so Mom crawled into the back. There was a padded space,between a small fridge,on one side and a sink on the other,leading to the front of the van. One at a time,Mom had each of us bend over the end of the pad,and spanked us. The ceiling of the van was low,(She and Dad couldn’t stand up straight),so she couldn’t raise her hand/arm as high as she usually did,but it was high enough,to come down hard enough,to get her point across. With the three of us now bawling,Mom went back to her seat up front. I never quite understood how spanking us was supposed to make us quiet down.🤔

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[> Subject: Re: Spankings While On Vacation / Travelling?

Date Posted: 21:29:23 12/27/17 Wed

I got quite a few vacation spankings. Probably the worst occurred on a car trip when I was 8 or 9. It was my mother, brother, sister, me, my aunt and uncle and my cousin my age all in a station wagon. Needless to say it was a bit crowded with four kids in the back seat.

This was 1957 or 1958 in Michigan. We were on some two lane (one in each direction) road someplace. As always there seemed to be construction. In those days, you'd alternate traffic through the construction zone. You'd all stop while traffic came through in the other direction. If the construction area was long so you coudln't see the other end, a flagman would give the last car that went through a sign that said "slow". You'd had it to the flagman at the other end so they'd know they could start sending traffic. They'd let a lot of cars go before changing direction because each change of direction meant that there was some wasted time with few cars moving. That meant you might sit for 30 or 40 minutes without moving.

With that background, we're sitting still, and our parents and many other parents let the kids out to play and burn some energy off. It's safe if you stay on the right side of the car because no traffic is moving. I don't remember exactly what we did, but both my cousin Eddie and I would up getting spanked right there at the side of the road with who knows how many bored kids standing around and bored adults in cars with nothing better to do than watch us get o
Jerk Mate
Chanel Santini Riding

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