Cammy Nipples

Cammy Nipples


Cammy Nipples
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sampson3121 2189d ago Show Replies(1)
Flewid638 2189d ago Show Replies(1)
goathouse774 2189d ago Show Replies(3)
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I (Robin Ek, TGG) honestly don´t know if I should laugh or cry when it comes to Capcom and "Street Fighter V", because there seems to be no end to Capcom´s censorship madness. As it appears as if Capcom has censored Cammy´s breast nipples in the latest patch of SFV. So this is my (Robin Ek, TGG) take on the matter.
Cool so maybe she had her nipples chopped off or something I hate this new generation, that gets offended on every little thing, it's so stupid. Can I say stupid or is that too offensive too?
Everything seems to be "offensive" nowadays, so there is a risk of that...
Maybe she's just warmer now after all that fighting? lol Worlds first game with heat-sensitive nipple physics confirmed!! Street Fighter's so REAL! /S Would be funny if that were true - they try to make it less 'hot' by raising the temperature haha ;^D
Cammy just got surgery done by Capcom to remove the nipples to make them look fake.
Everybody seems to be offended indeed. Just look at this outcry for digital nipples. *Rages over polygon boobs* - "Why are people offended so easy?!?!". Sad, pathetic and ironical, all in one. The human body has nipples indeed, therefor we can enjoy them IRL. Wouldnt want Zangiefs balls to be visable through the fabric either.
Dam tho.....not the nips Capcom . First it was the bounce, now it's like....."we need to make it even less realistic ...enter phase 2 of breast degradation!! whats phase 3 you ask???? Next, They wont cast a shadow!
Cammy can't be anatomically correct, but my daughter can watch her favorite recording artists perform onstage in lingerie at the music awards or see a "wardrobe malfunction" during the Super Bowl... yeah, that makes sense. Thanks, SJW's, for tackling the important issues first like nipples under clothing in video games instead of addressing the countless ways famous women can exploit their own sexuality to get ahead in life just by dressing like whores. My children are way more exposed to real world influences in pop culture than they are to video game nipples.
Yeah, this is going to seem like a really ridiculous statement....but people paid for those nipples. It should be goddamn illegal to manipulate content like this when people have already ****ing paid for it. SJW culture is out of control.
I admire your tenacity to go through all that effort to look for nipples.:) More seriously, Capcom is just weird with these things. I mean, I can see why some of the localization houses for some games seem to think they have to censor localized versions(although they don't really have to), but the stuff being censored from SFV is so marginal that it hardly seems worthwhile. I mean, the buttslap was one thing, but were people complaining about the nipples? It's not like they were gratuitous, and they wouldn't be out of the ordinary. To some people think that people shouldn't have nipples? @G20 Sad I know this, but when one is physically active, their blood is pumping more, and that will cause one's nipples to become more....prominent. Happens for males and females, it's not a gender thing. Life lesson for the day I suppose. That being said, I expect Team Ninja to upstage Capcom in their own nipple physics going forward. @TheCommentator While I"m sure you're aware, your kids are probably still exposed to worse things at school. Which is another issue which stems more from the things you speak about as people try to emulate these idols they look up to. To date, I don't really know many people that try to emulate any character from a video game....outside of comic, game, or anime conventions....maybe some in the real world, but certainly not a common thing. Kind of makes one wonder where the objective evidence is that these bad things in video games are having an effect on society. Heck, even some spurious anecdotal evidence would be very hard to come by. @TGG I mentioned in a comment the other day taking up arms. but instead, consider researching an article on just how much of the idol emulation we see in society from video games to see if kids are really looking up to these characters, and where the basis is that it's harmful to the perception of women by others, and somehow damaging to them since it's not being emulated, and I'd imagine one would be hard pressed to find others placing expectations on others based on a representation from a video game.
In the pc version they give it back and little extra too.
I pointed that out to Capcom via Twitter ;)
Let's take out a natural body part but leave in gun shots exploding heads and terrorists bombing building in games. People are f***ing retarded
Don't worry , they added nips to the male characters for you so that your nipple gaming content will still be satisfied.
Accidentally disagreed, I completely agree.
Stupid is offensive for sure. I usually use terms like idiot, dumbass, pansy and moron because those are way less offensive 😜️ Edit: This oversensitive bunch we have these days need to grow up (edit). All this offensive crap is making us go backwards as a society if you ask me
Consider these are the children born from the generation of those who preached free love and less control.
I am offended at your offense of offensive material offending people. BAN BAN.. jk I weep for the future of this country when everything is offensive to everyone. Grow a freaking backbone, and go elsewhere if you don't like. Always one to ruin things for everyone.
Can I join and be offended by people being offended by nipples? What's wrong with covered nipples?? Its part of the human body. Oh right.. we're in denial. There are no nipples.. are they gonna make her flat chested in street fighter v?
flip that and the same can be said about you. oh wait! you never looked at it that way before have you?
In previous generations they wouldn't have had them in the game to begin with, so it's hard to say whether people would have been offended or not.
Well, since cammy's first appearance, there was the butt crack riding leotard she wears, and no one was offended by that as I recall until this generation. I have a wall scroll of Chun-Li that I've had since the SNES days, and her nipples are clearly noticeable...along with a rather provocative "defeat" pose, and it was a pretty popular picture of her back in the day, and no one complained. The lack of nipple definition was likely more due to limitations in hardware than anything else....although I don't recall if the PS3/360 versions had that or not. Beyond that...who was actually complaining about it this time that Capcom felt the need to remove it? Certainly didn't make any news that I'm aware of. I think the reason it wasn't offensive in prior generations is more due to the fact that we didn't have an oversensitive group of control freaks invading the industry and community with their own ideals, and we were just allowed to enjoy what we wanted to without outside interference. Jack Thompson didn't get anywhere near the kind of respect the offended people are now, despite their actions and arguments being the same damn thing....just with a different reason to be triggered. Tomb Raider is the only game I can think of before around the middle of last gen that received any kind of negative feedback due to being overly sexual. Maybe Fear Effect, but that was kind of minimal since the game never really hit the mainstream.
I'm all against censorship, but this begs the question: If they had censored Zangief's bulge, would it receive the same outcry?
No female nipples in the game anymore? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!
Haven't nipples been offensive in the US for decades...weapons aren't of course.
I'm offended by your opinion! As such I'll do what everyone usually does to me, and report you as Trolling because my feels are more important than facts! If I tell the mods that I'm super triggered they might ban you!!1!1! I served in Vietnam - and had my nipples chopped off, your comment gave me a Vietnam Flashback Face and made me trigger myself so hard that I wet myself. Reported for trolling.
So stupid, but I blame the people who complained more than I blame capcom, though I'd prefer they didn't give in to the puritans. The human body has nipples. Deal with it.
"The human body has nipples. Deal with it." That´s the best comment that I´ve read so far today.
i blame both really, vocal minority complaining, then the company yielding artistic control.
"Deal with it" needs to make a comeback because the sensitivity of today is disgusting
Yep the censoring idiots can't counter it, works in so many ways. It's definitely making a comeback from what I've seen in the UK on social media these past few weeks (mainly in response to the Brexit 'petitions' and outcry from people who have no idea what 'democracy' is), it's a great counter to end an argument against those using political correctness in their arguments e.g. against those trying to justify womens 3 set vs mens 5 set tennis 'equal pay'.
@deadpooled I can definitely see why that would be considering the whole Brexit scenario. Nice to see that happening over there. Thanks for sharing 😊️ I hope one day there's some form of radical something that happens in the US. Something needs to happen to turn it from this whiny "you can't disagree with me or tell me I'm wrong because my momma says I'm the best, and rules don't apply to me" land back into something the world would be proud of
No female nipples in the game anymore? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!
The human body does indeed have nipples, This isn't talking about the human body, it's talking about a digital representation of a character. My question is this, Does her not having nipples adversely affect your game play? If it does, you're the one with the problem, not Capcom.
Why isn't your question, "Why is someone else so offended by her having nipples that them complaining compelled Capcom to remove them? What possible effect could her having prominent nipples actually have on those that are offended by it, and what could be so vastly devastating that it would compel those people to complain about it enough to get this change?" Her nipples don't affect anyone's game play, and outside of a few out there titillated by it, weren't doing anything either way to my knowledge. It was never a discussion of if it was good or bad in the game from those playing it, because it was a non-issue. But to someone, they must have been offended by it, and that seems like THEIR PROBLEM, WHICH THEY MADE INTO OUR PROBLEM, because we don't think developers or publishers should change their product to try and please every damn person on the planet because a select few feel they are so special that their beliefs are more important than the content creators or the players themselves. So, while you may see it as us complaining that the nipples were removed, we're actually complaining that they were removed for the wrong reasons. No one who played the game cared either way that I've ever seen, but most of us do care that things like this don't stop at digital nipples or butt slaps, because we've already seen as time has passed, that the slippery slope has already been traversed and we're headed into the bottomless valley where it won't ever stop. You see, we're not the one's asking developers to change their products. Others are. And those others are the ones we have problems with, because it means that the devs and pubs have to deal with these problems instead of just making the game the way they want to. Our problem is, at times when we do demand change for other things we consider more important than some digital nipples....say some consumer unfriendly corporate policy or not being gouged with limited content games at high prices....they don't listen. But now, these people that aren't even buying the games are complaining, and their complaints are being heard, and worse, action is actually being taken. So, you see where the problems lie now? We have problems, they don't care. Others have problems which have no real effect on said person...publisher cares. We, the gamers and customers get a press release about how the company is all about providing the best experience and things we complain about don't change.. These complainers complain, they sometimes get a press release, but often get actual remedied results to their complaints in an extremely timely fashion. So....who has the problem?
Sadly, the publisher is just trying to avoid having to deal with this stuff publicly. Which begs the question, what actual gains or change are the complainers actually making? Developers and publishers, for the most part, aren't doing this because it's what they feel is right, or because they want to be inclusive. They're doing it because the negative reception it brings is something they'd rather avoid. The complainers are getting change through indoctrination, not changing any actual viewpoints on what is considered appropriate, and that is a shallow victory that won't live past the point they move onto their next target, or grow up and realize the world doesn't revolve around them, or better yet, they realize their time can be better spent on issues which actually could affect and change real people's lives. When the complainers go away, so will all this self censorship. When looked at from this light, it should show that it's a shallow victory indeed. It's like they're winning battles, but not moving the front forward whatsoever. But damn if they haven't set feminism back a couple decades. How can one claim to be a feminist, while also claiming to be a victim who can't help themselves without the the support of others? Now if we can just get the publishers to care what their actual customers complain about, and not want to deal with that fallout, things might get better....all around...not in relation to censorship...although that would come to.
Does this mean that Capcom will censor Chun Li´s nipples too?
or R Mika's or Lauras? They're pandering to the lowest denominator who don't even play these games the SJW feminazis who are always looking for a way to spread their BS.
Na, they will just add nips to the male characters for you to look at as well. I also heard they were going to have camel toe dlc coming out in August.
Thus the #crapcom hashtag on Twitter ;)
***UPDATE 1*** I´m not 100% sure about laws and such, but I think John Smith is on to something here: "I'm not entirely sure here, but isn't it against the law to downgrade a product without the consent /approval of the owner/user. if you have brought a product, then the company has no right to alter the product in a way that actually degrades or lowers it value. I suggest you contact Capcom and tell them you are not satisfied with the changes the have made to your purchased product without permission alteration and would like them to provide a full refund for the trouble it has caused you".
To quote Mr. GamesGoodMeGood: "Guess what folks? Feminists and SJWs are perfectly fine with Urien in nothing but a thong. Because you know, there's no problems with sexualizing male characters. Double standards and hypocrisy ahoy. As for Capcom, they are beyond saving now. Absolute pieces of shit."
@TGG I always say that. Not that I have problems with it but look how male characters are potrayed in games like Gears of War - muscled up brutes with tiny tiny brains, that don't want to do anything else but to kill,massacre and destroy, like primals. Are SJWs butthurt over that? Nope... As I said - not that I am, I'm just showing the double standards here.
No, it isn't against the law for a company to change their game. If you don't want the change, stop the download. But then you can't play online.
""I'm not entirely sure here, but isn't it against the law to downgrade a product without the consent /approval of the owner/user." If this were actually against the law there are hundreds of bad patches, unpopular nerfs, and screwed-up game updates in line before this particular issue.
It's not against the law because technically, the product that the consumer has isn't their property. Only the license belongs to the purchaser. Changes to a product are very common in gaming. Removal of features isn't unheard of. This isn't really even a downgrade selling a significantly different product, but rather an aesthetic change. Now if the company made all the characters look the same, and removed significant features, there could be cause for such a claim, but as it stands, it wouldn't really be considered a downgrade, because Capcom can probably reason it out that the whole character model or character textures were changed and improved and likely show how appreciable gains were actually made. In any case, that particular law would also apply to upgrades, because whether something is improved is wholly subjective. Take many Windows SP releases for instance. Most of the time they're improvements, but there are still people out there who think they aren't. Same here. Some people are going to consider it an improvement, and others are going to consider it a downgrade or removal. In the end though, should it ever become an issue for a court to decide, it wouldn't likely get very far, because the user has to agree to the "upgrade", and the TOS stipulate what can be done with any version that happens to exist. The user agreed to the upgrade. They have the right to refuse it....which will have other consequences, but it's still within their right. The original product hasn't been removed from the user without their consent.
if you think the value in the game comes from a few pixels that represent a nipple, that says a lot about you. funny how you demand changes to games when they have gay or trans content, but alter a few pixels to make some nipples less prominent and it's devaluing the game? honestly, this is one of the most pathetic things i've ever seen from your joke of a site. can you show me anywhere that somebody demanded the removal of Cammy's nipples? because i can show plenty of examples of demands for removal of gay/trans content. but that kind of censorship is okay right? and you're not a total hypocrite?
Were videogames 20 to 10 years ago not sexualized? Did it impact the growth of any generation? If anything oppression and censorship tend to have more negative effects that the idea of presenting sexuality in a video game. I gather that our games have become closer to reality in terms of graphics but where's the study that proves that sexuality in games lead to terrible side effects on the minds of the youth or mature gamers? You'll see nipples at the beach, at the grocery store, hell you see man nipples way too often (but who's complaining? lol) Why do game designers have to censor their work if it's not creating any harm that can be evidenced?
I agree with you to 100%, and nowadays it seems like digital booty is much more dangerous than ISIS...
Please don't use that horrible HORRIBLE term around here..... Digital booty 😁️ /s
Lol 'digital booty' could give the New Day some new material to work with (although the current Wyatt family angle is great atm and has loads of potential)
***UPDATE 2*** It appears as if some Steam mods are locking and deleting SFV threads, which discuss SJW mentality and SFV self-censorship:
.......The hell? Have these guys learned nothing from the Streisand Effect that helped fuel GamerGate in the first place? They cannot hide this. lol
you monsters!!! I don
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