Camille Crimson

Camille Crimson


Camille Crimson

I had to change my name from Camille Crimson to Chloe Morgane in 2014.

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Height ft   0 0 ¼ 0 ½ 0 ¾ 1 1 ¼ 1 ½ 1 ¾ 2 2 ¼ 2 ½ 2 ¾ 3 3 ¼ 3 ½ 3 ¾ 4 4 ¼ 4 ½ 4 ¾ 5 5 ¼ 5 ½ 5 ¾ 6 6 ¼ 6 ½ 6 ¾ 7 7 ¼ 7 ½ 7 ¾ 8 8 ¼ 8 ½ 8 ¾ 9 9 ¼ 9 ½ 9 ¾ 10 10 ¼ 10 ½ 10 ¾ 11 11 ¼ 11 ½ 11 ¾ in cm

Sometimes, you look in the mirror and think you have the potential to do great things in life. Then you realize you’re wasting you’re abilities on so many things that aren’t important to you .
Look again in the mirror, you’ll see that you have more power over your physical and mental wellbeing, and over your impact on the world than you believe you are.
When you take care of yourself, and use your abilities, no matter how trivial you think they are, you’re making the world a better place. Because when you feel accomplished, empowered, and happy, you spread those seeds onto the ground of others.
What seeds are you going to plant today?
It all started during the Holidays. I went to bed late because of a few parties, and the cascading effect was that I got up later each and every subsequent morning. It suddenly felt impossible for me to get up early like I used to do before.
I tried setting up my alarm just 15 minutes earlier from the time I had woken up the day before, but I kept hitting the snooze button. I reduced the time to 10 minutes, then 5 minutes. Snooze, and snooze again.
I’ve even tried to practice getting up. I would lie in bed, set my alarm 2 minutes in the future, and pretended I was sleeping, as in everything had to look like when I wake-up in the morning. Next morning, I got up to my alarm, but that’s the only time I did.
This experiment failed. Not because the technic isn’t great, but because I did it only once! Why? I think it was too complicated, and too time consuming. Now that hitting the snooze button had become a habit, and I needed something easy to kick it out!
Now, if I can’t kick a bad habit out, it might simply be because what I’m trying isn’t easy enough. If a change has too many steps, and it feels confusing or complicated, the probability for it to work are thin to none.
P.S.: I’ve succeeded in getting up early since using the 5 second rule (5-4-3-2-1 get up!), and putting my phone away from reach. No more robot arm snoozing in the morning!
You want to be prepared for the future, but how in the world can you get everything ready for a crisis, the loss of someone you love, huge life changes, or a new project?
You could make scenarios about the possible outcomes of you life, and plan accordingly. You could outline what you think the future will look like, and devise a fail proof strategy. You could practice shooting guns while riding a motorcycle, you know, in case of a zombie apocalypse.
The problem is you’re not a clairvoyant, and neither am I.
What you need to prepare is yourself by learning skills that will make you highly adaptive, and by understanding and be the one in charge of what’s going on inside you.
Mindfulness is the starting point. When you’re mindful, you can understand your response to external events. Instead of being controlled by them, you can decide how to act; change your perception of things to make them manageable for you.
To get ready for anything is to prepare your inner self with the ability to remodel any crazy situation into constructive actions.
Self sabotage is infuriating. I despise it with every ounce of my soul. The reason it makes my emotions form into a tornado is because I set out to be someone better, I work hard at it, make slow progress, and Bam! Self sabotage pushes me back to where I started, or even worst, further behind.
One reason we self sabotage is because the space between where we are now and where we want to be is huge, and that’s terrifying and overwhelming. We focus on the amount of work that’s required to close the gap, and it feels impossible. We’re feeling like giving up, which is another word for self sabotage.
To conquer self sabotage, we need to limit our focus, take baby steps, and get away from the big picture.
What’s your worst self sabotage moment?
Thanks for reading, and I hope this little piece will help someone!
I already shared my thoughts about having enough , and finished by saying, “We have enough. We are enough. And all we’ll ever need is within us”.
The truth is, a lot of us don’t feel we are enough. We feel we’re not good enough, strong enough, big enough, smart enough, or funny enough. But we are. Whoever you are, I’m telling you, you are enough .
So, is it bad to want to be more? No, it’s not.
You’re enough, but it’s a wonderful thing to want to be more. If you translate wanting to be more into growing , then you’re on a path of an extra-ordinary life.
Not being enough is a feeling, and as with all feelings, you can change them in a matter of seconds. You can find proof that you are enough, and you can make an action right now to make your brain understand and believe you are enough.
Love, empathy, care, compassion… All those beautiful qualities you already have, and that make you and everyone else around you feel good, are candidates for being more present in your life. Be more of these, not because you’re not enough, but because it will make you be a better you, which can inspire people around you to do the same.
When you get something you want, it sets off pleasure in your brain. You see something, it charms you, and you want to own it. Maybe you’ll think for a few seconds whether you need it or not, and whether you can afford it or not. In the end, you buy it anyway because logic didn’t play its role in your decision. You succumbed to an impulse to buy. You let you “reptilian” brain control you.
On the other hand, there’s planned purchases. You have a need or you want something. You take a look around to find the item, you might shop to get the best price, or compare similar articles to make sure you aren’t being cheap and buy quality instead. This all takes place before taking your hard earned cash out and acquiring the item to fill your need or want. You used your power to take a better decision than the impulse buying.
I know I make the mistake of succumbing to impulse purchases, but more and more, I let time and logic guide me in taking the right decision. It’s hard because we’re bombarded with thousands of sales messages everyday, and everywhere.
How often do you succumb to your impulses into buying something you don’t need… or even don’t really want?
Confidence is a feeling or a belief. 
It’s not a personality trait, like being an introvert or an extrovert. Rather, I see it as a skill that you can acquire.
For a long time, I thought that extraverted people who were loud and bossy were the confident ones. I often felt intimidated by how loud they laughed, how hard the tone of their voice was. I was so focused on watching the show that I didn’t hear the content.
Today, I realize with compassion that those extroverts are actually very insecure, and that’s why they put out this masquerade. They don’t believe in themselves, in their ideas, and they don’t have the courage to be real.
As opposed, many introverts, although uncomfortable being in the spotlight, having the attention on them, have tremendous confidence in their ideas, and believe in themselves.
The point is, because confidence is not a personality traits, you can learn it, just like any other skills. Learn to being willing to try and share, learn to trust yourself and your capabilities.
Everyone has opinions. An opinion is a belief or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge . Yes, we all have the right to our opinions, but we also have the duty to question them. There’s no greater demonstration of openness of mind, intellectual flexibility, and intelligence than questioning your own beliefs, and change them according to your findings.
When you discuss your opinion with someone, chances are you’ll get into an argument, even if both your opinions are similar. That’s because you, and your interlocutor want to be right. Instead of listening to understand, you’re waiting for your turn to talk, and make the other agree with your point of view. Here goes your chance to grow, and make your brain more plastic.
It gets ugly when two people have diametrically opposed opinions. Because most of us have a propensity to wanting to be right, we immediately get into defence mode instead of trying to understand why this person has a different opinion than we do. And when the other simply doesn’t want to get into an argument with us, we get offended, and because we’re such supreme beings, we take the right to call her/him a harsh, stubborn, blunt, weak, pathetic, flimsy, inferior life form.
Truth is, some people pick their battles. Yes, you have the right to your opinions, but she/he has the right to refuse to discuss them with you because they saw you coming. Those people know you think you’re almighty, and they know you think you’re right. The simple thought of speaking about the opinion with you turns them off. They value their time, and they let you know. +1 & respect for that. This should spark some questioning about your opinion, and your approach to open a discussion.
What do you think about my opinion on opinions? Because I value your opinion 😛
When you have a clear vision of where you want to go, you’re up for success. Success means to make it happen, to complete a task, to achieve a goal. You aimed for something, and you nailed it. It can be x-small, medium, or x-large; size is irrelevant.
Vision is such a powerful, but overlooked tool. In my personal life, I’ve realized how strong vision impact my success. It can determine whether I can draw a straight line or if it’s going to be irregular and miss the point where it should be attached (in the case where I need the line to be straight). To draw the straight line, I need to look where I want to go, not where I’m going.
Vision also applies to riding a motorcycle off-road. If you look down in front of you, you’ll end up out of control or worse, on the ground. It’s crucial to look where you want to go, not where you’re going.
You might think that looking where you want to go and looking where you’re going are the same thing, but they’re not. If you look where you’re going when you climb a stair, you look at the step under your feet, but if you look where you want to go, you’ll see the 3rd, 4th or even further steps up the stair. Your peripheral vision will take care of making sure you’re on the step under feet.
That’s how a clear vision of your goal will translate into success.
Look where you want to go, not where you’re going. 
Ideas that we resist with force are the ones that make us grow the most. We react to them with strong emotions and reactions, and due to those strong reactions, our personal growth is activated. Without impact on our minds, unimportant ideas will simply vanish from our consciousness.
When we explore the things to which we have resistance to, we can start to make it clear why we believe what we do, and be aware of the choices these beliefs are making us do.
The most important part of growth is to remain open to new information to constantly question our beliefs. Because a belief is nothing more than an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists .
What pisses you off? That’s an idea that will make you grow!

From the start of this crazy adventure, I’ve committed myself to making beautiful photos and videos of love making, self pleasuring and bjs. I believed I could make a change in the industry, I believed it so hard, and with all my being that I think I’ve succeeded. It was either that or I would have died trying!
Along the ride, I had doubts, I was scared, but I never imposed limits upon myself. I’ve embraced the fact that every human being is much more than she ever permit herself to be.
Today, I feel like I live a life of meaning, I have a purpose , and I am happy. I feel the deep satisfaction that my life has value. A value that I can share, and that hopefully can be a source of inspiration and service to others.
What is your life purpose? Have you ever stopped and thought about it?
When I was younger, I use to censor a lot of my thoughts, and what I said. It almost became an obsession. Each and every word had to be perfect. Although I still came up with great ideas, and interesting conversation, the censoring came back to bite my butt. At some point in time, not so long ago, I found it very hard to come by with new ideas, and share them with people, or have a thorough conversation with someone important in my life.
The censoring mechanism intensified a lack of self-confidence. This, and a negative self-image were at the root of my censoring of ideas. As I’ve been working on having a better and more positive self-image, I stumbled on a great book that helped me overcome some of my censoring process, and at the same time, to Become an Idea Machine . The book prompts you to come up with 10 ideas everyday, for 180 days. I did only 35, but it changed my life.
At first, I thought I wouldn’t be able to do the exercises. As days went by, I forced myself to come up with the 10 ideas each day, and banish any censoring I would have coming up with those ideas. I did not edit or judge the ideas, I just let them come as they were. Some of them were pretty lame, but to my surprise, a whole lot of them were respectable ideas. 
I still have work to do to let go of my censoring habit– which is probably just a subset of being a perfectionist. I’ll go ahead and revisit the book each morning while I drink my coffee…
Are you one that freely speaks his/her mind, or like me, struggle with self-censoring?
The Kindle book, Become an Idea Machine , is 99 cents on Amazon. There’s no reason anyone shouldn’t give themselves this wonderful gift. Most of the subjects in the book are fun, and it takes about 10 minutes a day to complete the exercise. You’ve got to love a great brain workout!
In 2013, I had an off-road motorcycle accident, and I’m still healing. The experience has given me a unique perspective into how much power the body and the mind have to heal themselves.
A mantra is a word or a phrase that you repeat over and over. It should be something positive that will give you the certainty you are going to heal, or that you are healing right now.
The mantra I use is, “Your ability to heal comes from knowing that you will heal”.
When you can relate to someone who made it through something similar you yourself are going through, it’s easy to believe in your body’s ability to heal.
My mentor was the greatest MMA fighters of all time. He had knee surgery, but came back stronger than ever to continue his life’s passion. I made it clear in my mind that if Georges St-Pierre could get back so strong, I should at least be able to be as good as I was before my accident.
Our injuries were very different, but that doesn’t matter. What matter is I related to him, and believed in all the possibilities through his experience.
It’s strange how our society undervalues sleep. I wonder what people are trying to prove when they brag that they sleep 4-5 hours a night, but forget to mention they sleep 15 hours during the weekends. By the way, those are the same people that look and act like zombies, can’t keep a conversation, and have all kinds of ailments.
When you sleep, you heal. I’ll repeat that: when you sleep, you heal !
Easier said than done, I know. I personally shoot for 100% perfection. This way I know I’m getting around 80 % wholesome food in my body.
My list of poisonous food includes sugar, fructose , alcohol, grains (wheat, corn, oat, rice, etc.), legumes (beans, lentils, peanut, etc.), anything fried, and anything transformed by big Corp.
Believe in your ability. Trust your body.
Don’t believe everything the doctor says, but don’t be stupid and go walk on the leg a month after the surgery if he says don’t put weight on it for 2 months…
Watch the inspiring video of the man who were not supposed to walk unassisted again , but did it through courage and dedication… Makes me cry all the Thyme
Somehow, it strikes me that we get so uncomfortable with silence. It’s such a relaxing place to be in this ever noisier world. When I say silence, I really mean people not talking. Pure silence, no sound at all, is found in space, and maybe in anechoic chambers, but that just drives us crazy .
As an introvert, silence isn’t a stranger to me. The act of speaking eats up a lot of energy, so why waste it on saying something that will not contribute to make this moment better? When people don’t speak, it gives the brain a chance to think, to ponder, or to simply relax, and let the thoughts flow. When nobody talks, it attunes our connection to the world. It occurs to me that silence could even be a natural remedy to stress, and other annoying ailments.
There was a study on human communication that found that our words contributed to only 7 percent of our message. The rest of our message is transmitted trough our body language, facial expression, and intonation. Would it be safe to say that we don’t need to speak so much, that our emotions can be transmitted through our bodies and the expressions of our face, providing we’re interested in listening through that channel?
Silence has a way to free us from what other people think of us, of how they judge us. If I know someone doesn’t align with my beliefs, and that she isn’t opened to listen to other people’s beliefs, then all I can offer her is my silence. This protects my power, my sanity, and my gifts. There’s absolutely no benefits to open up to someone who will crush my spirit with negative judgements.
And when you don’t talk, you can listen. Really listen, instead of waiting for your turn to speak.
Quotes are an inestimable source of inspiration. Whether the perspective is to agree or disagree with the meaning of the quote, or to let it sit in our mind to ponder, their power resides in their ability to make us think, and sometimes even change!
This morning, as I wrote down my MITs — which this blog post was a part of– I realized I was totally out of focus .
I have so many projects going on at the same time, making them process at such a slow pace, it’s depressing.
I have so many goals, I have to divide them in itsy bitsy tiny parts in order to be able to work on them everyday that I’ll make them happen in about 200 years.
I have my life’s work, which is making beautiful artistically explicit videos– and the 50 other things that comes with it.
I want to know everything about everything. I pick up a book, then another, and another, and another. I pick up an online mentor to learn from, then another, and another, and another.
I read the books– The One Thing is a good one about focus haha!– and I listen to the audio tape– Get The Edge in which Tony Robbins explains how your life is determined by what you focus on. It seems like I just don’t get it. I’m not applying the principles in my day-to-day life. I know what to do, but I don’t do it.
My personal values get in the way, and are sometimes in conflict with one another. My fear of failure and success gets in the way. My fear of getting so immersed in what I’m doing that I will end up hurting people I love or even myself as I have done in the past.
I could probably go on with half a dozen more excuses and stories for why I can’t seem to focus, and thus, finish what I have started.
So I searched for quotes about focus on Google images . I got to laugh because the results are the epitome of my current state of being out of focus. It offers so many choices, I can’
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