Cambridge Statistician: Withdraw Drosten study, admit errors - 27.05.2020

Cambridge Statistician: Withdraw Drosten study, admit errors - 27.05.2020

translated by Corona Investigative

The renowned statistician and risk researcher David Spiegelhalter from the University of Cambridge now joins the ranks of renowned epidemiologists and statisticians, some of whom have sharply criticized the study by chief coronologist Drosten on the alleged infectivity of children.

In a detailed re-analysis of the data used by Drosten's team, he too proves to the Charité that there are serious statistical errors and wrong conclusions and comes to the clear conclusion that the study should be removed from the website and the erroneous analysis (by the authors) should be admitted

"We suggest the pre-print should be withdrawn from the website, and the inappropriate analysis acknowledged."

Spiegelhalter 25.05.2020 - in this analysis you can also find links to the other, partly devastating criticisms of this study.

Translated and reblogged Version - Original here

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