Call it a Deal!

Call it a Deal!

It was your typical boring Sunday open house, typical nosey neighbors, the HGTV set looking for decorating ideas, and the champagne dreamers on beer budgets. Until she walked in. Tan, toned, petite, with streaked blonde hair a solid 9/10. 

I introduced myself and she replied "I am Pam."

I told her a bit about the home and told her to feel free to roam. As she walked away I felt the stirring in my briefs, what an ass! The guy who invented yoga pants had this ass in mind! He should get the Nobel "Piece" Prize.

I let her have free range in the home and waited a good ten minutes to follow her path. I finally caught up to her in the master suite which was not only an elegant setting but had a glamour bath. She was both enthralled and in awe of not only the bath but the massive walk-in closet.

Pam's first words were "I want to try the shower!" 

The shower was one of those multiple nozzles and multiple angle showerheads that came from walls the floor and ceiling.

In my head I said I wish you would but my ethics of 31 years stopped that.

"The sellers entertained a lot I'm told."

She chuckled "Oh I bet they did!"

She said she had to leave but would send her husband by before I closed up shop. As she walked away any blood that was in my head had now surely reached my engorged cock. WOW.

As I was turning off the lights about to shut down the open house a huge SUV screeched to a halt in the driveway. And out stepped this large man that I would later learn was an ex-college football player whose career was cut short in his senior year. Tony, I would learn was half Italian and half Black. He looked like he had a perpetual tan. His Italian features seemed to be most his most prominent.

He entered the house and apologized for being there so late. I offered him the same freedom I offered his wife as I turned the lights back on.

Well, about fifteen minutes and still no signs of Tony so I went looking. Oh, I found him and he was in the master suite just like Pam had been earlier except he was in the shower and nude. I was shocked, to say the least not only by his action to invade the privacy of my home sellers shower but by the fact he was totally naked. I also now knew what features his African American heritage had bestowed on him. He had the biggest darkest piece of meat hanging between those tanned toned thighs. His cock was coal-black in contrast with his skin tone. 

He began apologizing profusely about taking his clothes off and for holding me up. And that is when I heard Pam's voice. 

They had been FaceTiming and she was active on his phone. It was then I heard her ask for me to take a picture of Tony from outside the glass enclosure.

Tony handed me his phone and I was mesmerized by his cock, that was until I looked at the screen of his phone to see Pam naked on the other end. Good Lord what kind of dream am I in?

After my throat cleared and saliva began returning to my mouth I positioned the camera to get great shots of Tony posing all the while keeping the other eye on Pam in the Facetime app. 

By the time he exited the shower he had a full hard-on and it truly was a massive piece of dark chocolate.

Once again he apologized profusely for their actions. "my wife is the only woman I have zero control over her actions, or what she can get me to do."

As he put on his clothes to leave he said they would discuss the house and get back to me. 

"Please know we are serious buyers and not just freaks that waste others' time," as he walked to his truck.

Two days later I got a call from Pam, "sadly the only thing we agreed upon in that home was that master suite and shower, would you be willing to help us find that shower in another home?"

I began sending them listings for their review. It was always the same thing she would make an appointment and would meet me at the homes. If it met her approval she would set a second appointment with him. I began feeling strange like they were playing me until she said this is the one and said draw up the papers.

We closed on the home 33 days later with Tony never seeing the home. This in itself was a scary way to do business. But I realized it was their way as she was totally in charge.

They came into my office to pick up keys and thanked me and said as soon as they were situated we would have dinner in their new place. I had begun to think it was an empty offer when 2 months had passed by.

Then on a Thursday, I received a phone call from Pam, "we have been busy and Tony was on the recruiting circuit," he was a sports agent signing college athletes. 

"Would you like to come to dinner on Saturday?" 

This was perfect as my wife was out of town with her sister to the casino in Canada.

So I showed up on Saturday at about 7:30 pm when Tony opened the door he was nude and I was, to say the least, shocked and mildly intrigued. Ok more than mildly. I immediately saw a lot of changes to the interior that had done a complete redo on an already immaculate home They truly put their own thumbprint on it. 

And then I saw Pam she walked in a shiny silk dressing gown. Just like the kind you saw from the 1940's movies elegant and sleek.

She immediately said "I hope you don't mind informal dining, I like to keep Tony nude."

"Oh, I am fine fine." Not letting her know I was excited.

"Do you wonder about our lifestyle?"

I had indeed thought about them since that first day. Many times wondering exactly what their deal was.

And then as they handed me my first drink of the evening she began explaining.

She had met Tony when he was a college football player and she did some athletic trainer work. They became very good friends but nothing sexual had occurred. As a beautiful young woman, she began to worry about why she was not gaining his attention. Well in her role as a student trainer she soon found out when one day she walked into the empty locker room to see Tony on his knees sucking another guys cock. Blown away she ran from the locker room in what she thought was horror but what was truly a relief.

Tony came to her apartment later that day begging not to out him. She had no reason to do so and became even closer friends. It seems that Tony was about 70% bisexual and only 30% heterosexual. In the sports world that was a huge taboo. 

Pam decided that she was ok to be his 30% if he wanted her. And marriage was made in heaven. 

They now had a relationship where Tony could still have guys and have a beauty on his arm relieving all suspicions. This became huge when he began his recruiting job. Young guys seeing gorgeous babe on his arm. They wanted his life.

After a few drinks and the dinner, they had prepared we relaxed in the newly remodeled great room. It had 6 huge TV's. Part of Tony's work environment

Except for today when they were turned on they were each playing a different porn video. It was a smorgasbord of sex. And then I saw them in one of the videos. It was Tony, Pam, and an unnamed young guy in a twist of bodies. 

"Any you like? Anything you'd like to reenact?"

I swallowed very hard "that young guy looks happy. I'd like to be happy!"

And with little or no ado Tony came over and tried to kiss me, I sort of swung away. "are we reading you wrong?"

"No, I am up for it all trust me I am up. I just make be the opposite of Tony being I feel more 30%/70% and with him making the first move it caught me off guard." 

And then Pam opened that robe and exposed that gorgeous body I had only seen on an iPhone before. It was magnificent.

"Does this help you?"

And before I could answer Tony had my pants open and off as Pam began kissing me deeply. As we kissed I felt his eager mouth engulf my swelling cock.

What transpired that night was hours of bliss for all of us. They had a perfect set up. She was his arm candy for business; he had his freedom for cock. She was happy with the lifestyle he provided financially. We played a few more times before they were transferred 2 years later to the west coast. 

They remain together with the same lifestyle from what they tell me except Pam now has a girlfriend that she doesn't share. And Tony doesn't care. He has the best of both worlds for sure!

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