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If you are looking for the best places to meet girls in Paris and/or a dating guide then you will find all the info you need right here. If a poll were to be done then this might just rank as the most romantic city in the world.
Many of the women in your area have dreamt of visiting since they were little, when they finally get the chance they are going to make the most of it. Plus there are lots of locals who live here and the French are known to be very open with their sexuality .
That doesn’t necessarily mean we are saying they are sluts, just that there isn’t the weird negative stigma on sex around Europe that you find in America. All of this leads to it being relatively easy to meet girls in Paris, whether they are from France or traveling through you should have many options.
However you are also going to have a lot of competition when trying to hook up. The local French guys know that tourists love their accents and that the women who visit here are going to be in the mood to be swept off their feet while in town.

If your goal is to go out in the touristy areas for day game, which isn’t a bad thought, just know you are not going to be the only guy doing this. There will be lots of competition in the nightlife also, but we will cover plenty of nightclubs and singles bars where you can try to hook up.
There are also many options for meeting girls online, and once we discuss all of that we will move on to the dating guide section. If you can’t find a casual or romantic date spot in this city then something is wrong, and we have a lengthy list to make sure that you don’t run into that problem.
Right now some of the current best clubs in the city are:
Then there are plenty of good singles bars to try and pick up Paris girls like:
Whether you like to fist pump in a crowded nightclub or pick up in a singles bar the Paris nightlife offers many places to try and hook up. The Oberkampf District would be the ‘trendy’ singles nightlife area where many of the ‘hot clubs’ in the city can be found.
The clubs in this area change names pretty often, we will do our best to update the list and delete the old names and replace them with the new when possible. If you know of any other good clubs in town don’t hesitate to tell us about them in the comments below.
The negatives about partying in Oberkampf are that you will have to deal with long lines, expensive covers, and expensive bottle service. On the other hand this is where the models go to see and be seen, if you have your sites set on hooking up with the sexiest local girls possible then this is where you are most likely to find them.
You don’t really necessarily need to head to any spot on the above list though. This city has bar districts all over like along Grands Boulevards and the St German des Pres District is loaded with bars full of single women looking to get laid in your area.
Or just walk around near The Marais, The Bastille, or in the Latin Quarter and you will see many girls near you out looking to have a good time. If you aren’t a huge fan of big cities you may find it a bit easier to hook up in Lyon .
As far as places to try to meet Paris girls during the day go you probably have more good options for day game here than anywhere else in the world, at least when the weather is nice. However as we mentioned before you also have more competition.
There are so many women walking around near spots like:
Who should all be in a great mood and feeling the romantic vibes this city puts off. Unfortunately by the time you try to pick them up they have probably already been hit on five times that day, and even more the day before.
The Marais is another good spot for day game, this historical district is full of cool older buildings, lots of foot traffic, and plenty of cafes for a casual date during the day. If you wanted to get out of the touristy areas and hit on local Paris girls these malls might be best:
Luxembourg Park and Toullerie Gardens can also be a good pick up spot if the weather is nice. Old, historic cities like this one make for great day game opportunities and as far as options go this city probably ranks at the top of our European dating guides list for meeting women during the day.
Maybe you aren’t really interested in spending a ton of money on bottle service to get into the clubs at Oberkampf, going to singles bars, or trying to hook up with girls in the tourist areas. Some guys love that, others prefer to find easier ways to meet women and online dating is a great way to speed up the process.
No getting dressed up, taking taxis, and approaching strangers to get blown off by 80% of the sexy ladies you approach. No long lines or wasted time either.
Just sit down at your computer, send out a bunch of messages, and see who replies. There are plenty of good sites out there to find your ‘perfect match’ if you are looking for a long term relationship, but we know many guys aren’t really interested in serious dating all the time.
Sometimes you just want to get laid without having to lead a Paris girl on to do so, and that is where Adult Friend Finder comes in. This site isn’t about finding a wife, it is about two people who just want to have some fun and hook up.
In some cities there really aren’t that many local women who have signed up for it, but remember how we mentioned that French women are known to be pretty open sexually? That definitely translates here, as this country has one of the biggest female user bases on the site. In fact there are actually over two thousand girls in Paris on Adult Friend Finder , we told you they were sexually open minded.
If all you want to do is get laid and prefer to cut out all of the BS that often goes along with it this hook up dating site is probably perfect for you.
Honestly we aren’t even sure that we need to write a Paris dating guide. This might just be the easiest city in the world to find a good date spot, if you can’t find a romantic restaurant, cafe, or bar to wine and dine a sexy girl in your area then there are probably bigger problems at play.
Walk around The Marais, Montmartre, or Champs-Elysees and find a casual cafe or bar to grab a drink in. Go to the Pont des Arts Bridge and look at all the locks lovers have left their over the years. Take an art walk so that there will always be new cool stuff to talk about during your date.
Have a picnic on The Siene or go to the 5th Arrondissement around Tino Rossi Garden where you can tango by the river. Visit the Louvre or this romantic museum that will make for a perfect day date .
Head to the Parc des Buttes Chaumont and check out the waterfall, or go watch comedians at the Comedy Club at 42 Boulevard de Bonne Nouvelle or at SoGymnase next door.
We just listed plenty of good cheap dates in Paris, but if you wanted to find a nice romantic restaurant to really wine and dine her there are plenty as well. Some of the nicest date spots in town would be:
Or you could visit any of the bars around the touristy areas for something more casual. Just as there are so many places to meet girls near you it is equally easy to find good date spots in Paris, girls will be on cloud nine just being here so it should not be all that hard to impress them.
If you are dealing with a local who is bored of the touristy stuff then it can be a bit harder. In that case you may want to ask them if they know of any cool spots, or choose one of the above mentioned romantic restaurants for fine dining and then take them to a show at one of the numerous theatres around like:
Below is a local map of all the best bars, clubs, and activities to do here. Click this link to book a hotel in a centrally located area to make things easier if you are traveling through. And if you really want to ball out and show a hot one you mean business take her to Saint-Tropez for the weekend .
If you don’t have the budget for that, and most don’t, maybe Marseille would be better.
Remember that local dating in France is different than what you may be accustomed to. The singles nightlife starts a lot later here than it does in some other places, a dinner date shouldn’t start until 9pm or later, and people don’t go to clubs or hookup bars until well after midnight.
There are going to be so many great places to meet single women near you, just take lots of shots and see how it goes. If you aren’t liking the scene out and about don’t forget about Adult Friend Finder , those ladies can help you get through any dry spell you might find yourself in when you really need to get laid.
That wraps up our best places to meet girls in Paris and the dating guide, enjoy your time here.
I want to meet a girl in Paris since I arrived in Paris I never dati here so I’m 32 years old 1.90 t 80k supportive I don’t smoke I don’t drink alcohol I’m 100% natural

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Copyright © 2022 · The Website Of Author Marilyn Z. Tomlins · All rights reserved
 Every day, and every night, women and men are being paid for sex here in Paris. This is because the April 14 2016 law which fines those that pay for sex, is not working. “I am the owner of my apartment,” one female prostitute says, “so let the law prove that a man having […]
Eiffel Tower …what else? (Copyright Marilyn Z.Tomlins)
Every day, and every night, women and men are being paid for sex here in Paris.
This is because the April 14 2016 law which fines those that pay for sex, is not working.
“I am the owner of my apartment,” one female prostitute says, “so let the law prove that a man having sex with me is paying me for it!”
However, not all prostitutes – and I am now referring to both male and female – are the owners of their apartments, and have to solicit for clients on the streets of Paris.
There are ‘prostitute’ areas in Paris: Rue Saint-Denis in Paris’s 2 nd arrondissement (district); Pigalle in Paris’s 18 th arrondissement and Avenue Foch in Paris’s chic 16 th arrondissement. So too the woods around Paris: the Bois de Boulogne and the Bois de Vincennes.
A majority of the prostitutes (and I am still speaking of both male and female ones) are from Romania and the other former Communist Bloc countries, and from Africa. Once, many had been Chinese from China or Cambodia, or Vietnam and Laos, but the financial situations of these former communist countries have improved, so today, a national of one of these, open a restaurant or a hairdressing salon here in Paris. (The French love Chinese food!)
Since April 14, just 40 men paying prostitutes for sex have been, according to the new law, fined for doing so. Some had been caught in the act, others when preparing for it. The fine is Euro 1500 ($1650/ £1211). The very first person to have had to pay the fine – he was caught in the act of sex – was a man in his 50s. He was apprehended in the forest outside the town of Fontainebleau, 68 kilometres (42 miles) from the capital.
Prostitutes are though saying that because of the new law their earnings are down. Having made +-300 euros a night, three nights can now pass without earning even one euro. I am not now speaking of high-class call girls working on recommendation or from Paris’s 5-star hotels, but from the woman or man standing on the street or in a wood waiting for a client to pull up in a car.
Meanwhile, there where prostitutes do ply their trade, kind hearts drive up in small vans, offering free goblets of coffee and a sandwich. Not to the clients of course, but to the prostitutes.
Should it be a client’s second (third etc) offence, the fine is increased to Euro 3,750 ($3030 / £4150).
Apparently, a prostitute’s busiest time is when an international conferenence, or an exhibition, is being held in Paris. Though never during the annual Book Fair: the prostitutes say that the publishers are all sleeping with each other!

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le salon de massage a ouvert depuis années, il est situé au 181 rue ordonner 75018, à environ 300 mètre de la station Guy Môquet (ligne 13) et à côté de l'arrêt de bus Damrémont-Ordener sur ligne 31,60,95 linge12 le sta…
Bonjour, Nous sommes à votre disposition du lundi au dimanche de 9h00 à 02:00Institut de massage chinois traditionnel. Venez découvrir l'exotisme asiatique et les bienfaits de ses massages. Nous vous proposons tous type…
Bonjour, Nous sommes à votre disposition du lundi au dimanche de 9h à 02:00Institut de massage chinois traditionnel. Venez découvrir l'exotisme asiatique et les bienfaits de ses massages. Nous vous proposons tous types …
Bonjour, Nous sommes a votre disposition du lundi au dimanche de 9h00 a 02:00Institut de massage chinois traditionnel. Nous vous proposons tous types de massage à partir de 30€ Chinois 1h 40€ Thailandais 1h 50€ Huill…
Bonjour, Nous sommes à votre disposition du lundi au dimanche de 9:00 à 02:00Institut de massage chinois traditionnel. Venez découvrir l'exotisme asiatique et les bienfaits de ses massages. Nous vous proposons tous type…
Description Salon de massage chinois et japonais Massage sepecialise chinois et japonais Massage ni doux ni fort plus tôt relaxant La majorité de nos clientes viennent parce qu’elles souffrent d’insomnie ou de varices…
Salon de massage chinois et japonais Massage sepecialise chinois et japonais Massage ni doux ni fort plus tôt relaxant La majorité de nos clientes viennent parce qu’elles souffrent d’insomnie ou de varices. Et le Tui Na …
Exclusivité DISTRICT Saint-Germain - Rue de Tournon - Appartement 2/3 pièces de 58.36m² refait à neuf. Exclusivité DISTRICT Saint-Germain. A proximité du Jardin du Luxembourg, dans un immeuble 1800. Au 3ème étage sur cou…
Bienvenue au salon de massages Fatigué, Tendu, Stressé ?... Femmes, hommes, ou couples, venez nous voir pour un dépaysement asiatique dans une ambiance chaleureuse et luxueuse, avec une hygiène irréprochable. Un nouveau…
Je vous propose des prestations de massages à votre domicile ou hôtel, le massage peut se pratiquer totalement nue avec des huiles végétales et essentielles.... les techniques de massage ma méthode ne possède pas de norm…
notre salon Asiatique sur paris 15eme est équipé de cabines spacieuses, chaleureuses et confortables à l'hygiène irréprochable ainsi que d'une douche. Un vrai massage Chinois sur paris 15 pour hommes et femmes vous est p…
L'agence Morgan Mallet International, leader du placement d'employés de maison haut de gamme en Europe, recherche Social Media Manager en alternance afin de rejoindre son équipe de Paris à compter de Juin 2022. Tâches …
Bienvenu au salon de massage qui vient tout juste d’ouvrir ses portes à Paris16ème. Vous avez des envies d’évasion et de bien-être ? Voulez-vous faire un massage douceur quand vous êtes très fatigués? Dirigez-vous vers 1…
Bienvenue Notre salon massage dans Une belle ville est paris 75007 c'est l'adresse 15bis Rue de Amélie Ouvre du 10h30 - 21h30 7/7j Nous vous proposons des massages relaxants très bonne santé pour vous parce que nous …
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Domiciliez votre entreprise dans un bureau privatif de 30 m² à Paris George V, qui convient à 5 employés. Du mobilier au Wi-Fi haut débit, tout est pris en charge dans nos grands bureaux entièrement équipés, afin que vou…

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