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If you are looking for the best places to meet girls in New York City and a dating guide for this massive metropolis then you are in the right spot. The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island will all be covered here.
The good news is that you will never be lacking for things to do here. You can go out at any time on any day and always find a good place to try and pick up single women in your area or even a fine date spot.
The bad news is that you might have to wait a really long time to get in and spend a whole lot of money on your night out. But that is what this city is all about and if that bothered you then you probably wouldn’t be here.
When it comes to trying to meet single girls in New York City most of the best nightclubs in town are found in Manhattan. This is the prime real estate where some of the sexiest women in the world go out to see and be seen.
If you have the money to get into the club and the game to pull one of the models then you could be in for the night of your life. But most guys can’t afford that scene too often, and hooking up with a model isn’t the easiest thing to do either.
Luckily there are plenty of cheaper singles bars around town that are still packed with sexy ladies who are much more attainable. After we cover the great singles nightlife this city has to offer we will then mention some good day game spots, those aren’t hard to find either but it can be a bit tricky which we will get into later.

Obviously since it is the 21st Century online dating is going to deserve a mention. If you aren’t using the internet to help you meet local girls and get laid then you aren’t maximizing your chances and are ignoring one of the best resources a guy could ever find.
Once we finish talking about where to pick up women we will move on to the dating guide section. Whether you are looking for a romantic bar, restaurant, a cheap date idea, dates in the day, or some form of entertainment for the two of you to do we have plenty of suggestions coming up as this is our longest post on any city in America .
The first thing we want to point out is that in a city like this one the hottest nightclubs or best pick up spots can change quickly. One may be ‘trendy’ one month and closed the next. We will do our best to keep up with the current nightlife scene, add new spots, and delete the closed ones but here that can be difficult.
We will go through the districts in alphabetical order, lets start with the Bronx.
If you are looking to go out and pick up girls in the Bronx there are plenty of singles bars you can visit. Some of our favorites would be:
It wasn’t long ago that Brooklyn was the new cool place to be in this city. Lots of young entrepreneurs were moving in, there was a vibrant singles nightlife scene, and many would tell you it was the best place for a guy to get laid in this city.
Of course in this day and age many people hate everything, and now Brooklyn is considered too hipster and not near as cool as it once was. Is this really true? Who knows, but we still think it is a great spot to try and pick up single girls in your area, there are plenty of awesome bars here like:
Just stroll around Williamsburg any day or night and you should see plenty of cute girls that you can try to hook up with.
We aren’t going to say it is cheap to go out and try to pick up girls in New York City at bars in any bureau, but if you are on a budget stay out of Manhattan. This is one of the most expensive places in the world, your wallet will probably be empty by the time you finish the night.
With that said you can find the best nightclubs in NYC here and plenty of good bars as well so getting a hotel here would be best if you can afford it. For good bar districts head to the areas around St Marks Place between First Ave and Ave A, and Ninth Street between Third and Second in the East Village. Some specific singles bars in Manhattan and around the East Village we really like are:
Some good bars in the Upper East Side are:
If you prefer to try to pick up girls at New York City’s hottest nightclubs then visit:
If you plan to do a lot of clubbing try to make friends with a promoter (or give them some big tips) to see if they can make your life a little cheaper and easier in the future. Either way it is probably best to go out early as you can avoid the longer lines and sometimes get in for cheaper.
It is pretty much impossible for anywhere to follow up the great singles nightlife in Manhattan, but if you want to try to hook up with hot girls in Queens visit these bars:
Lastly we will cover Staten Island. The great thing about trying to meet girls in New York is that no matter what area of the city you are in there are always going to be lots of singles around you, Staten Island is no exception:
While not in this city there are more opportunities to try and pick up women in Newark as well.
Trying to meet women in New York City during the day can be easy in some ways but also difficult in others. Lets start with the positives, there are chances to meet single girls near you everywhere you turn.
Exit your hotel or apartment, walk in any direction, the day game possibilities are endless. But on the negative side when you have so many people crammed into a small area it doesn’t make for great pick up spots.
Space and time are at a premium in major cities, people walk faster here and don’t want to pause their life to give you the time of day. As a girl walks from the subway to her destination she probably doesn’t want a stranger coming up to hit on her.
Lets just say people in this city aren’t known for being outwardly friendly on the street, but that is understandable. So while there will be foot traffic all around you and cafes with hot single ladies chilling inside don’t be surprised if you get show down frequently.
If you wanted to try to pick up the hottest girls in New York City head to Fifth Avenue. This world renowned shopping district will have plenty of local women and tourists and can be a good place to start your search.
Hanover Square around lunch time or after Wall Street shuts down is another good place. The bars will fill up after the closing bell, get a seat a few minutes before and let the professional ladies come to you.
This city can be great for singles but it can also be a pain in the ass in some ways. So many people and such expensive prices can start to weigh on you after awhile.
It is much easier and more relaxing to log on to a dating site and chat with girls near you instead of having to go out and try to pick them up. Not only does it save you money but it is also a whole lot faster, you can message more girls in your area in a matter of hours then you could approach in a month.
There are many sites out there that can help you find your soul mate to settle down with. They are easy to find, but we are going to tell you about one that is more about hooking up. You surely have seen Adult Friend Finder around the internet and wondered if it was worthwhile or not right?
In some cities there aren’t many users, but this isn’t most cities and this one is loaded with singles. There are literally thousands of New York City girls looking to hook up on Adult Friend Finder . They don’t want a husband, they don’t want to move in, they want to get laid and are looking for guys to help them with that problem. Does that sound like something you could do for them?
If you were interested in finding a long term relationship instead of just a quick hook up you can check out this list with more sites on . Now you know about more than enough places to meet local single girls, it is time for our New York City dating guide to begin. We have mentioned it a few times already, but in this city finding places to go won’t be a problem.
There are so many cafes, bars, and restaurants that will be great for a date. If you are looking for some nice, romantic, and not budget friendly bars and restaurants for a first date you could try:
Then there are some good bars and restaurants for a cheap date in New York City like:
Spin can be a fun spot for a day date as well. Just know that after dark and on weekends the raise the rates to rent a ping pong table, so it isn’t as budget friendly during peak hours.
You can find some of the best comedy clubs in the world here and they can make for an awesome date night. Some we recommend are:
For something a little classier take her to a show on Broadway, here are links to some great theaters in town:
You may want to walk around Broadway and look for a specific show that is playing now that interests you.
Then if you are looking for some more good day date ideas any of these should do the trick:
Another fun place to go on a sunny day would be the Bronx Zoo . Deep Tanks Studio is only held on the 2nd Saturday of each month and can be good for a date or as a place to look for single girls.
On Saturdays from 11am to 6pm you can also hit up the Smorgasburg Market in Williamsburg which is loaded with all kinds of great food. A weekend getaway to Atlantic City could be a lot of fun for the two of you.
This local dating and singles nightlife map should be able to help you figure out your area a little better, and if you like to use the subway that link can help you figure out which routes to take.
We don’t like to come off as a broken record but this is one of the great cities for nightlife and entertainment in the world and is probably our longest American dating guide. While you do have plenty of options for pick up and date spots that doesn’t mean lots of guys don’t struggle with how to get a girl in New York.
Check out some of the links above to find out which spots fall within your budget and give it a go. If you see a sexy lady anywhere go say hello and see what happens. Maybe it won’t work out, but if you don’t try then it definitely won’t work out. Don’t forget about the thousands of single women in your area using Adult Friend Finder to get laid either, they can help get you through some dry stretches.
That wraps up our best places to meet girls in New York City and the dating guide, enjoy your time here.
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The Best Ways To Meet Single Women In New York City

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The Best Ways to Meet Single Women in New York City


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Dating in New York City is anything but easy — even for guys, who at least have the ratio scale in their favor (FYI: there are nearly 400,000 more women than men in New York, according to the Department of City Planning ). But especially in urban environments, online and app dating has become the new normal. It's an easier, faster and more convenient way of meeting people. It also sensibly gives you the opportunity to narrow down what you're looking for in a partner, whether it's just for the night or potentially for the long haul.
Either way, with eight million people and dozens of dating apps in this big city, there are more than enough opportunities to find someone you're truly compatible with.
So instead of trolling the same old bars or throwing in the towel and catching up on your Netflix queue, try these vetted and viable dating solutions we've listed below for you.
This might not be the newest dating site or app to hit the market ( Zoosk has been around since 2007), but it's definitely still a top contender.
The appeal is generally based on its user-friendly interface and seamless matchmaking ability. You don't have to fill out an hour-long questionnaire or spend a week trying to get the hang of it. You also don't have to worry about doing all the heavy lifting. Since it's a gender-equal site, women put as much effort into finding a match as men. It also weeds out any fakes or catfish by verifying your phone number and photos, which it does by opening your camera and prompting you to stare straight ahead, to the right and then the left.
With a free membership, you can create a profile and search for possible matches, but they tend to make it pretty tricky to actually communicate with others unless you're paying for a membership.
Learn more at Zoosk and read our full Zoosk review
Quite possibly the most well-known dating site and app out there today (thanks, in part, to their fairly relatable nationwide television ads), Match has consistently sailed to the top of the best online dating lists.
One key reason why is their always-improving technology and innovative new features, like 'Missed Connections,' which they launched in early 2017. The location-based feature is ideal for city dwellers because it allows users to see other members they've crossed paths with IRL — kind of bridging the gap (or at least blurring the lines) between online dating and real-life meeting.
Match's top-notch matching capabilities aren't too shabby either, taking into consideration the features, attributes, qualities, etc. that you indicate you're looking for.
Learn more at Match and read our full Match review 
Those sick of paying membership fees will love Mingle2, which is 100% free. Its signup process is also one you can breeze through, requiring just 30 seconds of deets on the homepage (email address, DOB, sexual orientation).
Once you create a username and password, add some primary interests, confirm your city, and you're good to go — even uploading a photo is optional. You can go ahead and add as much information as you like in their open-ended bio section or instantly get started by picking one of their discovery options of mutual matching or the traditional search route. Their search features are anything but broad, allowing you to search by name, username, active user, etc.
You can also request to be matched with someone. Another one of their top features, known as 'Mutual Match,' is essentially a game of which allows you to vote yes, no, or maybe on profiles it shows you.
Hot stat: According to Mingle2, there are over 400,000 New York members on the app.
Learn more at Mingle2 and read our full Mingle2 review
With decades of experience in their back pocket, eharmony's matching system just works.
It's comfortable with its reputation as the site for finding true, lasting love, which may be one of the reasons it's remained a world leader in the online dating industry for nearly two decades. The appeal is their 29 Dimensions® of Compatibility matching system that analyzes factors such as complementary traits, similarities, differences, etc. Its approach is unique and 100% customized to the individual user in that it only allows you to see other users who it deems would make a good match for you.
This means no browsing, searching or scrolling necessary, so your index finger can enjoy a well-deserved break. How many matches you'll see will be based on how frequently you use the site.
Learn more at eharmony and read our full eharmony review
OkCupid has garnered a solid reputation over the years as a safe, reliable and relatively enjoyable online dating experience.
Signup requires basic information entered through a series of yes or no questions that are later used to determine your compatibility with others. If you've used it in the past, you'll find that its platform and features have gone relatively unchanged, which goes to show its time-tested online dating experience is one that just works.
Learn more at OkCupid and read our full OkCupid review
This app isn't just for online dating, though it does a pretty damn good job at improving your chances of meeting someone naturally whom you actually can stand for longer than a 30-minute date, which may be part of its charm.
The company was founded in NYC back in 2002 and has become a way for organizers to manage the many functions associated with in-person meetings of all kinds. Users simply enter their zip code, tag topics they're interested in, be it sports and fitness, writing and literature, sci-fi and gaming, LGBTQ+ or many others. They create or locate a group to arrange a place to meet and that's where the magic happens.
It's free of charge for individual users, though Meetup does charge organizers fees to create and manage groups.
Hot stat: According to Meetup, there are over 1 million New Yorkers using the service. 
Logos and screenshots from dating app sites and apps.
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