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If you are looking for the best places to meet girls in Seoul with a dating guide you have chosen the right post. We will cover the best areas to try to pick up single women in your area and give many dating tips as well.
Considering this post is in English we are assuming that most of the guys reading this were not born in South Korea . Maybe you are a new expat, maybe you are just traveling through, or maybe we are wrong and you are a Korean guy who speaks really good English.
It really doesn’t matter either way, this guide will have plenty of tips to help you achieve your goals. For some the goal may be to hook up with a lot of women, for others it may be to find a local girlfriend or wife.
We will begin with the best nightclubs and pick up bars, most guys will probably prefer to try and meet single Seoul girls in some sort of party or nightlife environment. Day game and online dating will come next, for maximum success you need to be using all of your available resources.

After we cover how and where to try and pick up sexy women here our dating guide will begin. Just meeting a girl often isn’t enough, if you want to optimize your chances of hooking up you definitely will want to know where you can show them a good time.
Luckily this city is loaded with fun things to do so that won’t be hard. Then towards the end we will give some travel and dating tips for any tourists or new expats who might be reading this.
For the best nightclubs to try to and pick up single girls in Gangnam Seoul try:
Some of the best places to party in Itaewon are:
And for some good singles bars and nightclubs in Hongdae hit up:
We broke down that list of the best nightclubs and pick up bars in Seoul to meet sexy girls into a few main singles nightlife areas. You may want to choose one to focus on and book a room near there to make things a lot easier on yourself.
Gangnam would be the ‘hip’ or ‘trendy’ nightlife area. This is where the models, K Pop stars, and many of the hottest girls in South Korea will want to go to see and be seen. Of course that means it will be the most expensive, you will have to deal with the longest lines, and there will be more bars and clubs in this area that won’t let foreigners inside.
Trying to hook up after dark in this city is similar to going to nightclubs or pick up bars in Tokyo . Some places are not going to let foreigners inside, and if you get rejected at the door just move on to the next place. We will be covering this more later on.
The main tourist and expat nightlife district for singles is Itaewon, for a long time this was considered the best area of town to hook up with Seoul girls that liked foreign men. Over the past handful of years the scene has changed quite a bit, there are now more gay bars and ladyboys in Itaewon then there used to be and it is still as filled with prostitute bars as it ever was.
We aren’t saying it still can’t be a good place to meet sexy Korean women in your area who want to sleep with foreigners, but it just isn’t quite what it used to be. Another good area for singles nightlife would be Hongdae, there are plenty of places to party and try to get laid there, it isn’t as pretentious as Gangnam nor as weird as Itaewon.
You really won’t be able to figure out which area you like most until you give each one a shot. If you will also be trying to hook up with girls in Busan that link breaks the scene down for you.
Wild nightclubs aren’t for everyone, some guys prefer to try and chat with single women they see around town during the day. If you don’t know any Korean then good luck with that, but if you see a sexy girl near you there is no reason not to try.
One of the main shopping districts is in Dongdaemun where you can find the massive Doosan Tower plus many other malls and shops. Seoul girls will be all around this area, that makes for some great day game potential.
Some other massive malls in this city would be:
You may also want to head to the Ssamziegel District where many local women will be out on foot. Another easy option is to just hang out on the streets or in cafes near any major train stop.
People will be coming and going from the trains all day, that means a nice stream of girls you can try to pick up. However the trains are so overcrowded that they really don’t make for a logical place to try and meet women in your area.
We have only briefly mentioned this so far, but most of the local girls you meet in South Korea are not going to speak much English at all. In the nightlife you might have the chance to get laid just by using body language and dancing, when it comes to day game that is all about communication.
Using Korean Cupid to meet girls in Seoul online can help out in a few ways. The first being that it allows you to message so many women near you in such a short amount of time which improves your odds of contacting English speakers.
Another helpful thing is that if you choose one of the premium sign up options there is a built in translator right there on the dating site. That helps save you a lot of time instead of going back and forth to Google Translate, and it will make it more likely the ladies you message will reply.
Online dating in South Korea is much like anywhere else, it helps speed up the process because as we all know trying to pick up girls at bars is very time consuming and can be costly. Korean Cupid can save you time, money, and is a lot more efficient then approaching a girl you can’t communicate with.
There are thousands of single women in your area interested in dating foreign men but when you are out on the town you will never know who is who. Send out a lot of messages on the dating site and if you get a reply then you know who is interested.
Whether you want to find your future wife or just get laid this site can make it happen a lot quicker.
Now you know many of the best places to meet single girls near you and our Seoul dating guide can kick into gear. If you take the advice above and visit all the places or use all the resources we just listed you will have some women agree to go out with you in the near future.
Knowing a good romantic restaurant or a cocktail bar with some live music can help set the mood for the whole evening. Some of our favorite romantic date spots in Seoul would be:
If you choose to visit the N Grill, which is a great choice, be sure to head up to the observatory on top of the Namsan Tower before or after. If you really want to win a Korean girls heart over then take her out for karaoke.
There are all sorts of karaoke bars in this city, some of which are just like a normal bar where people go on stage and sing to the crowd. Others are more intimate where you and your sexy Seoul lady can share a private room and sing to each other.
There are also multi rooms which offer karaoke, many movies, games, and other fun activities. Young lovers often visit these places to hook up if they both are still living with their families. Take your date to one and see how it goes.
While karaoke or a multi room could also work for a day date why not get outside if the weather is nice? Take your girl to the Seoul Forest where you can feed animals at the ecology park.
Visit other natural surroundings like the Garden Of Morning Calm, Yeoiudo Park, or walk along the Han River. Samcheong is a fun outdoor shopping district that can make for a perfect local date during the day when the weather is nice.
Lotte World is a fun amusement park, Trick Eye Museum is one of the best places to take selfies on the planet, or there are many unique cafes around town. Some offer board games at your table if you think that the conversation might be lacking which it very well may be. Others have live raccoons that you can play with.
For museums and historic landmarks try:
You may have some success trying to meet women in Daegu , but it would also be a cool place to take a weekend trip with your special someone.
Earlier we mentioned one of the biggest travel and dating tips for tourists or new expats here, the language barrier is going to hamper you in a big way. If you are planning to stay for a long time then try to pick up as much of it as you can as it will help you stand out from other foreign men.
You are not going to find many girls in Seoul who speak fluent or even conversational English. Some will know a bit, some won’t know any, and that definitely can make dating here hard.
Then there is the part about some nightclubs or bars not allowing foreigners to enter, and Korean men not being to fond of foreigners chatting with ‘their’ women. You will probably notice some of this when you are out in Gangnam or Hongdae, don’t let it hold you back. The places we listed here should all be foreigner friendly.
It is also important to note that there are many materialistic women here and status is extremely important to them. The nicer you dress and the more money you spend the better your chances of hooking up with the hottest Seoul girls will be.
That is true in most places around the world, but here it can feel a bit extreme. Wear some nice clothes and open up the wallet, or at least make it appear like you can open up the wallet, particularly in a trendy area like Gangnam.
Currently you get a little under 1,200 won which is the local currency for every dollar, though that rate can change. You also will want to familiarize yourself with the great subway system they have here which makes it quick and easy to get around town.
Click here to get a good deal on your hotel. If you don’t want to head right here after you land we have also covered the nightlife and things to do in Incheon where you will probably land, or Suwon which is also really close.
Many places in Asia, particularly Southeast Asia , are known as very easy places to hook up with lots of girls. This city is not one of them, but if you are willing to put in the effort and have some game you can still have great success.
Dress well, learn at least a little bit of the language, chat with as many girls near you as possible, and have some money to spend. If you do all of that then you will have a great time. A backpacker who doesn’t speak any of the language, doesn’t own nice clothes, and is on a tight budget will definitely need to have luck on their side if they want to get laid.
If you are already here and are in a bit of a dry spell don’t forget to use Korean Cupid , and if you are taking a vacation set up an account and get the ball rolling before you arrive. It is a numbers game after all, and meeting single women in your area online certainly helps you rack up the numbers.
That wraps up our best places to meet girls in Seoul and our dating guide, enjoy your time here.

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RedpoleQ has been living in Asia for 13 years and has been teaching guys how to get Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese and Chinese girls since 2007. Find out everything you want to know about meeting, dating, sex and relationships with Asian women at Asian Dating Monthly . You can follow RedpoleQ on Twitter , Tumblr or Facebook .
I’ve been teaching boot camps in South Korea since 2007 and while there is no doubt that Korean girls are hard, there are a lot of factors at play in Seoul that determine how easy or difficult it will be for any individual guy in any particular situation. And while you’ll have to hustle, consistently getting Korean girls is very doable.
Looks (including fashion) and status carry you a lot further here than in Japan, China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. And when I say that, I mean that the bonus you get over the average guy for being attractive is so huge that an average guy will have to put in time and suffer flakes to pull a 7 (by Korean guy standards), while a good looking guy can have that girl call him up when she’s drunk to suggest they hit a love motel together.
Status is similar. I know two guys who had it super easy in Korea. Both were American guys in their mid/late 20s and one worked for Google and the other worked for Groupon. They loved to party and they rolled with Korean guys, and had status because of their work situation. A guy here could be in the midst of being blown out and then if he hands the girl a card that says Samsung on it, things will flip super hard and he’ll have an easy time to get the girl.
Among Korean “pickup artists”, it’s not uncommon to lie, about where they went to school (Seoul National University) or where they work (Samsung) and what car they drive (Mercedes) to get the lay. Since most Korean guys wouldn’t keep seeing a girl who bangs them on the first night, the lying doesn’t much matter. Also, the girl is so drunk she probably can’t remember anyway. That’s the other main tactic. Use status to pull her to your table, then get her so drunk that you can take her wherever.
There is no doubt that Korean girls are the hardest in Asia for most guys who end up here. Guys seem to have the easiest time adjusting to China, while Japan gets amazingly easy if you’re shooting for 7s and below, and understand how Japan works.
It’s true that Korean guys are the worst cockblocks in Asia by a wide margin. And even if a guy just gives a girl the evil eye, that can be enough to make her walk off on you even though he’s a total stranger. If you’re a black guy, I think you’ll find that non-black lover Korean girls are more open to black guys than non-black lover Thai girls are. And I think that average black guys don’t have it much harder than average white guys here. Indian guys don’t seem to be at any particular disadvantage either.
The fact is that most every guy (Koreans included) has a hard time getting action from Korean girls. Similar to how the US has the oft broken 3-date rule, Koreans have the 100 days rule which basically says you shouldn’t sleep with a guy until he’s been your boyfriend for 100 days! Of course they violate their rule all the time, but you have a good idea of the mindset. Korean girls don’t seem to lose their virginity until around 22. One of my guys is dating a girl who is 28, and of her 10 close female friends, 2 are still virgins. A lot of Korean guys still want their wives to be virgins, though that’s changing.
Both day game and night game in Seoul are awesome. I’d say that most guys who are running both get a pretty even split on the lays they get from day game and night game. Day game is significantly easier because you don’t have to deal with cock blocks and girls are often at coffee shops studying alone or waiting for friends. Also, there are massive volumes of girls in day game.
Generally, Hongdae is the least status conscious area because it’s teeming with what my Korean friends says are the “poor students”. It’s also got the alternative scene and the biggest lesbian club in Seoul. Most foreigners find this to be the easiest place to pull good quality young girls. There are also a lot of bars/clubs that cater to young girls curious about foreigners here.
Itaewon is the next best place, though you’re going to be going for girls that are more in the mid/late 20s and early 30s instead of girls in their early 20s. Much of Itaewon has become quite upscale in the past 3 years or so and it’s starting to be less of a dive bar scene (though there are still plenty of those). Club UN is known for girls who are into black guys, and I even met a girl who got hit in the head with a bottle by another girl who was trying to take her man there.
B-ONE and glam are the spots to go these days. And along with Helio’s, you’ll find the highest number of white-lover Korean girls, though you will still have to open a lot unless you’re really, really attractive by Korean standards.
Gangnam is by far the most difficult because the girls are both young and hot. It’s teeming with 8+s. It’s true that they are status conscious, and that they are also very image conscious, but most of my guys think it’s worth it and with the volume coming through, as long as you don’t mind getting blown out, you will find girls that hook.
There are a ton of night spots to choose from, but unsurprisingly, the more upscale the place, the more you will get blown out. You don’t need a table to pull as most of the guys dropping big cash with fancy cars also go home alone, but you will get more interaction time. Usually tables are good, because girls’ feet get tired and they want free drinks, so you get a longer opportunity to game sets that hook, which does improve your chances somewhat.
The flake rate is atrocious and I recommend massive texting as Korean girls are really much more concerned with how much you like them, than how much they like you. According to an informal street survey of Korean girls, 40-60 texts PER DAY is the norm between a girl and a guys she’s dating.
Japanese girls have the best faces in Asia, Chinese girls have the biggest tits, Taiwanese girls have a good mix of the Korean bodies and the Japanese faces, but hands down, Korean girls have the best bodies—long legs, and what they call a great “S-line” is common.
Korea is by far the hardest to game in East Asia, but it is very doable and most guys who learn game here will
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