Call Girl Cheerleaders Asstr

Call Girl Cheerleaders Asstr


Call Girl Cheerleaders Asstr
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samuelmichaels 06.08.2019, 5:58:56
joyR 06.08.2019, 15:43:17 Updated: 06.08.2019, 15:43:47
joyR 06.08.2019, 22:07:39 Updated: 06.08.2019, 22:08:01
samuelmichaels 08.08.2019, 4:57:09
Don't know how many here remember Call Girl Cheerleaders by Richard Bissell, but I'm looking for something similar to it. Well written harem smut taking place in a contemporary setting without too many complications and drama and no cheating.

Preferably one where all the girls the protagonist has been with actually stay with him at the end.

Dilettante's The Best of Both Worlds

Good choice. Maybe a couple of Oyster's stories (starting points for the harem groups are are Mi Vida , and Neighbors ). Lazlong has a couple of stories with harems, although some of them take place in the 19th century.
One I can't remember the title to ATM. Nerd abused by popular girls gets given control of them. Goes through some turmoil but alls right in the end as I remember. I will look.

One I can't remember the title to ATM. Nerd abused by popular girls gets given control of them. Goes through some turmoil but alls right in the end as I remember. I will look.

See. I didn't have to stay up to find it. Joy stayed up for me. :-) Thanks, Joy.

I didn't have to stay up to find it. Joy stayed up for me.

Anytime... :) ...Except next time YOU get to buy fresh batteries...

Don't know how many here remember Call Girl Cheerleaders by Richard Bissell, but I'm looking for something similar to it. Well written harem smut taking place in a contemporary setting without too many complications and drama and no cheating.

Where can I find Call Girl Cheerleaders ? I too enjoy reading contemporary harem without much drama, so it sounds like something I'd like.

Where can I find Call Girl Cheerleaders?

I'm not sure it is still available. I thought I had it downloaded but it appears that my download was dependent on an external site - - and that site is gone. The Wayback machine has the site but there are over 40 chapters (I think) and accessing them one at a time is pretty tedious. My semi-download was from mid March 2014.

It was originally posted on AssTr some time around 1999 but deleted a few years later.

There was quite a lot of drama in the later chapters.
An interested party might consider pasting the following into google;

"Call Girl Cheerleaders" by "Richard Bissell"

If they did, they might find that the sixth result linked to the chapters in groups, maybe 1-9, 30-39, 40 to end etc

Using those links it could be possible to access every group of chapters so as to obtain the full story.

Just sayin'.....
I did a google, what I found was 2 sites that I've never heard of (possibly sketchy?) that had Call Girl Cheerleaders Part 1-3 in the title (is that all parts? If it's a complete story, why put "part 1-3" in the title?).

So why not just ask? People are generally kind, it's simple and reliable and I got PM's in minutes giving me a link or offering to mail the stories to me.

(is that all parts? If it's a complete story, why put "part 1-3" in the title?).

I have no idea why the 40+ chapters are split up, or why the split is uneven.

People are generally kind, it's simple and reliable and I got PM's in minutes giving me a link or offering to mail the stories to me.

There is a certain etiquette to posting links to other story sites, whilst Laz is amazingly lax in dealing with that, it does not mean we should take advantage of his good will. As for being offered stories by mail, why exactly do you think those were by PM and not openly done here by post..??

An open post offering to email a copy of a story would be of use to many people not just the one sent a PM, but a post would also attract the customary shit-storm.

I simply tried a quick search and found the links (6th result on so I posted, but if you prefer I could just not bother to respond to your future posts?

A number of 'lost story' requests could be resolved with a quick search, maybe the person is unaware of how to search, maybe they are just too lazy. Either way posting a link to another story site is insulting to Lazeez, whereas posting what and where to search is both instructive to those unsure, and possibly provides motivation to the lazy.

My 2c (probably misspent)
Just wanted to thank everyone for the suggestions, even though most of them tend to pop up in threads looking for harem stories.

It's certainly my selfish wish that more authors would tackle the theme, but it is what it is.
While I do understand the why giving links to other sites is frowned upon, I'm not much of a supporter of the practice, if only because there's really not many other places on the net where one can ask for a specific kind of story and actually get informed answers from a userbase that knows what they're talking about.

With things being strewn all over the place as they are, it's a challenge to find what you're looking for, especially on sites that don't have the convenient tagging system of SO.

I'd certainly love to get recommendations for good harem stories that have been published elsewhere. I'd settle for just the title and name of the author (and maybe a short description), I can usually track down things myself.

With things being strewn all over the place as they are, it's a challenge to find what you're looking for, especially on sites that don't have the convenient tagging system of SO.

It would all cost be worth combining this thread with the one concerning squicks. In both cases the only effective way to find out if you'll enjoy a story is to actually start reading it.

I appreciate that having great stories in your preferred genre is convenient, but it does circumvent the "thrill of the chase". I don't shoot it unless I'm going to eat it, but there is no way I'd go to a range because they advertise live targets.

(Ok, so I have shot vermin, rats etc... Won't include politicians as politics are banned, and I've never actually found out when it's open season on them... :)

I'd certainly love to get recommendations for good harem stories that have been published elsewhere. I'd settle for just the title and name of the author (and maybe a short description), I can usually track down things myself.

Goodreads has several lists of harem fiction. Many of the books are on Amazon's KU.
I'll send you a message about this.

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Many of the authors that have written these stories would appreciate the reader's feedback. In many cases this is the only form of payment they receive. It only takes a moment of your time to let them know that you read their story. Who knows, they might even write more.

‡ Accidental Voyeurs - by Anonymous - Our company sent us to New York on business and we were both booked into the same hotel, but in separate rooms. Julie, my co-worker and I were going to give a presentation the next afternoon, then catch a red-eye flight back to the coast. (MF, voy, work-affair)

A Cock For Kali - by Author Obscure - Charlie Post, a student who lived off campus gets the full treatment from female professor with a dominance fetish. (Fdom/M, mc, control, college)

Acquiring A Taste For Chocolate - by A.P. Silcock - Chococlate plays an important part in this story. (MF)

Advanced Biology Lab - by Linda Loring - A jealous female lab technician gets even with a female colleague by manipulation. (F/machine, nc, forced orgasm, voy, spank)

‡ African Gangbanged Bride - by Wife Watcher - A teenage bride gets to experience native life up close and personal on a trip to Africa with her Anthologist husband. (M+/F, wife, intr, gangbang)

‡ Allison In The Graveyard - by Michael - It so happens that the first time I had an orgasm I had it by a girl's hand and that girl was my older sister. (mf, inc, mast, voy)

Airplane Wank - by Anon - A guy gets an eyeful in the airport bar when a couple of girls flash him. When they change their travel plans so they can fly with him to Paris, he thinks he's in heaven. (MMF, mast, exh)

Amateur Night - by Pamela Lewis A wife is talked into participating in an amateur "stripper" night and she finds that she likes showing off her body to an audience. (MF, wife, F-exh)

Amazing Blowjob - by Cadman - What more is there to say that the tile doesn't already. (MF, oral, rom)

Amsterdam - by Anonymous - This is a true story I'd like to share about a moment when things got a little carried away and a good friend watched my girlfriend giving me a handjob. (MFF, voy, mast, exh)

Anal Fetish - by LynDuke - The two sat in the living room watching a love story on TV. It was about a doctor and nurse. Sue being a nurse couldn't resist medical fetishes. (MF, anal, medical)

A Nice Hotel - by Ewan Grantham - A few moments in a long romantic weekend. (MF, rom)

Anonymous Night - by Don Azars - A guy tries out anonymous sex and becomes quickly addicted. (MM, anon-sex)

Appetitus Rationi Pareat - by The Confidence Man - A wimpy high school teen fantasizes about his mom, a lawyer, being raped by the school bully. The bully finds out, and has the wimp drug his mom. (Mf, nc, rp, inc, oral, bd)

A Primitive Hope - by Mejau71 - A tale of a true life transformation. Self discovery and sexual and physical growth in a shocking, yet erotic world of bodybuilding. (MF, FF, inc, body-image)

Army Bride Assaulted - by Black Demon - A really bad man takes advantage of an innocent women and blackmails her with the threat that if she doesn't put out, her fianc�e won't be coming home from military service in one piece. (MF, nc, v, intr, military)

Ashley's Prom - by Stroker Ace Ashley's recounts how her prom night turn out very unlike she had expected it to. (MF-teens, oral, exh, huml)

A Train Ride Marked By A Crying Baby - by Eli the Bearded - An unusual train ride with a woman and her infant. (F, toddler, voy, mast, sci-fi)

Aunt Sally's Niece - by Kathy Lee - A teenage girl is ostracized from school and family when she's caught in a lesbian relationship with another girl at school. Her disgusted parents pack her off to Aunt Sally's where the teenager learns a valuable lesson. (F/f-teen, inc, mast, oral, fist, rough)

Baby Maker - by Boomer - From a young age, a guy enjoys his ability to impregnate many women and takes full advantage of his nasty little talent. (M-teen/F+, reluc, preg)

Bad Advice - by Ardent This story is about a past girlfriend. You learn from everyone you meet, but you don't know what the lesson will be. This one was about busting romantic delusions. (MF, voy, oral, anal)

Bad Girl - by Anonymous - I guy loses his virginity to a "bad girl" while at the same time learning what it takes to please a girl in the sack. (mf-teens, youths, 1st, mast, oral)

‡ Bead Job - by Peter Handler - If you want to double the intensity of your orgasms, you might want to try anal beads. When used properly, a string of beads can make you ejaculate like a stallion. (MF, anal-play)

Bea's Pony - by Anonymous - Bea has some unusual experiences while visiting her sister in Texas. (MM-teens/F, rough, reluc, FF-bi, inc, beast, orgy)

‡ Bedchamber - by Phoebe - Sometimes a headache is trying to tell you something. (F/M-teen, wife, cheat, voy, preg)

Best Freinds - by Anonymous - A teenage girl loses her parents and gains a teenage husband. (MF-teens, youths, 1st, rom)

Big Dare, The - by Wonder Boy - Being attracted to your best friend sexually can be difficult when you're both boys and the year is 1969. (mm-teens, 1st-gay-expr, oral, huml)

Billy's Thanksgiving Treat - by Josh - A virgin college student with secret homosexual urges decides to try something new and treats himself to a 'massage' over thanksgiving holiday. (MM, 1st-gay-expr, oral, anal)

Black Man's Cum Dump - by Mr. Jones - A husband talks his wife into having sex with a black man, so she dose at a Halloween party and sends up pregnant by him. (MF, wife-sharing, intr, preg)

‡ Blow Job Party - by Peter Handler - A group of boys visit a man who gives them their first head. (M/m+, ped, mast, oral)

Blowjob Test - by Horny Rick - College roommates who can't get any pussy decide to gratify their sexual needs with each other. (MMM, 1st-gay-expr, mast, oral, anal)

Boxer, The - by Arc Light - A black boxer likes to cuckold white guys by seducing their wives. (MF, wife, intr, v, cuck)

Boy Rape - by Anonymous - Young boys aren't safe with cousin Sarah around. (Fm-teens, ped, M-voy, nc, rp, inc, 1st, mast, oral)

Boys In The Band - by Paul Anderson Some of the Band members find enjoyment in each other on a band trip over night. (MMM-teens, gay/straight-youths, 1st-gay-expr, mast, oral)

Breeding Season At The Rocking R Ranch (Version Alpha) - by Beating Off Bob - Diedre is trying to keep the ranch going while her husband is gone, and that means breeding the horses. She enlists her sister, nephew and son to help. For a bunch of amateurs they are amazingly successful. (Fm-teen, inc, 1st, cheat, preg)

Breeding Season At The Rocking R Ranch (Version Bravo) - by Beating Off Bob - Diedre is trying to keep the ranch going in the absence of her husband, and that means breeding horses. With the help of her Brother-In-Law and nephew, along with her own son and daughter, she thinks they can manage, but none of them have any experience at breeding. For a bunch of amateurs they succeed beyond anyone's expectations. (MFmf, inc, bi, cheat, voy, mast, oral, preg)

Breeding Season At The Rocking R Ranch (Version Charlie) - by Beating Off Bob - Diedre's husband is gone and it's breeding season at the ranch, so she needs help getting that done. With the help of her sister's family, and her own children, they manage to pull it off... so to speak. It turns out to be the most successful breeding season on record. (MFmf-teens, inc, 1st, bi, cheat, rough, voy, mast, oral, preg)

Brenda and Julie - by Stam Rachel Walker, a middle-age woman has a 44-year-old lover named Julie Harris and a 14-year-old daughter, Brenda. Julie thinks Brenda is irresistible. Julie, with Mom's approval, has Brenda to her condo one night and this story is an account of that night. You might find it a little long but so was their night. (Ff, ped, 1st-lesbian-expr, oral, smoking, rom)

‡ Broken Rubber - by The WebGypsy A guy finally gets tired of playing the meek boyfriend and decides to teach his bitchy girlfriend a lesson. (MF, nc, forced)

‡ Bully - by Durango Dan - Greg and Zack were always picked on by Kenny, the neighborhood bully. But when Greg visits his Uncle and learns some self-defense moves, things quickly change. Greg and Zack convert Kenny from a bully into a friend. (Mb, bb, 1st-gay-expr, reluc, oral, anal)

‡ Call Girl Cheerleaders - by Richard Bissell - [An e-novel] A guy falls into a relationship-for-money with a high school cheerleader that soon grows into a group thing that then flowers into a romantic relationship between him and the girls. (M/f+teens, bi, mast, oral, anal, orgy, prost)

Part 2 -
Part 3

Cat - by Anonymous - A guy gets turned on by strong women who are able to beat him up. (MF, rough)

Cattleman's Lament - by Beating Off Bob - Sarah, daughter of cattle rancher Jonas Collins, goes missing under strange and disturbing circumstances. Then his wife disappears too. It all seems to have something to do with the unwelcome sheep rancher next door, but Jonas doesn't seem to be able to solve the mystery. Can a 15 year old boy succeed where a grown man fails? (MFmf-teen, reluc, 1st, mast, oral, preg)

Cheryl And The Shower - by LesbianLover - Two college friends fall into a lesbian relationship. (FF, 1st-lesbian-expr)

Christmas Bet: Fantasy Realized - by WNYKen A bet with the wife ends with me being a show/play-toy for a party friends and relatives. (FFM, reluc, inc, exh, mast, mc)

Christmas Break - by Michael - Daughter comes home from college for Christmas vacation to stay with her widowed father, while both of her sisters were away for the holidays. She was the youngest daughter in the family, always her father's favorite. (MF, inc, rom)

Christmas Presents - by Leowulf - In which kindness is given and rewarded with greater kindness. (MF, oral)

Christmas Presents - by Ruth White - Crossdressing turns into something more over time for Ray and friends. (MM, tv, cd)

Circus Is In Town, The - by Raven - A guy enjoys a circus in all its aspects. (MMF, bi, mast, oral, tg, fantasy)

Class Of 2007 - by JRD - Two teenage boys are talked into dressing up as girls with the promise of sex. (teens, tg, fantasy)

Cloud: The Cherry Buster - by Anonymous - Four girls form an interesting little club where one of the initiation rites is to lose their cherry in a very special way. (ff/beast, youths, voy, oral)

‡ Consenting Adults - by Hardy - Husband has a fantasy of seeing his wife being serviced by another man. His faithful wife is resistant to the idea, but husband continues to exert pressure to obtain his goals. Finally an opportunity arises that could fulfill his fantasies. (MF, wife, reluc, voy, preg)

Costume Party - by Rachel Varga - A man-pretty husband is controlled by his wife into dressing up as a woman and taking a male lover. (MMFF, husband, bi, cd, tg)

Cuckold Groom, The - by Anonymous - A new bride is taken by an old flame while her small-dicked groom has to watch. But watching isn't all he has to do when the old flame's girlfriend pulls something long and dark out of her hand bag and looks mischievously at his helpless, bound body. (MF, nc, rp, wife, v, cuck)

Cum Eating Husband - by Subone1 - A husband becomes his wife's and her lover's cum sucking hand-maiden to service them whenever the mood struck them to use him. (MMF, bi, wife-dom, husband-sub, affair, huml, voy, cream-pie)

Daddy Does The School Dance - by Heatheranne - Stories of the students, teachers and parents who attend a school dance. (M/F-teen, inc)

Dad's Surprise Christmas Gift - by Kip Hawk A grown man recalls a special Christmas Eve with his father during his teen years. (Mm-teen, ped, inc, 1st-gay-expr, oral)

Dancing In The Dark - by Weird Writer - A story about a private party that encourages anonymous sex. (MF, MM-bi, anon-sex, orgy)

Darian's Essence - by Zer0 - A handyman has a secret, he really likes his employer's daughter, especially her socks. (M/f-teen, schoolgirl, feet)

Daughter Gets The Goat - by Bob Hawkins - It all started one day while Dawn was sitting in the woods reading a library book and a small boy in a cowboy costume came up to her and talked her into letting him tie her up with his toy lasso. (MFFb, ped, nc, rp, inc, beast, bi, bd, gb,
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