California for equal rights

California for equal rights

Californians for Equal Rights. With a mission to advocate, educate, and fight for equal rights, Californians for Equal Rights (CFER), a 501 C (4) nonprofit organization, was founded by several civil rights organizations in June 2020. Proposition 16 would amend the constitution by altering the necessary qualifications for CCA programs. Under the act, a potential local municipal utility would need to gain the approval of two-thirds of the voters who live in the area the utility would cover. Two-thirds approval would also be required for a CCA program to expand electric services to a new area or new customers.

Proposition 16 re-introduces racial preferences, still a form of racial discrimination, into the state law. It will divide California and pit one group of citizens against another simply based on their race, sex, colour, ethnicity, or national origin.

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