Calculations, strategic foresights, social polls are good in their own way, but they do not give the main thing: the readiness of societies and the world as a whole, to follow someone's not quite fresh personal idea. Part 2.

Calculations, strategic foresights, social polls are good in their own way, but they do not give the main thing: the readiness of societies and the world as a whole, to follow someone's not quite fresh personal idea. Part 2.

24-ዘዐሀዩ ጠልፘልጓፗበይ 📓 'ናልናዘዓሀልዩ'

⏳ƬɼⅈᎴʋℓɛ ℵ 🔬Ꮥɑℽʂ 🎙

And it's still very soft from the Editorial Board. Many people think that, especially, who has lost touch with reality, a man is great and everything depends on him on this planet. So argued the official doctrine of the builder of communism in the USSR invented in the woods on Volynskaya Street. Because it was in the forest in good living conditions invented verbal myths absolutely not literate Soviet leaders not always able to read and speak without a piece of paper. Reality and the most ordinary physical laws, which are completely ignored by politicians and various figures with the money attached to the police proved the opposite - the USSR is no longer thirty years old. But the case of Ulyanov - Lenin is alive to this day. Putin's Russia is next in line for a grand break-up and the U.S. and Europe in 2021 are in line for it. Apparently behind the company as U.S. allies 🇺🇸 

Thank you party native (poetic stanza) 

"Winter has passed, it's summer-

Thank you party for that!

For the smoke coming out of the chimney,

Thank you, party, to you!

For the fact that the day changed the dawn,

I party my thank you !

Friday is Saturday -

After all, this is a party of care !

And for the Sabbath weekend? 

Thank you party native !

Thank you party with the people

For breathing oxygen!

My cute breasts are white -

All this the party gave! 

And even though I sleep with her in bed,

I love you, the party, 😻 


George Soros was born in the Hungarian capital in 1930 in a poor Jewish family. At birth he was given the name Gyorgy Schwartz, but in 1936 the head of the family Tiwadar decided to change his name. Then the Schwartzs became Shorosh. Later, arriving in America, George Soros got rid of his short surname from hissing sounds. 

It is good that at least one Schwartz did not get rid of his last name and we know for many decades exactly who this Nice Guy! Yes, it is not drawn by girls in their pink wet dreams, but also former U.S. presidents 🇺🇸 

That's what Arnie says!! Thank you 🙏 

Let's go 🛫 to our camels. 

Of course, the reader should be confused not by the fact that they opposed the oligarchs, but by the fact that the foundations supported Poroshenko, bringing him to power, but at the same time feigned violent indignation on all sides, declaring the democratically elected president in all mortal sins. And this is more like a mess than constructive criticism. 

It is clear that for 10,000 dollars a month some my mother is ready to sell, but it is a threat to the existence of the nation! In any case, the attack on the TV channel of oligarch Firtash Inter in September 2016 is also the product of a discussion with Soros in March 2014. As you will notice, the transcripts directly discuss the thesis about the requirements of transparency of ownership of TV channels, including Russian militarism. Therefore, the attack on television employees can be directly linked to the action plan of the foundations against the oligarchic media.

Knowing this can be argued on the one hand that the Parliament is seized by U.S. agents in order to tear Ukraine away from Russia, and on the other hand, the U.S. helps Ukraine overcome problems to become a prosperous democracy. But the truth, as always, turns out to be somewhere in the middle. So So Soros believes that Crimea should be legalized, that is, to keep in the Russian Federation, but with the possibility of access of the Ukrainian fleet to Sevastopol, and Mr. Krystev believes that for the West the issue with Crimea has already been solved. 

At the end of the transcripts, we can also note the fact that the EU is not very happy with the circumstances. Therefore, Putin's proposal to divide Ukraine by spheres of influence logical continuation of the position of Europe, which wants to solve the military and geopolitical crisis with conventional financing. It can even be said that once again the EU has shown toothlessness. Therefore, if Russia were to occupy Estonia and Latvia in the wake of Crimea and Donbass, it seems that another peaceful conference with pathetic slogans would take place. In any case, The Russian Federation believes that Ukrainians were forced to choose in favor of global liberal democracy and economy. It is all the more strange that until 2014, Russia received huge young ladies from cooperation with this very market. Therefore, it remains a mystery whether jealousy of money has caused military action?

Of course, one can only guess what the Kremlin tried to create in Ukraine. Based on the old Westphalian system of counterbalances, perhaps Putin wanted to organize a kind of medieval Germany, divided into many weak dependent territories, alternately included in military alliances according to geopolitical ideas to maintain the balance of power. Although there were no historical and cultural prerequisites except for the presence of Russian-speaking citizens. But hostage-taking in the form of entire regions and referendums at gunpoint, and then searches on the lists of those who did not show up for the vote, showed that in the 21st century, small fascist dictatorships are possible right in the heart of Europe.

In Ukraine, two worlds, two civilizations converged. On the one hand, the global liberal markets of the 21st century, described by Toffler, Fukuyama, Bell, Lee Kuan Yew, Soros on the other hand classical colonial imperialism based on the doctrine of the United Russian people of the mid-19th century, as well as the opposition to liberalism of herd fetishism.

Of course, it is good to live in a developed democratic state with high incomes and human potential. But it must be understood that very few societies are able to break the traditional habit of corruption or apply laws on the basis of the principle of force. In the 21st century, it is more necessary than ever to determine what we want to see. A future with liberal democracies without wars or a return to an era of real politics, when power was dictated only by force, and there was not even a hint of international law? 

What the U.S. does in the world is a mixture of Wilsonism on the one hand and real politics on the other. Unfortunately, most Americans are isolationists. They adhere to the island's ideology, according to which they should not be concerned about what is happening in Africa and Eurasia. Nevertheless, this carelessness cost the United States to participate in two world wars. Because as soon as the world lost its counterweight, another empire or dictatorship was born wanting to enslave everything and everything. And that's the crown 👑, she did not ask for a visa, and flew bypassing the airfield and border control, settled occupied skyscrapers 🏙 and took root, putting roots on his face in the form of a muzzle. 

Patriots of the Russian Federation fight in ecstasy and shout about herd unity. But few of them know that Russian propagandists who instilled in them this desire, for example, such as Sergei Markov spent 10 years interning in the United States. And Gleb Pavlosky, who portrayed President Medvedev in the media, was named as a trained employee of the Open Society Foundation in an interview with Soros" open Russia. This means that, along with Levada - the center they can also be considered foreign agents. After all, they received grants from U.S. NGOs.

Therefore, the more the story with the transcripts of Soros will unfold, and the more information hackers will post on the network, the more likely that the next patriot will be deprived of grants and attention, a former employee of the foundation. 

The main task of a living organism is survival, and the main means of survival in the industrial society is money. For societies in terrible economic situations, expediency is more important than values. Therefore, until the average salary reaches $20,000 a month, direct elected democracy cannot be effective. 

Carnival obscurantism in the former territories can no longer be called a political process in the usual sense of the word. This is a brazen and limitless gang system called the ploughman. If in the late nineties of the twentieth century someone naively called the CIS - the union of independent states, today this term has lost every logical washed away. After the publication of Panamanian offshore documents, schemes to enrich the highest state employees of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and evidence of the robbery of the population during the pseudo-liberal market reforms of Gaidar and Chubais thinking people found themselves in a new hitherto hypothetically assumed reality.

The grandiose scam lasting the last 103 years and 30 years in the post-Soviet space has only one single term to describe, the name of which - the mafia.

In light of recent events and the release of information and facts, it is critical to identify the major corruption milestones that have led us all to economic collapse, ethnocide, increased mortality, suicide, abortion, alcoholism, national contradictions and the spread of heavy drugs such as heroin and firstventine.

The very attempt to realize the enormity of the scam "modern state" leads us to the so-called extremism. After all, it calls into question not only the current political system, but also the very competence of the existence of any state institutions. Or simply put, it means lawlessness as non-engendering laws.

The point of no return of kleptocracy can be considered 1991. When Egor Timurovich Gaidar, as Minister of Economy and Finance of the RFSR personally transferred approximately 300 million U.S. dollars to Cuba, ostensibly to preserve the military base of the Lourdes GRU/ KGB, which by that time was planned to be liquidated by the decision of the Soviet Defense Ministry. The entire budget of the RFSR for 1991 was approximately $250 million. In fact, these are the purposeful withdrawal of currency outside the country.

In 1992, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) sent a $1 billion stand-by loan ($1 billion to the Russian Federation) from reserve funds to support and develop the economy. But by 1993, when Boris Fedorov took over as finance minister of the Russian Federation, the money had already evaporated. There was no documentary evidence of this.

As the Russian economist Andrei Illarionov found out years later, egor Gaidar sent to "rescue" the Eurobank, bought from the French by the Soviet Foreign Ministry's narcotics department back in 1926. This structure was used as the financial roof of Soviet spy organizations in Europe. It funded subversive activities against Western countries.

The European Bank gained a sad fame primarily because in its bowels disappeared Spanish gold deposited by the USSR. In turn, Soviet foreign trade organizations operating in Western markets were obliged to transfer a percentage of the profits to this financial institution. That guaranteed a stable financial support in the currency.

But by 1991, after Gorbachev's liberalization, the Eurobank was without deductions. This brought him to the brink of bankruptcy. The financial institution was in arrears at that time for approximately US$ 1 billion. The secret refinancing was carried out by a secret (!) decree of Gaidar bypassing Yeltsin and the rest of the government. Egor Timurovich personally told about this at a lecture at the London School of Economics (LSE) on May 4-5, 1993 (the lecture can be downloaded on the official website in the format of mp3). In the same speech, he admitted the quote: "Our task was to give property to those who were next to her", "The most important thing in the market economy is not market mechanisms, the most important thing who controls the assets."

Also, by the personal order of Gaidar in 1992, foreign currency loans were received by representatives of the MIC, special services and agricultural complex structures. After that, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a "shock therapy" program, by releasing prices and a broad monetary issue that caused hyperinflation.

Simply put, the market was flooded with unsupported money. The purpose of this operation was to destroy the savings of citizens and enterprises in currency equivalent. Between 1992 and 1993, the population and organizations retained only 1 to 1.5 per cent of pre-reform savings. The economy was ruined. People and businesses were impoverished, losing everything they earned and accumulated. At the same time, according to various data at the time of "shock therapy" the budget deficit of the Russian Federation was only 12% to 25% that even with the worst conjectur is not critical for the economy.

But the broad monetary issue and as a result hyperinflation were aimed not to maintain the budget by devaluing the ruble. IMF foreign currency loans withdrawn to the West, including to the Eurobank returned to the Russian Federation only after the collapse of the national currency under the guise of allegedly foreign investments. Through shell companies, representatives of the IGB, the mafia, the red directorate and other ni juventus bought up the assets of the entire state for nothing, leaving tens of millions of people without food and work. Having ruined hundreds, if not thousands, of monocities, breaking countless destinies. The consequences of this scam in the form of a demographic pit affect and 20 years after the described events.

In fact, in 1991 -1994 there was a grandiose operation to artificially destroy the savings of citizens and, above all, enterprises to redistribute resources in favor of specific political groups and individuals. In a short period of time, trillions of dollars of people's assets were withdrawn from the Russian Federation and transferred to the hands of people close to the ideological and vital position of the then masters of life.

As a result, after the destructive round of hyperinflation, only selected foreign currency assets were able to participate in the monetary privatization programme. At that time they were organizations credited by the Bank of Russia, as well as structures and companies subsidized personally by Gaidar and the Central Bank. In fact, people's money was wrongly appropriated by the red directorate, the IGB and semi-criminal structures. This is how ploughmen and oligarchs have been legalized that have caused all international conflicts, hybrid wars, tragedies in the post-Soviet space and the world as a whole.

Actually, it's nothing new, the whole 20th century was all the same. Two world wars have passed, hundreds of a billion people have been laid for their own benefit and the slow decisions of the besed black caviar and champagne bars in tailcoats. And again make a New visit to the New Circle of history already without francs, in sneakers. 

If someone shows aggression, the instability is undulating throughout the system, overturning the usual dynamics. This is exactly what happened in Ukraine when Russian and local ploughmen as a result of the liberal-democratic revolution were without their coveted super profits.

It seems that in patriotic sense on both sides people have forgotten the main thing. The war is currently taking place in the Donbass and Crimea is a consequence of the disassembly of thieves in law. After all, power in Russia and Ukraine in fact belongs to the oligarchs, and therefore the policy of foreign and internal is aimed at maintaining the interests of these, let me say, gentlemen.

Therefore, it is safe to say that the political and military hysteria is based on the financial interests of specific people. At the moment all names and schemes are known. And some fragments of the puzzle add up to a rather unsightly picture.

These diabolical and inhumane ways of economic ethnocide are no different from the schemes carried out by Gaidar and the company of bankers in the early 90s of the 20th century in Russia.

Therefore, before we squirt saliva in the stream of patriotic word-and-word, let's estimate the loss of 42 million Ukraine from the activities of the ploughman. Let me remind you that as a result of "shock therapy" Russian citizens lost trillions of U.S. dollars. Ukrainians, on the other up, lost between $30 billion and $40 billion over several years.

To date, some particularly shocking facts of robbery of the people have been published. For example, one of the most important reasons for the war with Ukraine russian ploughman was the loss of gas speculation. The fact is that energy resources have never been supplied directly to Ukraine. They were sold by Gazprom to structures owned by oligarch Dmitry Firtash. The very extradition that the U.S. has achieved and who is hiding from justice in Austria, and the U.S. for some unknown reason can not take this body for several years .

Back in June 2015, Reuters, citing Russian customs documents, wrote that in 2012 Gazprom sold blue fuel to Dmitry Firtash's companies at a price of $230 per 1,000 cubic meters. And in 2013 at a price of $267 per 1000 cubic meters. $3.7 billion. And this is only on known episodes.

That is, in simple terms, the scheme looked like this. Pakhans from Gazprom sold gas to the oligarch Firtash at a European price. And he resold it to Ukraine on speculative. The super profits were spent on the purchase of media assets and political lobbying of the Russian ploughman in Ukraine. At the same time, the average man was given an inflated price for gas as the lack of an alternative in the energy market. Russians, on the other hand, had pseudo losses from the sale of gas, and in fact the shenanigans with people's resources were fed under the sauce of stealing blue fuel by neighbors. But the fact remains the fact thieves in the law have received super profits.

Dmitry Firtash and his Ostchem Group speculated gas according to Forbes magazine owed Gazprom Bank about $11 billion. 

After all, Dmitry Firtash bought not only TV channels, but also such enterprises as: Styrol, Severodoetsky Association nitrogen and Rivneazot for super profits from insanely expensive gas. With the support of Yanukovych's pocket regime, he was able to get into the top five fertilizer producers in Europe. And until 2015, information about where the finances were taken for this scam was not available. Over time, the observer will discover other grim facts of political lawlessness of organized criminal groups of ploughmen who have confused their own vested interests with interstate relations. 

No matter how pathetic speeches are not uttered for thinking people, they will forever remain bandits and scum whose power has no legal and legislative power, as it relies solely on stolen money from people, mafia ties and violence.

If we look at the map of military conflicts in which Russia is directly or indirectly involved today, we will notice that all these zones were created with the aim of fencing the states of the Caspian basin from the possibility of direct gas transit to their and neighboring territories.

Taking advantage of the fervent disposition of the southern peoples, thieves in the law who came to power as a result of the scams Of Gaidar and Chubais want to receive young ladies for the transportation of gas and oil belonging to the peoples of Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Therefore, we should expect that this grandiose geopolitical scam will take more than one thousand lives.

And while the dynamic system of geopolitics is swinging, homegrown thieves' geostrategs forget one very important physical feature of our civilization. The world is interconnected by back-to-back relationships stemming from the principles of self-organization of disspathetic structures characteristic of all systems. This means that the points of instability generated purposefully based on synergy will return in the form of new elements of order to the original source to support the self-organized dynamics. This can best be described by the saying: "Don't swarm another pit yourself into it."

In fact, the endless looting of one's own and neighboring peoples led the ploughman to a stalemate in the economic and political situation. Thieves in the law said their word. They are for lawlessness and violence. But these calls have not been answered by another person - peoples living throughout the CIS. After all, dictatorships sooner or later end, including with the help of sighted fire to defeat . 

George Soros

Secret transcripts

The title of secret documents:

1. Breakfast with U.S. Ambassador Jeffrey Pyatt 

2. Meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine

3. Meeting with Oleg Musius by the Minister of Health

4. Meeting with Justice Minister Pavlo Petrenko

5. Meeting with Andrei Deschica as Foreign Minister

6. Meeting with I.O. President of Ukraine Turchynov

7. Meeting with EU, IMF and UNDP ambassadors

8. Civil Society Roundtable

9. Revival Foundation Business Lunch with George Soros

10. Strategic Advisory Group meeting with George Soros

11. Soros's article on Ukraine for the New York Review of Books

1. Breakfast with U.S. Ambassador Jeffrey Pyatt 

(Reductions in names in the dialogues below)

Breakfast participants: Jeffrey Pyatt - DP "Geoffrey Pyatt, GP" (U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine); David Mil - DM (DM) (Adviser to the Ambassador for Economic Affairs); Lenny Bernardo - LB (Lenny Benardo, LB) (Open Society Foundation); Evgeny Bystritskiy - EB (Yevhen Bystrytsky, YB) (Executive Director, International Renaissance Fund), Alexander Sushko - AU "Oleksandr Sushko, OS" (Chairman of the Board of Directors, International Renaissance Fund), Ivan Krastev - IV (Ivan Krastev, IK) (Center for Liberal Studies); Sabine Fraser - SF (Sabine Freizer, SF) (Open Society Foundation); Def Barton - DB (Deff Barton, DB) (Director, U.S. Agency for International Development, Ukraine)

OS: General information about the work of the Revival Foundation with this crisis.

EB: Possible ways for the U.S. Embassy to cooperate with the International Revival Fund on four levels of its work. On the most pressing issues that need attention.

Ambassador: The short-term problem that needs to be solved is the problem of communication of the government through professional PR tools, especially given Putin's slanderous company.

DS: The Agreement on Strategic Communication - Providing professional PR support to the Ukrainian government would be very useful. A review of the Crisis Media Center organized by the International Revival Foundation speaks about Yatsenyuk's need to give more interviews to journalists criticizing him on the decisions taken. The plan under discussion for a more sensible e-government notes the need for international donor assistance to implement some aspects of the e-government programme.

Ambassador: Lavrov is bending his line on constitutional reform and the concept of federalization of Ukraine. The U.S. government has confirmed that it will not negotiate behind the backs of Ukrainians on the issue of constitutional reforms and that Ukraine should make a decision on this issue itself. He noted that there are patterns of devolution that can be used in this context, but we need to understand how to promote decentralization without a program of action on the Russian agenda.

DS: The federalization plan that Putin is trying to pair with Merkel and Obama would lead to Russia gaining control over the eastern regions of Ukraine. Lavrov has clear instructions from Putin to bend the line on federalization. 

Ambassador: Secretary Kerry would be interested to hear George Soros's views on the situation directly upon his return from the trip.

SF: There is no positive model of federalization in that region, even a model of decentralization of very low quality, because the concept itself is not very common. Institutions responsible for decentralization simply do not exist and they must be built.

IB: Ukraine needs to pursue a policy of decentralization based on the Polish model. The Revival Foundation has funded the development of the plan on the basis of this experience before, and the government's advisers are now involved in the matter. It is also noted the importance of promoting the creation of a constitutional council to attract independent experts more openly to the Government.

Ambassador: Constitutional reform is the most pressing problem facing Ukraine, there is a need for decentralization to push democracy at the local level and break corruption - the result of Kiev's power over local authorities.

IK: I propose to create a group of 5-6 international experts on constitutional reform to advise the Ukrainian government during the process.

DS: I propose Oshetinsky, an expert on constitutional law to participate in the constitutional reform process.

AU: Constitutional reform and decentralization as one of the main demands of the Maidan - proposed in the form of the principle of restoring people's rights, not the transfer of powers to the regions.

Ambassador: The Russian propaganda machine tells Donbass and Kharkiv that the government in Western Ukraine hopes to steal their resources and rights, through decentralization, loads Lavrov's ideas, that the Ukrainian government is inadequate and unsuccessful as a unitary state, making the federation necessary. In the process of reconciliation and strengthening of the common Ukrainian identity.

EB: There is a need for a process of direct dialogue and reconciliation through expert seminars. The Revival Foundation is taking the lead in developing a civic model of education and intercultural dialogue. This will be the main task.

Ambassador: The project of reconciliation between regions is necessary, and it should pay special attention to young people through any possible activities, such as summer camps, to strive to form a common Ukrainian identity. What the U.S. government is doing at the moment.

DS: Will Ambassador Pyatt send a copy of the correspondence and an article for the New York Review of Books( article at the end of the translation)? Obama was too soft on Putin, and there is a need for powerful intellectual sanctions. Soros also noted the need to divide labor between the EU and the UNITED States in the role of good and bad policeman. The U.S. government should impose sanctions on Russia within 90 days or until the Russian government recognizes the results of the presidential election. He noted that he was most concerned about the transitional justice and lustration.

Ambassador: The US government is organizing a conference with the British in late April on financial crime, forcing senior government officials and the international community to discuss spending. Jeffrey Pyatt noted concerns about the implosion of the Party of Regions and will discuss proposals to help rebuild the party after the Yanukovych era. This is what Ukraine needs most.

 A common philosophy of national unification is the biggest need for Ukraine now. This will not happen under Tymoshenko, as she is perceived as a product of the old regime and a highly controversial figure. They (the Ukrainians) call the revolution a “revolution of dignity,” and Tymoshenko is associated with everything unworthy.

 DS: We need to get rid of the “original sin” so that all current presidential candidates adhere to the law so that Ukraine can move forward.

 Ambassador: There are two paths for the Maidan: they can focus all their energy on lustration and retaliation, but this will get nowhere, or they can focus on building organizational structures for a transparent, responsible and successful government.

 DS: The idea of ​​a Saakashvili-style judicial reform and the abolition of unlimited terms of office for judges, the implementation of expertise to weed out bad judges. The new parliament will discuss key provisions on judicial reform. The Right Sector and Russia are increasing destabilization, the Right Sector is funded by the FSB to destabilize Ukraine.

 Ambassador: I agree that this is partly true, but the problem is that the Right Sector, although limited in its capabilities, is still armed. The government needs to figure out how to demobilize and disarm the Right Sector.

 DS: How can we protect the May elections from Putin's destabilization?

 Ambassador: The international community should send observers from the OSCE and other institutions to the elections. The American embassy is also currently working with the SBU and monitoring the situation, they have already found Russian agents.

 He noted that the second ambassador, Cliff Bond, will be brought to the embassy to focus on long-term issues such as decentralization, lustration, e-government, anti-corruption and will coordinate these issues with the donor community. Obama avoids military support for Ukraine.

 DS: I look forward to a close collaboration between the Renaissance Foundation and the US Embassy.

 2. Meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine

 Meeting of Sergey Kvit - SC (Minister of Education and Science), Inna Sovsun - IS (Deputy Minister of Education), Lenny Bernardo - LB (Open Society Foundation), Sabine Fraser - SF (Open Society Foundation), Alexander Sushko - AS (Renaissance Foundation) , Grigory Kasyanov - GC (Head of the Center for Educational Policy), George Soros - DS.

 SC: Believes that there are good prospects for reforms in the education sector. His first task is to restore people's confidence in his ministry, because in the past, as you know, this was the most corrupt department and therefore there is such low confidence in him because of this problem.

 Specific steps include:

 • Clarification of all processes in the ministry

 • Implementation of a transparent accounting system

 • Disclosure of procurement details via the Internet

 • Elimination of corruption schemes of the past

 • Answers to all complaints, from preschool to university level

 All these steps will be taken to restore confidence in the ministry.

 He also noted that the second priority task is to pass new laws and amendments in the field of education.

 • The law on higher education, which lasted for 2 years, is almost ready for parliamentary approval - the current draft law is the result of a long discussion with non-governmental public organizations and civil society experts on this issue

 • Education Law for all levels; Kasyanov noted that it is at the initial stage of development and work on it will depend on independent experts and should have support from the ministry and parliamentary committees. It will take over a year. There is potential for the participation of representatives of the Council of Europe to help draft the law to be in line with EU directives

 • Other required laws

 JS: Regarding educational laws, it would be helpful to first send the draft laws to the EU institutions to ensure compatibility with the EU before passing laws in Ukraine.

 GK: Noted that they did this and worked to provide more autonomy to educational institutions, aligning it with EU norms and laws.

 SK: The third priority is tactical issues; there is a need to introduce an independent knowledge assessment system and licensing rules (including accreditation) in the education system.

 He noted that they lack funding for these three priority areas, they need capital for reforms, but they can change the rules of the game to strengthen support for the new system and new processes to increase autonomy and responsibility in the education sector. Ukraine has centralized the education system; the challenge is to decentralize this system while maintaining the responsibility and control of educational institutions. Until now, the sector has been ruled, but the opposite is necessary. Transparency is the most critical issue and they want to use the Ministry of Education as an example for Ukraine of a transparent ministry.

 Some of the initiatives include:

 • Implementation of electronic governance; the existing system is outdated and ineffective

 • Changes in institutions - should allow for a greater degree of self-government

DS: There is serious corruption among teachers and students in schools, teachers receive low salaries and have to rely on bribes or donations from students. How to deal with this?

 GK: We are currently working on the fight against corruption. We have implemented kindergarten-to-university admissions testing systems that drive corruption out of our day-to-day activities. A public awareness campaign against corruption in schools is under way to stop it.

 DS: I noted that if we send e-government consultants to Ukraine, then we must have a point of contact for communication with the Ministry of Education to help create e-government there as well.

 EB: I noted the existence of two levels of electronic government, the first includes electronic exchange of information within ministries, and the second level includes communication between the Ministry and the public. We will introduce e-government at the second level, and the implementation of the first level will be completed by the Ministry.

 DS: The Ministry of Education is invited to identify issues that may require our assistance and use Kasyanov as a communication channel for the Open Society Foundations network.

 LB: What actions can we take in the education sector to reconcile Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​in institutions to solve existing problems?

 GC: Noted that there are many opportunities at the institutional level to conduct research and other similar joint activities, as well as work on projects aimed at mutual understanding and reconciliation. They actually have a lot of positive agreements with their Russian counterparts since 2008 and there are good prospects for continuing these joint efforts in the future.

 DS: I noted that it would be advisable to ask the European Humanities University to visit Kharkiv University in order to try to have a positive impact on the intellectual life of Kharkiv. When asked about the problem of the “Law on Language” and the likelihood of its adoption, Soros noted that it is one of the main irritants of society.

 GK: I noted that the law was not adopted due to Turchinov's veto. In reality, this is not a huge problem for Ukraine, it is only the 29th most important issue, according to opinion polls, but it is expectedly manifested during election campaigns. He also noted that we want to help the Ministry in decentralization, and currently there is a coalition of nongovernmental organizations working on education reform issues. They work at the grassroots level, as well as on issues such as fighting corruption.

 3. Meeting with Oleg Musiy, Minister of Health

 Participants: Oleg Musiy - OM (Minister of Health), Deputy Minister Elena Kucheruk - EC (Head of Public Health, Initiative Program of the Renaissance Foundation), Lenny Bernardo - LB (Open Society Foundation), Sabine Fraser - SF (Open Society Foundation), Alexander Sushko - AS (Renaissance Fund), Evgeny Bystritsky - EB (Executive Director, International Renaissance Fund).

 OM: A physician by profession, his second major is public health management. He was a civil society activist on the Maidan. He has three goals as Minister of Health:

 • Short-term goal: change of managers associated with corruption in the Ministry of Health. It is a common knowledge that the Ministry of Health was one of the most corrupt ministries in Ukraine.

 • Replacement of old ministry officials with new professionals, they have already appointed 15 new advisers and 1 new deputy minister, three other new candidates are expected to be appointed

 • Concentration of elimination of previously existing corruption schemes. It was noted that the biggest problems are:

 • Decisions on public procurement for which UAH 2 billion are allocated annually. This is an integral part as it is traditionally a corrupt area of ​​the healthcare system

 • Government proposes new public procurement bill in parliament

 • It is necessary to take various steps for admission (licenses of a doctor, nurses, pharmaceutical specialists) in order to open up access to the profession to everyone.

 • Development of a new health care system

 • Established a 3-year plan based on a clear vision of reform

 • For everything to be successful, it is necessary to ensure political stability and political will of the top leadership in the government.

 • The government is focusing on changing the management system in the field of health care and breaking the monopolization of management in the sector of the current

 If these reforms are implemented, it will be possible to create self-governing associations (doctors, nurses, pharmacists) by passing laws delegating authority from the government to associations of health professionals who historically took bribes and payments for patient care (due to low salaries), this situation creates the need to reform the financing system and introduce compulsory public insurance. Contractual relationships between doctors and hospitals will be introduced. They hope to partially privatize the healthcare system and attract foreign investment to create modern hospitals.

 • It is necessary to change the educational system of medical workers in universities and postgraduate training

 • While reforms are usually not popular, he believes he can make these reforms popular by getting both professionals and civil society representatives involved in the startup process about the upcoming changes.

 Musiy noted that in order to achieve changes in the short term, the ministry will be reorganized, including the system of procurement and distribution of essential drugs. They have already implemented this for people with hypertension and, starting in 2015, they will do the same for people with HIV, diabetes and tuberculosis.

 • These efforts reduce drug prices by 30-40% and serve as a bridge bridging the gap between low- and high-income patients, giving everyone equal access to the drugs they need

 • They have allocated 200 million hryvnia from the budget for these purposes; but in reality only 150 million are available for the project due to budget constraints

 DS: Noted that the Open Society Foundation could send the Marines to Ukraine to work on this issue and help with the procurement and import of drugs in order to optimize the budget. We could do this in partnership with the Clinton Foundation by organizing a pilot project on the movement of funds for the purchase, import of drugs, receiving reimbursement from the budget of the Ministry of Health.

 OM: Noted that the Ministry of Health could benefit from external expertise and lobbyist advice within the Government and Ministry of Finance on budgetary austerity measures as a result of the IMF package requirements.

 EC: Noted that the austerity measures are a consequence of the conditionality of the requirements of the IMF package and that there will be two ways to meet these requirements:

 • Getting rid of corruption in order to cut costs and save money in the budget

 • Reducing unnecessary costs in the public health system through cost-benefit analysis

 • The Renaissance Foundation is ready to support these initiatives

 Kucheruk stressed the need to protect vulnerable groups of the population during this process and expand access to medical services for the most marginalized segments of society (drug addicts, alcoholics). Kucheruk noted the need to see political will within the Ministry to help the Ukrainian people in the treatment of opiate addiction, including finding a way to help drug addicted residents of Crimea (808 people), restricted by Russian law.

OM: Noted that there is political will in his ministry and they believe there are two ways to do this:

 • The Government of Crimea can send an official request to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for assistance in the provision of methadone

 • If patients in Crimea are located close to the border with Ukraine and have Ukrainian passports, they can establish opiate substitution centers where drug addicts can receive care and the procedures they need.

 DS: Noted that if patients are forced to leave Crimea for treatment, perhaps we can provide temporary financial support for these efforts for three months or so through an emergency grant, although they work outside of the international negotiations of Ukraine, Crimea and Russia.

 OM: I took this idea and said that his ministry will do everything possible to implement the plan and bring its discussion to the fore.

 EC: Noted that other categories of patients (requiring controlled substances for pain relief and having mental health problems) will face similar problems, due to the differences between Russian and Ukrainian legislation.

 EB: He noted that the Renaissance Foundation has its own strategy of providing a public assessment of the state budget expenditures in the health sector. The public should be able, some say, to control ministry spending at all levels. Thus, the Renaissance Fund can help the ministry with this issue.

 DS: Proposed to involve Bob Konrad in Ukraine to provide advice on tax regulations, because he has significant experience in Ukraine. He will be working for the Open Society Foundations full time for the next year as a Research Fellow.

 4. Meeting with Minister of Justice Pavlo Petrenko

 Participants: Pavlo Petrenko - PP (Minister of Justice), Lenny Bernardo - LB (Open Society Foundation), Sabine Fraser - SF (Open Society Foundation), Alexander Sushko - AS (Renaissance Foundation), George Soros - DS, Roman Romanov - RR ( Head of the Justice Program of the Renaissance Foundation)

 PP: Noted that the main priority of the Ministry of Justice at present is the problem of expanding the system of providing free legal aid to cover civil cases in addition to criminal ones. The program has been very successful up to this time and more and more successful private lawyers have been joining it since November 2013, it began with assistance in court cases during the Maidan.

 DS: I noted that Petrenko should request support from the EU for the free legal aid system. A key component should be the EU's recognition that Ukraine is able to pay for the private lawyers participating in the system, there is a possibility that the entire system could collapse due to lack of funding. Soros noted that we will work with our office in Brussels, coordinating efforts to protect Ukraine in the EU on this issue. He invited Petrenko to draw up a letter that Soros would help deliver to Fule during a meeting with him on Friday, regarding the further development and support of the free legal aid system in Ukraine.

 PP: Confirmed that he will draft a letter requesting support in 3 main areas:

 • Request for funding to cover late fees for private attorneys not yet paid in 2014 ($ 4 million)

 • Support the request for the continuation of the development of free legal aid centers throughout the country (support for the infrastructure and technological development of the centers)

 • Request for support to expand the free legal aid system to cover civil cases in addition to criminal cases

 Petrenko noted that the second priority for his office is the reform of the Ukrainian legislation on the legal profession, the development of a new version acceptable to barristers (a lawyer who has the right to appear in higher courts). Experts in Ukraine are cooperating with the Bar on the draft of the new law.

DS: I noted that experts from the Open Society Justice Initiative could be sent to work with Petrenko's team in the process of developing this law.

 PP: I took this idea.

 DS: I noted that people from the Open Society Foundation should be directed to work with Romanov and the Ministry of Justice, to work on the structure of the bar and the role of the prosecutor's office.

 PP: Noted that the next major priority is the lustration of the judiciary and re-screening of judges. Due to the current extreme lack of trust and lack of confidence in this institution. They presented the bill to Parliament for the first reading. They received comments from experts from the Venice Commission and will await further comments during the process as the law is passed. The law will reform the methods of appointment and dismissal of judges, and also stipulate the process of qualification of judges.

 JS: Noted that streamlining is very important in this reform and that the main issue, which is to guarantee the correct payment and training in order to maintain the new standards. Soros noted that EU support will be critical to success, as it will pay the judges adequately. He outlined several necessary steps:

 • It is necessary to get rid of unqualified judges and replace them in order to restore the system and only then can you change the selection method and add a degree of self-government

 • It is necessary to create a critical mass of honest judges

 • Almost all judicial reform efforts fail because the system cannot reform itself

 • You can replace members of the judiciary, but you cannot create self-government while maintaining the new standards

 PP: Noted that it worries him that this cannot be done right now and dismiss the majority of the judges after attesting once, because he has not received any support from domestic or international sources in this regard.

 • On the contrary, the Venice Commission and other institutions avoided the issue to a large extent by criticizing the proposal. Another potential problem is the presence of judges who go to the ECHR, after which Ukraine may face the result that these judges were able to recover (as happened in Serbia)

 • They have the potential to win, as currently the constitutional provisions for the dismissal of judges require very clear evidence of violations on their part, while the evidence of corruption is not sufficient to build an evidence base in most cases

 DS: Confirmed the need to replace the majority of judges with new professional staff. This is necessary in order to convince the EU to devote a significant part of the assistance program to the renewal of the judicial system, because this is one of the historically difficult tasks and the most difficult to achieve.

 This requires:

 • Securing EU support for the process

 • Receive an EU aid package, covering the difference in the current salary of judges and a decent salary, gradually shifting the burden on the budget of Ukraine

 We will help mobilize and support these efforts to make them successful. This is the main priority of our work in achieving positive change.

 PP: Noted that he and his team support the idea of ​​replacing as many judges as possible, as was laid down in the original proposal for the bill. They can re-certify judges.

 DS: He noted that initially he was desperate about the prospects for judicial reform, but after talking with Petrenko, he believes that it can be successful.

 5. Meeting with Andrey Deshchitsa, Minister of Foreign Affairs

 Participants: Andriy Deshchitsa - AD (Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine), Danilo Lubkovsky - DL (Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs), Lenny Bernardo - LB (Open Society Foundation), Sabine Fraser - SF (Open Society Foundation), Oleksandr Sushko - AS (Foundation Vozrozhdenie), Evgeny Bystritsky - EB (Executive Director, International Renaissance Fund), Ivan Krastev - IK (Head, Center for Liberal Strategies), Eric Berglof - EB (Economist, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development), Alex Pivovarsky - AP (Economist, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development).

 AD: He noted that they are currently working on coordinating foreign contacts and reorganizing processes within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to become more effective. He noted that there is a need to return to the point raised by George Soros - that there is no position of the Ministry for European Affairs. The government is currently interested in transforming and reorganizing existing ministries.

 Deschitsa noted the need to transform the entire government, and especially the diplomatic service. He pointed to the need to form a coordinating body within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and this will certainly become part of their plans for the future when they put their house in order, going through the process of formation.

 AS: Noted the government's need to prepare to create the necessary prerequisites for the successful implementation of the association agreement. He asked if the government has a complex concept for implementing reforms, will civil society be involved? He asked who was responsible for creating the plan, the foreign minister or someone else.

 AD: Noted that he considered it necessary to create a separate body to handle the implementation and processing of the plan. He noted that the Foreign Ministry could do this, but in order to ensure the maximum realization of the prospects, it would be better to create a body outside the Foreign Ministry.

 EB: I noted that the deal with the IMF will have a short-term effect, but in the long-term, the EU will act as a catalyst for reforms. This will require the coordinated involvement of all ministries even before this point is reached in order to oversee the process.

 IK: He added that it would help with administrative reform and job creation for educated Ukrainians.

 AD: I noted that young people do not want to work for the state. service or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs because of low salaries. At the same time, this raises a dilemma, since the Foreign Ministry is in dire need of an influx of new talent in order to get rid of Soviet remnants and a contingent of overly conservative diplomats who are ineffective in the current environment.

 EB: I asked Minister Deshchitsa about the desire to potentially cooperate with the Renaissance Foundation, receiving advice and qualified assistance from wise and experienced people.

 AD: Noted that for decentralization and other broad reforms of the civil service and the economy.

 DL: He replied that he sees the need to work in three problem areas at this stage:

 • European integration and the process of reconciliation, as well as the need to deal with issues that have the potential for further aggression by Russia.

 Two of them are an internal problem and one an external one. They all require clear advice from internal and external experts.

 Lubkivsky noted that there is a problem with reconciliation, since there has been no dialogue between Ukrainians for several years, and we will witness the post-traumatic development of Ukraine after the Crimean occupation.

 DS: Agree that the big problem for Ukraine will be justice and reconciliation - the problems of the transition period. This is difficult because there is no model that can be imported directly for Ukraine, clearly applicable to the Ukrainian context, in order to solve pressing issues.

 George Soros noted that the issue with Russia is passing, and this is a problem that will have to be solved by ourselves, because the citizens of Ukraine in the East are demonstrating unwillingness to join the Russian Federation. He noted that the role of the Foreign Ministry in this situation is to conduct negotiations and diplomatic confrontation as a result of Russia's violation of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum.

AD: I noted that he had a meeting with Lavrov in The Hague a week ago and they agreed to continue the discussion at the level of deputies until the next meeting scheduled for April 4th. Nevertheless, today they received a call from the Russian Foreign Ministry to cancel the meeting and to invite them to a meeting of the CIS countries in Moscow.

 Deshchitsa and his deputy discussed their opposition to the federalization plan proposed by the Russians. They brushed aside that they would be willing to accept any help from the Renaissance Foundation and other donors for technical assistance in the area of ​​strategic communications, including the translation of more press releases into English and other languages ​​in order to regularly contact the foreign press. In general, they need more experts to participate in this process and they need diplomatic missions and embassies abroad to be more active right now.

 IK: I noted that Ukraine's task is not to isolate Russia, but to enlist the support of the EU. He doesn't think the ministry can do it on its own, but they could get help from the Renaissance Foundation.

 AD: Noted that he is open to this idea.

 DS: Noted that while the EU can save Ukraine, Ukraine can also save the EU.

 DL: He noted that he named prominent representatives of the Russian intelligentsia in order to get the support of the new Ukraine and the new government.

 IK: I noted that I would invite 15 prominent representatives of the international intelligentsia to Ukraine as a sign of solidarity before the elections.

 LB: I noted the need to see genuine globalized Ukrainians, the best representatives of the country in the international media, and especially on television.

 6. Meeting with Acting President of Ukraine Turchinov

 Participants: Alexander Turchinov - AT (President of Ukraine, Speaker of Parliament), Lenny Bernardo - LB (Open Society Foundation), Sabine Fraser - SF (Open Society Foundation), Alexander Sushko - AS (Renaissance Foundation), George Soros - DS, Yevheniy Bystritsky - EB (Executive Director, International Renaissance Foundation).

 AT: Turchynov discussed the current problems facing the Ukrainian government, including reforming the corrupt system of government and preventing an impending economic crisis.

 • He noted that they have introduced anti-corruption measures and that parliament will pass tough laws

 • He noted the need to reduce social problems, which will include a reduction in the number of civil servants

 • He noted that the occupation of Crimea and Russian aggression are still viewed as a serious problem, and, unfortunately, they are not able to resolve this issue through negotiations

 • He argued that the Russian military was gathering troops on the borders in the east and south and was ready to invade

 • In response, Ukraine resumes combat readiness of its armed forces and mobilizes citizens to defend against aggression

 • He hopes to receive military and technical support from international forces, because Ukraine is in confrontation with Russia, which began the implementation of the conflict, Russia is challenging not only Ukrainian territorial integrity, but also the general world order.

 DS: I noted the need to ensure free and fair elections scheduled for May so that the results of these elections are recognized as legitimate by all external observers, and especially in Russia. He noted that there is a possibility that Russian "tourists" could disrupt the elections, which pose a threat to them.

 AT: Turchinov noted that they want the elections to be held in an exemplary manner and meet international transparency standards, etc.

 • He noted that there is no immediate threat from Russia regarding elections unless they invade Eastern and Southern Ukraine, which forces Ukraine to react and deploy troops for defense, declaring martial law under which elections cannot be held.

 • Turchynov noted that Ukraine is taking measures to reduce the threat from Russian special forces by infiltrating physically and practically, strengthening the national border with Russia, controlling movement across the border from Russia, and planning to implement a strict visa regime with Russia.
EB: Noted that George Soros met with other ministers this morning and put forward a plan to assist in economic reforms, focusing on coordinating teams of domestic and international experts

 • He asked if the Security Council is interested in which Turchinov is head, in cooperation with such an advisory group.

 AT: Replied that they would be happy to cooperate with such a group, but they would not be able to access classified information or work on security issues.

 DS: I asked Turchinov to submit any requests to the network of Open Society Foundations and Renaissance Foundations, and they will try to do everything possible to help Turchinov's government become free and fair.

 AT: Noted that they:

 • prohibit the use of administrative resources for the purposes of the election campaign

 • decided that neither Turchinov nor Yatsenya will run in the elections

 • invited many observers from the OSCE and the Council of Europe

 • decided not to control the media

 • in addition, they are doing everything possible to stabilize and normalize the situation in the country, and this is a necessary condition for the successful holding of elections


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