Cactus Juggler

Cactus Juggler


Cactus Juggler

Cactus Blog 
daily news and photography about cacti and succulents and some carnivorous plants too  
"Drolly entertaining and informative at the same time." CSM  

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Shocking new video that the government didn’t want you to see from the 1950s, now on YouTube.
Rare video: the ‘Cactus Comet’ from 1954 and 1955
Now, you can see a lot more of… the Cactus Comet.
Courtesy of the University of Idaho library, which digitized a collection of 16mm film… spanning 1951 to 1964….
Clicking the link will take you to the YouTube video: Nov. 17, 1951
I get a lot of spam comments on this blog. Spam! Usually it’s pretty obvious and the spam filter catches it. Sometimes it makes no sense at all like this little bit of spam comment:
Way to go on that 5k! That takes a huge amount of discipline even when youre feeling great, and you did after being sick all night! Awesome! That raw restaurant actually looks pretty good! What a fun night!
It got through the automatic filter, so I guess that was the point of it. It didn’t get by me though, so none of you were subjected to it in the comments. Only here on the main part of the blog.
Ever wonder what it would take to deliver a very branchy, very spiny 8 foot tall cactus 40 miles to someone’s house?
Opuntia subulata being mummified for the trip. Ian, Keith and Hap (and Brian not in photo) are hard at work with newspaper, cardboard and plastic at the nursery in Berkeley.
On the deck? That must have been hard to get it up there. Four people lifting it up stairs.
And the final resting place of this giant cactus, with pot feet, in Pleasanton.
This has been much blogged, but here’s the green roof on the top of the Academy of Sciences building in Golden Gate Park.
If you look very closely you can see that it’s all California native plants.
Oh, and look over there, I see some Dudleyas! So many succulents. What’s that? It’s a Sedum? It is!
These cell phone pictures aren’t very good. Maybe I should go back to using my camera.
A little extra watering wouldn’t hurt now that we’re coming into the hottest and driest part of the Northern California year.
Drink lot’s of water yourself, close the blinds and open the windows rather than turning on air conditioners, and an afternoon nap sounds good too. I’m tired, but Obama is coming on in a few minutes and the C-Span feed doesn’t have any of those ridiculous talking heads that are on all the other channels. I saw David Brooks immediately following Al Gore’s speech and nearly gouged my eyes out. Oh the pain is strong in that one. That should be my quote of the day.
I tried a new drink this evening. I don’t know the name, but it was Gin, Lillet and Bitters, shaken not stirred. Very delicious. It must be the heat.
Tomorrow we get a new Zebra label printer to replace the new one that is deeply broken, but Zebra wanted me to ship them the brand new broken printer for them to repair and send back in a month or two instead. Hah! I demanded my money back so instead they are overnighting another new one to arrive tomorrow. If it doesn’t arrive tomorrow, I think I will be done with them.
And don’t get me started on our new POS system.
These cultivated rosettes are called “Black” not because of the dark tips, nor because as they grow they look like Echeveria “Black Prince”, but rather they were named after a fictional character named Doriet Black in a very popular Victorian novel from 1882.
In the novel, The Mystery of Doriet Black , Doriet Black was a fishmonger on the backstreets of Manchester, however he was also a secret agent married to a Prussian Princess. So you can see how the Victorian gentlemen of the time, amateur gardeners all, thought that might be an appropriate character to name a clever little sempervivum after. And they were right. We thank them for their resourcefulness.
However, things went bad in the sequel, The Deathly Hollow of Black , when Doriet Black turned out to be a triple agent in the service of an Italian Counterfeiter. Because of the uproar in 1886 over this 2nd novel, really more of a novella, the plant went out of style for over 100 years, returning to the succulent-growing public only in 1990.
Cactus Jungle, Berkeley
1509 4th St. Berkeley, CA 94710
(510) 558-8650
Cactus Jungle, Marin
130 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Anselmo, CA 94960
(415) 870-9930
Serving the entire San Francisco Bay Area

Check out the latest release by Fight Pulse : Buffy vs Duncan . Preview photos are available in this topic . Get this video at: Fight Pulse - MX-234 .

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Check out the latest release by Fight Pulse : Madame Curie vs Peter . Preview photos are available in this topic . Get this video at: Fight Pulse - MX-235 .

Check out the latest release by Fight Pulse : Buffy vs Duncan . Preview photos are available in this topic . Get this video at: Fight Pulse - MX-234 .

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Stanley's Peril
Author: Cactus Juggler
Source: [Only Registered Users Can See Links Click Here To Register ]

Stanley Roberts wasn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. Anyone with an ounce of brains could tell that much from the fact that he was twenty-four years old and sitting on the couch watching pro-wrestling. Stan was just barely smart enough to grasp the fact that it wasn't real, but he still loved watching it. Other indicators of his brilliance included the fact that he still lived at home, didn't have a job, and sometimes thought about his younger sister when he masturbated.

In Stan's defense, the younger sister in question was eighteen, and hot as they come. Debby was her name, and she and her best friend Sherry were both gorgeous. Sherry's ass in tight jeans was a sight worth seeing, and she wore tight jeans all the time. It was Stan's obvious interest in his sister's friend that gave her the easiest route to making fun of him. Between that and making fun of his intellect, she pretty much had all the tools she needed to belittle and humiliate Stan daily.

On this particular day, as Stan watched pro-wrestling re-runs and lay stretched out on the couch, Debby and Sherry wanted to watch something *other* than pro-wrestling. But Stan wasn't having any of it.

"I was here first." He proclaimed.

"You're always here, so of course you were here first! Lazy bastard." His sister Debby ragged on him.

It was a major point of stress in the house. Debby and Stan's father had died ten years ago, and their single mother had to work hard to keep up a full time job and take care of a layabout like Stan. Debby was always trying to convince her mother to just throw him out, but she still put up with him for some reason.

"Come on Stan, wrestling is so stupid. It's so immature of you to watch it." Sherry commented.

On the television one wrestler had a stranglehold on the other and seemed to be trying to make his victim pass out. Debby and Sherry watched the mesmerized Stan as the wrestler kept the stranglehold until the other wrestler feigned passing out.

"Oh that's *so* fake. Like you could really make somebody pass out that quickly." Debby laughed.

"That's a sleeper hold. And it *does* work."

Stan lay with his head resting on the arm of the couch, and he was startled to hear Sherry's voice coming from above his head.

"I don't know Debby. It might work." Sherry said, as Stan craned his head back to see her standing there behind him in her usual skin-tight jeans and skimpy shirt.

Stan straightened up on the couch and was going to turn to face her (actually to ogle her chest), but he noticed that she suddenly seemed to see something interesting on the tv.

"Wow, look at that." Sherry said, gesturing to the television.

Stan flicked around to see what had caught her eye and didn't see anything out of the ordinary on the television. He was about to ask what she meant, when he suddenly felt her arm slipping around his throat. Before he could react her arms had snaked around his head and she had him in a sleeper hold!

"Let's find out!" Sherry laughed as she dropped to her knees behind the end of the couch and applied as much pressure as she could to his throat.

"Gakkhhhhmmmmm......urggghhhhhhllll.......hhhhmmmm mm" Stanley sort of moaned as she choked him.

Stan tried to get up, but he wasn't a big guy. Actually he was about the same size as Sherry. And she had all her weight below him helping her hold him down as he struggled. He tried to reach back at her, but the arm of the couch kept getting in his way. He was already starting to feel faint as he tried desperately to pull her arm away from his throat.

"Alright Sherry, put him to sleep!" He heard his sister laughing at his predicament.

Sherry squeezed harder and harder, and Stan started to see flashes of light. Sherry kept up the pressure, and before she knew it Stan started to slump in her arms.

"I'm going to show your stupid brother some special wrestling moves of my own." Sherry said as she pulled the slumping Stan down onto the floor by his arms.

Pulling Stan around the coffee table and out into the middle of the living room floor. She laid him out on his back, with his arms stretched up high over his head.

"Settle in and put something better on tv while I show your brother how *I* like to wrestle." Sherry suggested.

Debby watched in amazement as her friend sat down on her brother's chest. Sherry sat up high on his chest with her knees pinning his out-stretched arms in against his head. Squeezing her legs in tightly, she pinned his face between her thighs as he lay moaning and gasping under her. Stan heard his sister flicking through the channels as he lay there helpless, just trying to catch his breath. Sherry waited for him to recover a bit, slapping his face a few times to help him along.

"" He moaned pathetically under her.

As Stan looked up from between Sherry's thighs he had a great view of her big tits hanging above him and her crotch was only inches away. But it was just too humiliating being pinned down by a girl for him to enjoy the scenery. He tried to push her off of him, but she easily held him pinned down. It infuriated him that he couldn't stop a girl from throwing him around like this.

"!" He angrily shouted between gasps as he fought to get free.

"I'll show you a cunt, you stupid little shit!" Sherry told him, and as she said it she moved up and sat on his face!

"Mmmmmphhh.....mmmmmmhph........" Stan's cries were muffled under her.

Debby's mouth hung open as she watched the wantonly dominating position Sherry was now sitting in. She couldn't believe what her friend was doing to her brother.

"My god Sherry. What are you doing to him?"

"He called me a cunt. So now I'm letting him get a little closer to mine." She laughed as she ground her crotch down in his face.

Underneath Sherry, Stan not only couldn't breathe, but was also in incredible pain from her tight jeans abrading his face. Her weight was smashing his head down into the floor, and he was even more embarrassed and humiliated at the ease with which Sherry dominated him in this perverted way.

"What's wrong Stanley. Poor little baby can't breathe?"

He was only catching the odd little breath here and there as she moved her crotch and ass on his face. His lungs began to burn and he thought he would soon smother.

"Mmmmmmm!!!!.......mmmmm!!!" His cries were getting more and more frantic.

Sherry lifted herself off of his face just long enough for him to catch a breath before she sat back down on him.

"You know Debby, this feels *really* good." Sherry told his sister as she rubbed her crotch in Stan's face.

"Well you're the first person to find a use for him then." Debby replied.

"But I don't think Stan's enjoying this as much as he could. I mean he's always staring at my ass, don't you think he'd like to see it up close?"

Stan coughed and sputtered for breath as she climbed off of him and turned around. He found himself staring up at Sherry's perfectly shaped ass, tightly encased in denim, and he knew immediately what she intended. He was too weak to fight her as she straddled his head, trapping it between her feet before lowering her ass back onto his face! He was totally immersed in the heat of her smothering behind as she wiggled it into place on his face. He weakly twisted and kicked, but it was hopeless. He was at her mercy.

"How do you like my ass now? It's nice, isn't it?"

"Mmmmmhhhh.....mmmmm........mmmmhh...." Stan was totally muffled by Sherry's ass.

"I can't believe you're doing this to him. It's so.....kinky. Can I have a turn?" Debby asked her friend.

"Sure, he's your brother. Have a seat!" Sherry told her as she climbed off of Stan.

Stan's sister wore a loose-fitting knee-length summer dress. He tried to resist her, but she easily captured his hands and pinned them down over his head. He watched in horror as his own sister straddled him and lowered her crotch onto his face! His nose sank into the soft cotton of her white panties as she settled in and let her skirt fall over his face. His nose filled with the aroma of his sister's sex as she smothered him under her crotch.

"Ooooohhhh. This feels *so* good. Maybe Stan has some use after all." Debby exclaimed as she reveled in Stan's humiliation.

"No fair Debby, I couldn't feel him that well through my jeans. Pull up your dress so we can see his stupid little face." Debby's friend suggested to her.

Debby pulled up her dress, and exposed Stan's bulging eyes staring up at her. She laughed at the sight of him before lifting her crotch up and letting him catch a breath. Holding her skirt bunched up so she could watch, Debby slowly lowered her crotch back onto his face. Sherry looked on as Stan's nose pressed deep into Debby's pantied mound before she let her dress fall back down around his face.

"This is so....*nasty*. It's making me wet." Debby said.

Underneath her, Stan was in a living hell. He was trapped on his back, his own little sister smothering him by sitting on his face! And that awful Sherry watching the whole thing. He was helpless to do anything but lie there as his sister started rocking back and forth on his face.

"Nasty? I'll show you *nasty*." Stan faintly heard Sherry saying, but he couldn't see what she was doing.

His sister continued roughly rubbing her damp panties in his face as she rode him. Being forced to sniff the scent of her arousal made him even more sickened by what she was doing to him.

"Sherry, you're not!" He heard his sister exclaim above him.

"Why not?" Sherry her.

"You're awful....go ahead!" Stan heard as his sister suddenly lifted herself off of his face.

As he lay gasping, Stan looked up and was startled to see that Sherry was now naked from the waist down! She moved over him and he struggled vainly to stop her as she straddled his head and sat her naked pussy in his face! His nose sank into her hairy mound as she ground her wet pussy in his face. She cut off his air again as she began rubbing her sex in his face.

"Now that's a cunt Stan. And if you want to live you'd better start eating it!" She ordered him.

Debby was amazed, and turned on, by her friend's total domination of her brother. She watched as Sherry started to moan and move around more on Stan's face.

"That's it you little shit. Eat my cunt!" Sherry urged him as she smashed his head under her thrusting hips.

Sherry wasn't letting Stan get a whole lot of air, just enough to keep him working. She fell into a steady rhythm humping his face, letting her body respond fully to the wonderful sensations Stan's slurping tongue were inducing in her clit. The sensations grew as she continued to use him, getting stronger and stronger until she had to hunch over him with the strength of her orgasm.

"Alright Sherry, now it's my turn." Debby said, anxious to use her brother the same way.

Stan's face was slick with Sherry's fuck-slime, his head ached, and he felt like he would never regain his breath. Sherry's pussy quivered in his face as she enjoyed the little aftershocks from her orgasm. As she climbed off of him, he barely new what was happening as his sister moved above him. Except for a bra she was totally naked as she sat down on his chest. Debby scooted up until she sat high up on his collarbone and throat, with her brother's head trapped between her thighs. She let him catch his breath for a moment, before reaching down and grasping his hair. Pulling his head up by his hair, she jammed his face in her crotch.

"You know what to do *Stanley*. Eat my pussy! Eat it now!" She shouted at him.

He was broken and humiliated. As he began to tongue his sister's sex she knew how totally destroyed he was. She gloried in their triumph over him, rubbing his face in her sex as she made him pleasure her with his tongue. As she too started to feel her clit pulsating with need, Debby moved up and sat on his face. Smothering in pussy once more, Stan fought desperately to please his sister. He needed to breath so badly! Now Debby was actually using his nose as a little dick to hump, mashing it against her clit over and over again as she humped his face. Stanley knew he was going to die. He was sure of it. He was barely even aware that his sister was approaching climax on his face, his brain was starved for oxygen. He saw flashes of light as he passed out under his sister's asphyxiating sexual frenzy.

"That's it Debby, ride his worthless face. Make him do something for you for a change."

Debby wasn't even aware Stanley had passed out as she came on his face. Once, twice and then yet a third time. When she finally realized he wasn't moving anymore and lifted off of
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