Sheri Bailey

Uni duisburg essen learning lab (Sullivan) Thapa crucible the campus quills 2016 I just can't put it to words right now it's it's just surreal it still feels like a dream and I just want tonight to be a fun night and you know continue this dream keep doing this keep doing this cuz cuz it every year someone feels as good as we do right now keep doing this this this is like you said this is sorry I don't think it's sunk in yet and when it does I think I'm I'm just gonna go I don't know what to create you something but this is surreal a different level of happiness unfortunately it's my last year or so both of us of the team for sure we won't be together for this Chris but actually me with somebody else and him with somebody else be fun to see each other in the finals again hopefully cross yeah Tata crucible the campus quiz 2016 CUNY School of Law.

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