CV - resume

CV - resume


Dotnet / VUE 3 fullstack developer

⚙️ Dev Stack

  • C# - dotnet 5-8 (main)
  • VUE 3 - javascript/typescript (secondary)
  • SQL/TSQL (sql-server, postgresql)
  • NoSQL: redis, elastic
  • Git / Gitlab

ℹ️ Additional

  • Gitlab CI/CD
  • Docker / Docker-compose
  • Ngnix configuration skills
  • Some Photoshop/Illustrator (raster & vector) skills

My common workflow:

Dotnet 7+ project setup with DB code first and onion arch.

Vue 3 with Quasar native scaffold with Pinia & Axios.

Deploy on Unix machine with CI/CD or/and Docker support.


Current location: Moscow

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