Suneel WalkerCoursework submission sheet university of ulster (Cortland) it's recording let's say that this is Dima first time eleven hundred yard the 308 168 grain bullet be my shooting mower falling sand it walk right in front on it we need to give them a click higher it's writing from elevations perfect that's one hell of a shot really really good shot ready stand it female it might be five inches from it yeah just a bit too short one more time that was cool I can see that bullet crater I can see the bullet crater from here oh it's really good but I think I think we have a little bit of velocity issue yeah let's deem at the target site so we have exit wound 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 times just show me later somebody inside the battery my bullets you know bought it reload it shut up and found them they're pretty cool good voice in the gun 1000 meters oh this thing is gonna shoot State University of New York Maritime College.