Phil Anaba

Appreciate the best Exchange of advanced assets that address the requirements of novice agents, proficient brokers, and experts in the computerized cash. Crypto Souk is focused on making the advanced money exchanging available, quick and completely secure.


CryptoSouk vision is to construct the up and coming age of advanced resource Exchange for dealers of any level of expertise with the objective of making computerized money exchanging can be gotten to by everybody. the Exchange is dedicated to improving the experience our clients exchange with a quick execution, evaluating is reasonable, world class client benefit, expanding tirelessly, and boundless inventiveness.

The Souk is a Exchange that joins adaptability and unwavering quality and intends to make it less demanding for everybody to Exchange and exchange advanced resources (passwords). Crypto souk searches for world-class client benefit, steady redesigns, quick exchange administrations, and no slack.

·      Native charts

·      The mechanism of coordination of enterprises with the ability to perform 1 million transactions per second

·      Enhanced APIs for accessing or providing liquidity to others

·      20+ order variants, including, but not limited to; FILL or KILL, IOC, STOP, LIMIT.

·      Multiple integration capabilities for KYC / AML, banking / PSP

·      Institutional security in conjunction with Cold / Warm / Hot Wallet rules

·      Interaction with traditional and DLT-infrastructure


It is hard to purchase, offer, hold, and exchange digital money. We are energized by the way that different thoughts are being created for conveyed trades however they regularly have a genuine deficiency of liquidity and promoting potential. In the Center East, be that as it may, more forceful brokers and speculators are thinking that it's less demanding to utilize better contacts and colleagues who better expect the desires for existing monetary markets. Our clients likewise need to realize that individuals in their condition can contact individuals who talk their dialect and comprehend their traditions.

Scramble passwords to be encoded. Guidance Satsu Pacinging Kami Bertukar, Binnes, where 250,000 individuals live

Trade your token on Saturday 20 May 2018 and Saturday 20 May 2020.

The October 2011 Bloomberg Fear was from 1 January to 1 January from 1 January to 1 January in Australian dollars from 1 January to 1 January.

Sederhananya, ukuran seluruh pemasaran digital money tumbuh secara eksponensial tanda-tanda keat sheep mendasari rasio sheep diharapkan root.

Mr. Kali Stew, Mr. Kali Bean stew and Mr. Kali Stew, Meet Mr. Kali Bean stew and Mr. Kali Bean stew.


CryptoSock has discharged a Digital money Exchanging Stage from ST Vincent and Grenadines and Kuwait. Exchanges will begin with business matches in the second quarter of 2018, which bolster bitcoin, etherium, lightcore, swell, dash, zachash and monro. The organization means to keep on adding exchange bolster for extra watchword resources, which the organization considers to be more cautious than bottles. Our trade licenses to stack a record through crypto security or installment. In view of the aptitude of our establishing group, we have chosen accomplices who can offer both a Trade stage, ease and trade alternatives.


Referral Segment of CryptoSouk offers Brokers the capacity to:

Welcome new Dealers to CryptoSouk by trading a portion of the tokens delivered by them

Get the appreciated reward for SOUK Tokens to join CryptoSouk

Token Sales Details

Token Type: ERC20

Name of Token: Souk

Token Ticker: Souk

Token Price @ $ 0.50


$ 0.375

25% discount

Soft Cap - $ 1 million

Launch Date - 9 July 2018

Duration - 30 Days










Bitcoin talk Username: REXPHYL

Bitcoin talk profile link:;u=1402376

ETH address: 0xFE3C843F46784A0443aEB2e745Ea1cFe20d0ac46

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