John BunchMonmouth university writing services (Orange) hi I'm Josh and I'm t and we are two new dads two new dance two new dad two dads oh really I am Josh and I'm teeth and we are still 22 nude ass we wanted to talk to you about something that is a little touchy of a subject and that is where your kid should go to college right um we know that she might be three months he might be four months this is really important stuff yeah it's good to prepare now right right right doggie totally kidding oh here's a fucking fuck look your kid goes to school it's a kid let him be a kid all right gosh right get over yourselves with the nursery school applications and the frickin yeah come on what did what is it gonna start being of service at age two that's a suck it dog is disgusting Jim Garlow two new dance two new dad two dads hey good Manhattan School of Music.