Shannon OliverEngineering mechanics question paper pune university (Clinton County) hi and today I'm going to do another dirty flip flip cup I will I have mixed my paint with fruit roll and acrylic thinner and I use some dimethicone so for trying to create cells first of all I'm going to use a red Huson de Mexico and this also 5 drops a little bit of orange lift goats I always premix my colors one day in advance so the air can laugh get out and the rest I will fill with yellow beautiful that is inside a cup okay flip it over well you guys see what's happening inside the cup mm-hmm looks like fires in the cup okay and I will release its I already see some nice cells coming through okay I'm going to use my heat gun to throw all the arrows and see if you can get some more cells [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] this is just a heat gun I'm using okay I'm going to leave it like this I will show you I will show you some close-ups Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Morris Park, Bronx.