CPLAY : The official Crypto based App Store

CPLAY : The official Crypto based App Store



CPLAY Network is a newly launched cloud network exchange platform that features a non-custodial wallet, ad exchange system and other key software products designed to promote the privacy protection of #cryptocurrency users. The team is focused on developing a new global crypto ecosystem where anyone in the world can download our [innovative](https://www.cplay.network/) software applications that are created with an emphasis on user security.

We provide the ability to exchange information and value globally and privately through our currency; CPLAY tokens. #CPLAY Network is going to create a privacy protected bridge between all crypto platforms by #decentralizing its hierarchical structure into flat consensus.

Crypto businesses need a lot of tools under their belt to be fully successful. They need freedom from the control of those who would censor their operations and profit them - like an in-house crypto app store where companies can [download](https://www.cplay.network/) everything they need for secure cryptocurrency transactions for example - as well as privacy by not having to share their bottom line with shady or unethical parties. Cplay network provides communication based tools for crypto communities so that each business has all the support it needs right at its fingertips like a customisable crypto wallet, ad platform, marketplace, 2FA authentication software and governance token.


#CPLAY Network is here to create a more efficient crypto ecosystem. Our team has conducted in-depth research into all of the problems facing crypto users, investors, and advertisers–and we’ve found that each party has a specific complaint about how others are operating. Until now, there hasn’t been any crypto apps store designed for our crypto oriented business platform where they can publish mobile apps and continue services for in-house customers. In order to make it easier for app users to get their desired products and services, #CPLAY Network will create a more efficient business environment.

Lots of crypto platforms are not getting a good deal to advertise their [businesses](https://www.cplay.network/) because they are struggling to find the best platform that can bring up the results. But it is beneficial in this case if they can get into cplay adstation which offers a lot of benefits than other crypto business platform there. No need to reveal private information in this platform as well as one need to expose them with its audience who would be totally for crypto centric things. #Cplay adstation are going to make this easier and let people monetize their apps, social media links and web links in exchange for the accessibility on their website through #CPLAY red tokens which would give freedom for these crypto businesses at large scale.


Cplay enables anyone to create their own entertainment network which allows privacy protection for users and rewards for contributors. Within the #CPLAY ecosystem, it will have five products, each of which will be run by its own governance token.



#CryptoPlayStore is a global platform that enables all crypto businesses to list their apps on the #CPLAY curated app store. It also gives consumers the opportunity to purchase directly through the #CPLAY user account value-added services and exclusive benefits - each time you make a purchase, your ring-fenced PlayCoin is automatically accrued and increases your Rewards Points which can be used as cash to save for further crypto purchases.


#CPLAY two-factor authentication shield is a highly secure security software that enables users to protect their accounts from unwanted attacks. Our two-step verification tool comes with all modern features and its responsive design ensures users can perform multi-factor authentication swiftly and efficiently.


#CPLAY wallet is a super-secure and non-custodial #cryptocurrency wallet that will give complete control of your digital assets to you by protecting your privacy at all time. #CPLAY holders can use their decentralized peer-to-peer gaming platform to join other casinos on a single network, making wagering fun for users looking for any kind of entertainment.


Adstation is a #cryptocurrency-oriented online advertising platform. We aim to provide companies with the means to effectively [advertise](https://www.cplay.network/) their services and products in a non-intrusive way on the internet Adstation. focuses on providing an excellent product for both our customers and partners, working day and night by doing so to ensure satisfaction from our users who see the benefits of using Adstation as well as from companies who ultimately receive the results they are looking for (new clients, higher productivity etc.). By making certain decisions about how to do things, we will strive to distinguish ourselves through hard work, dedication and commitment by simply going above and beyond in everything we do.


50% for products and development

20% for Marketing

5% for charity

20% for exchange listing


Token ticker.... CPLAY 

Total supply.... 500,000,000

Token chain..... #Binance Smart Chain

Decimal....... 18

Smart Contract: 0x740E08E52542Df19D7f2f9cBF3924ac0Bfe53071


#IDO................ 10%

Airdrop........... 15%

Bounty................ 5%

IEO...................... 15%

Project contribution... 10%



Social influencer... 5%


Binance Chain Wallet





Token pocket


Trust wallet


Start date.... 25/12/202

End date.... 20/2/2022

10%  for Allocation 

15000 CPLAY.... 1 BNB

1 CPLAY......... 0.00006 BNB


CPLAY Network is creating an ecosystem that makes the trading platform and its in-house products run through uses of the #CPLAY token. As a result, our network’s own products will also be able to accept payments with the use of the #CPLAY token. The total supply for the CPLAY token is 500000000, and it was built on #Binance's smart chain. The amount of tokens is limited, and it will be used for #IDO & IEO sales.

 #CPLAY, #IDO, #CryptoPlayStore, #Bitcoin, #CplayNetwork #BinanceSmartChain, #Cryptocurrency


Website: https://www.cplay.network/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CplayNetwork

Telegram: https://t.me/CPLAY_Network

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cplaynetwork/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLs4lInXxZvKy9JGoWtbIvA

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cplay-network/


Bitcointalk Username: Chulakwo 

Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3440776

Proof of Authentication: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5377197.msg59116472#msg59116472

Telegram Username: @chulakwo 

BSC Wallet Address: 0xc6E390631d217421aA144Dc0e495093776E706cA

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