Joseph NastanovichUni wuppertal thesis vorlage (Chautauqua) today is quiet all work on the new bus has come to a screeching halt our new bus which is normally a hub of activity is still the sounds of the saw have been silenced Isaiah and Ashton are no longer sanding wood Arwen is not bringing out any lemonade Seth is not playing with his trains Kirra who's usually in the bus helping me work is not here Ethan and Elijah are not coming in and out of the bus to check on the progress why because today we are surrounding a new life that we are welcoming into our family hey everybody I'd like to introduce the new addition to the good family this is Enya Sadie and so we had her on July 1st she was eight pounds six and a half ounces and had her in about three and a half hours we all feel so blessed to welcome this new little life into our family she is perfect God in all of his amazing complex creativity has never ceased to amaze me with each child so unique and so different we feel truly blessed today you State University of New York Downstate Medical Center.