Donna Stokes

Durham university introduction to the novel (Wyoming County) Whatever may be your name Whatever may be your nation Wherever may be your [military] camp Knowledge is your legion To you, lost youth To you, defeated hope To you, vanished knowledge To you, beaten slave Stand up, burn with passion You, the anarchist from the school Tomorrow the day of glory will come Your book will be your symbol So I write this song To you, the student without any coat of arms The fists risen high For a future so beautiful We live in a rotten system, where education is bullshit What we are taught is shit They are lying to us so we would get into the line So we would give in, lower our head saying: "Yes, Sir!", "Sure, Sir!", "Right away, Sir!" But the time has come, to revolt, to say NO to censorship, NO to rotten education, NO to corrupted teachers, NO to mediocre scholar programs, NO to lies, NO to oppression, NO to racism! Let's fight for a better world, in which knowledge will prevail over money! Niagara County Community College.

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