Tina AyalaOpen universities project management (Niagara) Daniel Bennett's on behalf of the people you you that's all correct judge he has been apprised of all that he is an agreement and had no questions about it and he signed the form to reflect that today judge I'm going to mr. Pugh I'm going to ask you a few questions between the timeframe of sep tember of 2003 and may of 2004 did you reside in a location in the city of Detroit 1431 Washington Boulevard and that's a Wayne County craig sir during that time period did you come into contact with someone by the name of austin williams and during that time period did you engage in sexual penetration on at least two occasions with mr. Williams and that being placed your penis into his anal opening correct and at the time that you committed these acts during that time period mr. Williams was between the ages of 13 and 15 years of age correct you nothing Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science.