

Protecting Intellectual Property Creators (IP)


Image results for Colletrix

Hello friends all are with me Budiman. This time I will provide information about a project that is very interesting for you to know in a new cryptocurrency called Colletrix. Before heading to the discussion, I think we all agree that blockchain technology still requires efforts that encourage adoption to continue to grow and continue to grow in the future.

The world of modern relations has long stopped the same. Every day there are new and better tools, thanks to many familiar processes that change. Remember when people started using electricity, cars, television, radio, the internet. But what can we say, about 15-20 years ago, no one can imagine that almost every second will have a small device, the size of a palm, thanks to that you can talk to each other, wherever you are. These are all technical miracles and other technical breakthroughs and discoveries.

The world of goods is no exception. Many of you may already feel the beauty of an online store, with which you can make various types of purchases without leaving your home.


Of course, like other fields in our lives, it has positive and negative points. Identify that you can safely understand what needs to be removed to avoid such problems in the future. We all know that in the world there are a large number of different brands, each of which has its own copyright and is authentic in all its efforts. But unfortunately they cannot always track all copies and plagiarism sold by the same consumer audience, but at different prices and with a completely different level of quality. To fight this in traditional formats is very useless, because there is no centralized system that can recognize the truth of the copy.

To overcome this problem offers a very interesting project. The main goal is to combine all the tools and functions of technology with help which eventually people will get access to authentic products from around the world.

About the project

The project itself has a very memorable name –  Colletrix  . Because you already understand the technology on which this project is based, we all shape our favorite Blockchain technology.


With the help of the developer, it intends to create a revolution in the market for original products. But to achieve this, the developers came to the conclusion that they could not do it only with their own internal tokens. Therefore, it was decided to make two separate tokens, when using one blockchain, but two protocols ERC-721 and ERC-20. If we talk about the token ERC721 standard (NFT), then the main task is to combine products with IP uniquely. This technique is designed to integrate old economic methods with new modern technologies, and create new and solid business models of original products. Each IP will be supported by its own NFT token, which in turn will allow you to create a lifetime license for each individual product from one or another owner.


Colletrix envisioned a world where new economies and old economies would be fully integrated to create new economic models that maximize benefits for all 

participants Participants started from IP and creative industries, we envisioned an industrial revolution in which IP owners could get a licensing prize. the right to accept the use of blockchain technology.

 his mission

With the help of the Colletrix platform it seeks to create new market value through the integration of IP toisization. With the introduction of NFT, we will combine the old economy and the new economy. Therefore, we will do this to expand the opportunity for all IP owners and producers worldwide to make long-term licenses for their IP6; and for traders, we will offer new market value for their physical goods through blockchain use, maximizing the attractiveness and excellence of their products.

The inclusion of the NFT will create dynamic interest in collectors, giving them easy access to cryptographic markets and opening new business opportunities, such as franchising. Colletrix will be one of the first to inspire great transformation and global economic integration.

Benefits and features

If we talk about the other side of the project, it is also rich in other compounds, because groups like collectors, traders, IP owners, crypto fans and many other network users can unite in one space. For all of them, the Colletrix system   has prepared a number of attractive functions and advantages, with which they can not only receive decent original items, but also other gifts for their positive actions. As such,  Colletrix  will form a truly new, mutually beneficial business model that will expand the possibilities of traditional, outdated economic systems.


In addition, the Colletrix ecosystem  will  greatly expand the values ​​and possible benefits for all IP owners, and provide them with additional features that allow them to keep license fees in their hands. For merchandisers, chances are  Colletrix  will open access to all types of goods and other digital assets, so they will be able to fully let go of all their talents and skills in managing goods. As for collectors, they will find truly unique tools where they can expand the range of their products for every taste and color.


Consider the second internal token of the CIPX system   , which was developed based on the ERC-20 standard. It is safe to say that his role is also very important, because he is the one who has the special honor of acting as a means of buying and selling for all domestic goods available under  Colletrix  . And also to participate in transactions for NFT purchases   . It is important to note that the number of CIPX tokens   will be limited, a total of 10 billion coins will be issued. Of these, only 700 million will be available for public sales. The initial cost of  1CIPX  is $ 0.01 US.

IEO Assessment:


IEO Schedule:

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Project team and advisors

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Of course, for the complete Colletrix picture  ,  you won’t be enough to just review me. But I strongly recommend that you not go through this project, but pay close attention. Because Colletrix’s concept   is truly unique, he has every opportunity to enter the world of our traditional trade relations and, finally, to build a substantial order there. What, in principle, the developer wants to do himself. In addition, the project itself is full of complex functions and services needed, thanks to everyone being able to find out for themselves what he has long been looking for.

You can study this project through the technical documentation proposed in the resources listed below. The link that I prepared specifically for you.

For more information about the Colletrix project or to join social networks and crowds, please follow some sources for the following link:






Author: Kolbakpute

profile URL: :;u=1624619

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