Ron AndersonDissertation open uni (Jefferson) no we got a slum per call here at the lucky spot starts to realize you put it on that in the recording coordinates I'm at right what well okay shut the fuck up nobody's harassing an officer shut up excuse me appears it was a waste of so the suppers linking up or whoever was sleeping is woken up oh I don't think it's good I bet that feral camel it's too afraid to go knock on that door as she's bitching to the cop about us now oh so when we rolled up she said stop harassing cops we weren't even saying anything to cause we're just filming so she'd be trippin great job officer what do you say I just do that because that lady that lady was a her ass those cops and now it's backfiring on her and we're out crazy lady keep this camera rollin case the lady comes out trippin it's cop watch yeah hey we heard it on the radio hey hey check out Oregon cop watch on YouTube if you get a chance yeah and we're Nazareth College, Pittsford, near Rochester.