CLICK May: Corazon by Jamie Craig free store eng pc online

CLICK May: Corazon by Jamie Craig free store eng pc online

CLICK May: Corazon by Jamie Craig free store eng pc online

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Book description
The fifth of May is the single date that could change the course of one man’s life.Mason Ritter does not want to go to Puebla, Mexico, with his long-time boyfriend, Miguel. He claims he does not want to deal with the hassle of traveling from San Antonio to Puebla. He doesn’t like the way Miguel pretends Mason is just his good friend when they’re around Miguel’s father. He doesn’t want to take the time off work...But in reality, Mason has only one reason to avoid the Cinco de Mayo fiesta in Puebla—Anton Rocha.Anton Rocha is engaged to Miguel’s sister, Pedra. Anton Rocha is off-limits. Anton Rocha is also the most desirable, intoxicating man Mason has ever met. And before the end of the fiesta, Mason is in serious danger of losing his heart...Genres: Gay / Contemporary / Interracial / Multicultural / Exhibitionism / Public Places / SeriesHeat Level: 3Length: Extended Novella (35k words)
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