Michael Therrien

University scholarship for international students in canada (Warren) my own true family once I cut in and oh good I was looking for his back I met an old woman they're all Kenobi stick and work she said I have your secret here inside my little bag then she began to check out and I begin to quick she opened up her little bag you and I came twice week surround it by stabbing dry and neat tied to a stake they said we are the oak trees your own true family we are chopped down let them down but you can know how quiet you laugh when you're destroyed and if you make a promise right here right now else you're gonna die whenever you see an oak trees fallen you will plan to if you didn't obey us we will make sure you will suffer the same fate as us for the child scream no I promise I swear I will do as you say o wise oak tree this was my dream beneath the box the dreams that altered me you when I come out of the cocoon back to human company my walk with the walks of the human tribe but my heart was a tree you Alfred University, Alfred.

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