/CIG/ Exclusive Interview with Anonymous Chinese Mainlander

/CIG/ Exclusive Interview with Anonymous Chinese Mainlander


*For context he is Pro-Chinese Imperialism, but still retains self criticism and offers a unique perspective in the eyes of western audiences*

On the One Belt One Road (OBOR) project

1. What the fuck is OBOR?

As the Wikipedia article showed, it is an initiative started by Chicom in 2013 during Xi's rule.

The OBOR has a weird name. Both the "belt" and the "road" here refer to the Silk Road, an ancient trade network from Han Dynasty China through Persia to the Roman Empire and the Maritime Silk Road, maritime section of the trade network. The ancient trade network connected white Europe, MENA, Indosphere and Sinosphere together. Of course coconut-eating Southeast Asia and the Horn of Africa are also connected to the network.

These are traditionally most of the international trade routes of China before Spaniards arrived at the Chinese coast in the 1500s with Mexican silver.

The name of OBOR is pretty accurate.

2. What are the purposes of OBOR?

The OBOR is very weird for it's investments do not mostly tend to make sense from a pure economic point of view. However it might make sense if we think about..geopolitics and corruption.

Strategy of the String of Pearls

From a strategic point of view technically Chicom has to maintain the String of Pearls because Chinese rule does not extend to the Indian Ocean. However in practice Chicom simply does not have the ability to defend it's interests in any part of the Indian Ocean. If WWIII actually takes place these will be denied to China within a short period of time just like Togoland during WWI.

China is indeed trying to utilize ports of Pakistan and Burma. However Burmese and Chinese aren't really friends partly due to the Kokang conflict despite Chinese infrastructure-building efforts in Burma. Pakistan is a contrastingly more reliable friend due to Pakistani-Indian rivalry. However China-Pakistan relationship is one-sided: China aids Pakistan unilaterally while Pakistan isn't really that useful to China. Due to Chicom persecution of Muslim Uyghurs and religious differences (Pakistan is Muslim while China is traditionally fairly secular) Pakistanis may not actually like China that much. In the times of war almost all South Asian "allies" are pretty much unreliable while Pakistan may still be reliable. Through Pakistan it is relatively easy to import oil from the Middle East without going through the Malacca Strait. There is also a pipeline that starts in Burma. However whether it will be useful during conflicts depends on whether Burma will remain friendly to Chicom.

If we think from the point of view of corrupt officials OBOR is really benefitial. They can use programs of OBOR to pocket a lot of funds and transfer money from China where it is unsafe to foreign countries. Similarly the nigger-feeding projects in Africa are very good for corrupt officials.

3. Of course we also need to think about it from a racial point of view. Basically all non-whites other than NE Asians are economically easily pwned by NE Asians. Ethnic Chinese economic dominance in the Philippines and many other countries is basically just natural phenomena, when they rejected white colonial governments they have voluntarily submitted to us. The Jew-style debt trap works well because of corruption and relative incompetence of non-white non-NE Asian people.

Then we also need to discuss the white world. I'm going to discuss four subgroups separately, namely Nordics, Meds, NE Europeans and SE Europeans. China is definitely not afraid of South Slavs and other SE Europeans economically. Northeast Europeans such as Poles and Russians are more competent. However economically Chinese can often do well in Russia. Among Med countries only France is still relatively respected by China. As for Nordics they are the only ones that even Chinese nationalists admit do better than NE Asians right now. This is exactly why China is trying to try the tactic it has tried among non-white non-NE Asians in Montenegro. SE Europe is the underbelly of the white world and Chicom knows it well. Of course the plan is to gradually expand and corrupt more and more countries..but it has to start somewhere..

As for the idea of underbelly....think about Greece and how the Jew managed to sneak it into the EU zone by falsifying their stats. Of course the Jew knew very well that what he did was going to cause serious trouble to Europe...and he didn't care.

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