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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. The paper investigates the billboardization of city entrances and the impact of this phenomenon on the integrity of the city and its cultural identity. The paper strives to indicate the neglect of this space in the current urbanistic and socio-cultural narrative, and point out the newly formed region of reframed identity through the concept of the image of the city. The research moves through a case study of the Adriatic highway, the Jaz - Kotor section, namely the buffer zone of the protected Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor, in Montenegro. The aim of the paper is to point out the image of the city and to emphasize this urban space as a factor that disrupts the cultural identity of Kotor. Раса Чепайтене Вильнюс, Литва — доктор гуманитарных наук, старший научный сотрудник Ин-ститута Истории Литвы, профессор Вильнюсского университета. Email: rasa. Опираясь на теории визу-альной семиотики и коллективной памяти анализируются публичные пространства стран постсоветского ареала. Ставится вопрос, почему и каким образом разные политические режи-мы изменяют облик городов своих стран особенно столиц и какие последствия эти действия имеют на образ жизни и самосознание горожан. Исключительный интерес к данному региону не случаен, поскольку в нем видны особенно яркие следы идеологических манипуляций городским ландшафтом. В статье затронуты и наиболее пристально проанализированы такие конкрет-ные случаи идеологической манипуляции городом, как влияние тоталитарной Москва, Минск , авторитарной Ашхабад, Астана , националистической Вильнюс и современной неолибераль-ной ценностных систем. This paper examines the problems of impact of different ideological systems and political regimes nationalism, communism, authoritarianism, neo-liberalism on urban landscapes in XX-XXI cent. On the base of semiotics theory and collective memory studies particularly using the theory by G. Ashworth , the public city space of the post-Soviet region is scrutinized. Particular interest to this region is not accidental because of the especially sharp traces of the ideological manipulation with cityscape. This research notably focused on the cases of ideological control of cities in totalitarian Moscow, Minsk , authoritarian Astana, Ashgabat , nationalist and multi-cultural Vilnius and contemporary neoliberal systems of values. Virginia Petrova. Marina Simonenko. The verbal part of the signboard text contains three types of signs, bearing a basic semantic load in the coherent text. The dominant component among these signs is the individual name of a commercial object that we call ergonym; the latter verbalizes cultural experience of the name author. The study of the signboard texts presenting commercial enterprises in Moscow and Astrakhan discovered natural and cultural codes involved in formation of these texts. Natural code appeals to the mental image of an object, formed on the basis of sensual experience. Cultural codes correlate with the system of values accepted in society. The author of the paper distinguishes historical, biblical, antique codes, codes of literature, music, a global code of network culture. It is noted that modern names of commercial objects are characterized by excessive personification, tendency to uniformity and a considerable proportion of unmotivated or slightly motivated names. It is emphasized that the hypertext of the city is open to expansion of new cultural codes. Ivan Posylnyi. In the modern global world the existence of cities is conditioned by cutthroat competition for intellectual potential and investment attraction. The theme of territory branding in Ukraine is expected to become more significant due to the new social and economic reality. Decentralization and financial autonomy of regions and territorial communities make it inevitable to regard to the practices of territory branding and use all the available means of mass communication for the increase of territory attraction. The efforts of a city brand forming are aimed predominantly at creating such an image of a city which would captivate tourists and investors. Having said that, it is as much important to form the image of a city, comfortable for living among the local citizens. Social diagnostics of the city territory is critical for making decisions in the course of strategic city planning, creating the city brand programs. In the context of the evaluation of a city in terms of developing its brand, what must be taken to consideration are the forms of communication between people, defined by the culture of specific territories, along with the environmental dimensions of a city existance. Hence, it is essential to adapt the instruments of commercial branding to the aims of city branding, pointing out not the characteristics of the product, but the characteristics of the local culture and people. The research focuses on the aspects of the city brand forming, the forms of primary, secondary and tertiary communication between the city and the target groups of public. The study also discloses the role of different means of mass communication in the city image forming and its branding. The process of setting up the appropriate conditions for the city brand forming is resource- and time-consuming and is rewarding only with engaging nonmaterial resources — the complex of creative approaches which can successfully realize the potential of a city. Volodymyr Bevzenko. Zhanna Nikolaeva. В статье рассматривается двойное понятие «городская черта»: территориальные границы и воображаемое городское, то есть признаки, характеризующие город и маркирующие принадлежность к нему. Поскольку во многом понятия город и «городское» остаются размытыми, мы попытались в качестве отправного критерия взять понятие границы и внешнего, чтобы описать то, что находится внутри этих границ, дабы обнаружить диалектические трансформации в динамике пересечения материальных и нематериальных границ т. В качестве методологии за исключением описания истории городских границ используется «археология» М. Предложенный как определяющий аналитический инструмент пространственный концепт раскрывает дополнительные возможности для исследования социальной реальности в контексте философии города. Городская черта — это контур абстрактного пространства, миметического места, произведенного и производящего. Лишившись четких границ в наше время, городское пространство, однако, Zhana Popova. Since in the big Bulgarian cities a new phenomenon has appeared — the Business park. The main thesis is that the emergence of business zones in the city landscape and the functioning of the business parks and business centers is connected with the development of the interrelations between the employees inside these places, which totally differ from the attitudes in the familiar offices in the city until now. The proximity of the business zones to the residential districts can lead to a collision between the people who work during the day in the residential district, and the people who live there, and want to rest when they go home. But the neighboring between them can lead to similarities in their attitude towards the activities of the municipality administration and the management of the municipality or the city. They may turn out to be with close interests, instead of being opposed groups. This text presents the main results from a research of the attitudes between the people who live near the new business parks and those who work there. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. City branding read final. Ольга Цепелева. Related Papers. Nonberbal aspects of university city brand formation the case of Tomsk. Черта идентичности: становление города.

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