Чернобровкина тамара васильевна

Чернобровкина тамара васильевна

Чернобровкина тамара васильевна

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Чернобровкина тамара васильевна

Москва Санкт-Петербурга за 20 лет — гг. Казань Результаты опроса населения о врачах-психотерапевтах Председатель редакционного совета и психотерапевтической помощи Динамика показателей деятельности амбулаторной психиатрической службы Санкт-Петербурга за 20 лет — гг. Число врачей-психиатров физических лиц и число занятых должностей врачей-психиатров в Санкт-Петербурге в — гг. Число занятых должностей врачей-психиатров в Санкт-Петербурге и РФ в — гг. Число занятых должностей врачей-психотерапевтов в Санкт-Петербурге и РФ в — гг. Число недобровольно освидетельствованных амбулаторными психиатрическими учреждениями в Санкт-Петербурге и РФ в — гг. Число сметных мест в дневных стационарах на конец года в Санкт-Петербурге и РФ в — гг. Число мест в лечебно-трудовых мастерских для амбулаторных психически больных в Санкт-Петербурге и РФ в — гг. Число больных с впервые в жизни установленным диагнозом психического расстройства, взятых под диспансерное наблюдение, в Санкт-Петербурге и РФ в — гг. Доля больных с впервые в жизни установленным диагнозом психического расстройства, взятых под диспансерное наблюдение и обратившихся за консультативно-лечебной помощью, в Санкт-Петербурге в — гг. Число детей 0—14 лет с впервые в жизни установленным диагнозом психического расстройства, взятых под ДН и получающих КЛП, в Санкт-Петербурге и РФ в расчёте на населения. Диагностическая структура лиц с психическими расстройствами, состоящих под диспансерным наблюдением, в Санкт-Петербурге в — гг. Число детей 0—14 лет с психическими расстройствами, состоящих под диспансерным наблюдением и получающих КЛП, в Санкт-Петербурге и РФ в — гг. The dynamics of the performance indicators of outpatient psychiatric services in St. PhD medicine , chief of the St. Petersburg during the post-Soviet period including the data on the availability of specialists involved in psychiatric care, and the information about patients on follow-up care receiving treatment and consultations. The analysis of the performance indicators of outpatient psychiatric institutions is provided. The comparison of regional and the corresponding Russian indicators is represented in the dynamics of a period of twenty years. Petersburg, dynamic observation, treatment and consultation care, psychoneurological outpatient clinics, day-care centres. Психотерапевты исцеляют ненаучными методами лечения: Учреждения психотерапевтического профиля центры психотерапии мало чем отличаются от психоневро- 61,8 67,9 73,6 52,8 58,8 56,0 76,5 логических диспансеров? The survey of inhabitants of Chuvashia men, women of year-olds mean age — Psychotherapists, methods of treatment and establishment of psychotherapeutic profile were perceived by the majority of the respondents negatively The estimates authentically depended on sex, age, educational level and the place of residence of the respondents. These include socio-demographic, socio-environmental and psychopathological having different interests in suitsidogeneze. Presented clinicalphenomenological, socio-demographic and socio-cultural characteristics of suicides. Analyzed the degree of participation of the various factors contributing to the commission of suicide attempts, identified correlations between these patterns in order to prevent recurrence of suicidal behavior and reduce the risk of recurrent suicidal acts. Мотивационно-эмоциональные спектры активности и сопряженные с ними особенности реализации кардиореспираторных функций у студентов в ходе учебного процесса: Частоты встречаемости диагноза F Встречаемость генотипа СС локуса MSP в основной и контрольной группах по параметрам семейной отягощённости. Частота встречаемости аллеля А9 генотипы 9. The study included men with a diagnosis of alcohol dependence in phase II, not related to each other, Slavic ethnicity. A study group included patients with a diagnosis of F The control group — patients with a diagnosis of F It was revealed that the allele A9 carriers for the locus VNTR often have a family history on alcohol and for them the risk of F A9 allele carriers in the control group had a significantly higher rate of daily consumption of alcohol than in the main group. The risk of complications for the patient with the A9 allele and the presence of family burden in the 2, 4 times higher than for other individuals. Allele A9 carrier status increases the likelihood genetic risk of F The carriage of the T allele increases the risk of developing complications of AWS at a young age. The risk of complications for the patient with AWS CC genotype and the presence of family loading for a 2, 7 times higher than for other individuals. The risk of F The results can be used for further investigations of the genetic nature of acute alcoholic psychosis. Autopsy protocols and the clinical records of 81 died patients with schizophrenia during have been studied using statistical analysis. There were certain changes of studied indicators in comparison with previous years, in particular, positive dynamics concerning value of pulmonary pathology tuberculosis and pneumonia in tanatogenesis are revealed. However, the high frequency of pneumonia as deadly complication remains at cardiac pathology at patients with schizophrenia and a cancer of respiratory organs lungs and a throat. Frequency of a chronic obstructive lung illness remained at former level. The expressed and reliable growth of a share of cardiovascular pathology among causes of death is recorded at schizophrenia. Thus, coronary heart disease frequency sharply decreased, and into the forefront, the neuroleptic cardiomyopathy acts. The described changes of structure of mortality at schizophrenia tanatomorphosis in many respects are caused by various side effects of antipsychotics. This study examined the personality traits of adolescents, Internet-dependent behavior, preferring services of online communication and online games. Revealed that adolescents with Internet - dependent behavior, preferring to massively multiplayer online role-playing games, compared with teens who prefer services online communication more valid in the following characterological types: Also, the group characterized this group the following character traits: According to the results of the questionnaire revealed the severity of psychopathology, adolescents, prone to Internet addictive behavior, preferring to massively multiplayer online role-playing games, compared with teens who prefer services of online communication, to a lesser extent peculiar disturbing symptoms. Internet-dependent behavior, teens, personality traits, accentuation, addictive behavior. Besides, the indications and the principal tasks of the examination are given and the meanings of the main concepts are disclosed. Branch Head, National Scientific Research Center for Drug Addiction, Moscow Issues of production, consumption and attitudes concerning non-commercial alcohol were studied by means of questioning its makers, law enforcement officials, doctors and teachers. A general convergence of views on the issue of non-commercial alcohol among specialists in the subject area is demonstrated. The data obtained can be used while creating and carrying out local anti-alcohol prevention programs. Non-commercial alcohol, survey, producers, doctors, teachers, law enforcement officers, production, turnover, prevention programmes. State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Chita Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation The authors reviewed the research on the role of genetic polymorphism of apolipoproteins among patients with schizophrenia in the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The article discusses the influence of dyslipidemic disorders leading to early onset of cardiovascular diseases depending on the available polymorphism of genes, race and applicable antipsychotic drug. Научный руководитель кандидат философских наук, доцент Олейников Б. Программное обеспечение 'Хроматэк Аналитик' версии 3. Программа разработана в году. Обязательные условия его существования — мир и гармония между человеком и природой Московская государственная консерватория имени П. Чайковского научный Редакционная коллегия: Зенкин Московская консерватория вест Сибайский институт филиал Башкирского государственного университета http: Материалы этого сайта размещены для ознакомления, все права принадлежат их авторам. Если Вы не согласны с тем, что Ваш материал размещён на этом сайте, пожалуйста, напишите нам , мы в течении рабочих дней удалим его.

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