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Чеки paymer

Чеки paymer

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The Paymer service www. The service supports the issue, verification, splitting, merging, and redemption of such checks. As a means of digital payment,a Paymer check has a certain face value and consists of a number and code of random length. The check entitles the bearer to receive a part of the collateral that was deposited or declared by the issuer while registering obligations on the Paymer system. The check can be kept on any storage device and can be transferred between users by any method they prefer by e-mail, fax, telephone, etc. Users can print out cheques as paper coupons e. They can also be stored on PCs as a file to be later transferred to partners via the Internet. Paymer checks are managed using software agents. Currently, there are two available agents, with either one keeping track of a particular collateral type. This agent acknowledges the fact that the issuer has provided a certain obligation and undertakes to fulfill it when redeeming the cheque. Thus to create a cheque of the Obligation type, it is sufficient to register any obligations towards the holder of acreated check with the agent. Only personal passport holders or merchant passport holders that have specified their WMID during registration on the Paymer system may issue cheques using the e-currency agent. Except for creating cheques, all other cheque operations are free of charge. The following capabilities are available to every Paymer system user:. This service supports the issue, verification, splitting, merging, and redemption of such cheques. As a means of digital payment, a Paymer cheque has a certain face value and consists of a number and code of random length. The cheque entitles the bearer to receive a part of the collateral that was deposited or declared by the issuer while registering obligations on the Paymer system. The cheque can be kept on any storage device and can be transferred between users by any method they prefer by email, fax, telephone, etc. They can also be stored on a PC as a file and later transferred to another party via the Internet. Paymer cheques are managed using software agents. Currently, there are two available agents and each one tracks of a particular collateral type. Thus, to create a cheque of the Obligation type, it is sufficient to register any obligations towards the holder of a created cheque with the agent. This is similar to a digital IOU. Only personal passport holders or merchant passport holders that have specified their WMID during registration on the Paymer system may issue checks using an e-currency agent. Except for the creation of cheques, all other cheque operations are free of charge. With cheque verification, the product or service merchants can make sure that the cheque account information and denomination are valid before they accept the cheque as payment. To verify the cheque, all you need to know is its number and enter these details the proper field on the Verify page. Cheque details remain valid and unchanged. Click the issue name link to get information about the issue parameters and the type of collateral. You may change the details of any valid Paymer cheque. Cheque details are usually changed by a new holder that has received the cheque as payment for goods or services. Changing cheque details allows you to prevent its use or redemption by the previous holder. To change cheque details, go to the Change number and code page of the service, enter the cheque number and code in the form fields and click 'Change'. Next confirm the operation by clicking 'Change' which makes new cheques valid. It is very important to save the new cheque details immediately as the Paymer service does not support getting the numbers and codes of issued cheques a second time. If you cheque the 'Change the Number and Code of a Paymer check for residual amount' box you will be able to specify the number and code length of a new cheque. You may change the details of any valid Paymer check cheque. Check details are usually changed by a new holder that has received the cheque as payment for goods or services. Changing cheque details allows you to preventing its use or redemption by the previous holder. Any holder of a Paymer check cheque may split it into two cheques with the same total value. After this the user will be provided will numbers and codes for the new cheques. If the cheque holder wants to split it into multiple cheques of equal denomination the a user-friendly way to do it is to use the multi-split function. This type of split allows you to get the required number of cheques of the specified denomination in one operation, keeping the residual amount of the initial cheque. You can also specify the number of characters for the number and the code of the new cheques. New cheques become valid only after confirmation. Please note that the Paymer service does not support getting the numbers and codes of cheques issued a second time. Two cheques can be merged on the Merge page. You can transfer the total amount to either cheque in this case, the original cheque is canceled. To complete this kind of transaction, enter the numbers and codes of the merged cheques, and choose to transfer the total amount to the first Paymer, the second Paymer or a new Paymer that will be created during the next step. If the merged cheque has new account information, you must save it immediately as the Paymer service does not support getting the numbers and codes of cheque issued a second time. Paymer checks cheque can be delivered to a user by any preferred method. The Paymer system offers three methods for ensuring the safe cheque delivery of the cheque to the recipient. If the transfer amount is less than the initial cheque denomination, a new cheque is created for the residual amount. The cheque recipient is sent an e-mail with the transferred cheque number and code these details are not disclosed to the sender. This cheque delivery method features enhanced security as it does not excludes transmit both the number and code in a single message. If the transfer amount is less than the initial cheque denomination, a new cheque is generated for the residual amount with either new or unchanged details as defined by the user. After sending is confirmed, the service emails the number to the recipient and the code to the sender. If the sender has not provided their email they needs to copy a new code from the sending confirmation page. To use the cheque the recipient must fulfill their obligations to the sender and accept the code from the sender. If the deal between the parties was not closed the sender may return the cheque upon the protection period expiration. To do that enter the cheque code on the Rollback page and click 'Rollback'. There is another method to deliver cheque which features even more enhanced reliability. When the instructions are included this method will guarantee that losing funds is completely impossible. Next the Paymer service generates the transfer code that is used to control the transaction. Be sure to keep this code as losing it will make cheque transfer impossible. If the transfer amount is less than the cheque denomination, a new cheque is created for the residual amount with either new or unchanged details as defined by the user. The recipient is emailed a message with the transferred cheque amount and URL of the page where they can get the cheque. At the same time, the sender is emailed a message with the URL of the page where they can confirm or roll back the cheque transfer. That is why before you confirm sending, it is reasonable to get in touch with the recipient and find out if they have opened the View cheque page. Redemption is the exchange of Paymer check cheque details for the underlying collateral. The type of agent used to issue the cheque will determine the redemption procedure. Assets of E-currency type cheques are stored by the Paymer system. When these type of cheques are redeemed the user can immediately transfer an amount of WM title units to any WM purse that does not exceed the cheque denomination. The full or partial amount can be transferred to one or multiple purses. The Paymer service is not responsible for storing assets of Obligation type cheques. This is why cheques of this type are redeemed by the issuer pursuant to the obligations declared while creating the issue. A holder of cheques of this type can seek for documentary proof of the obligations to be provided to the issuer for redemption withdrawing assets to the bearer , or to a third party e. To redeem a cheque of this type, go to the Redeem page, enter the cheque code and number, the Turing number, accept the terms and conditions of the Agreement on Processing of Digital Messages , and click 'Redeem'. This type of obligation requires that the cheque holder is the only one that can initiate its redemption. The issuer is then able to obtain this issue collateral from the issuer and to provide the cheque details in exchange. Upon receiving the message saying that cheques may be redeemed only by the issue owner, click the specified link. On the Get Document page enter the cheque number and code, and click the button. To learn how holders of the Obligation type cheques can use such cheques see user guidelines for the Debt service , specifically Using Paymer checks for loan repayment. An issuer user can redeem a cheque of the Obligation type on the Redeem page. After that the cheque will become invalid. To issue cheques using the Obligation agent, a user must login to the Paymer service site, select New Issue menu item, accept the terms and conditions of the Agreement on Issue of Digital Messages , select the Obligation agent and click 'Create'. After that the system will offer to start generating cheques. You can also perform this operation later in the Issues section by clicking the icon in the 'Create check' column. Next you have to verify the information you have entered, accept the terms and conditions of the Agreement on Accepting and Processing of Digital Messages , and click 'Generate'. When defining the number of cheques please keep in mind that their denomination is the quotient of the issue face value and the number of cheques, while the number of issued cheques multiplied by the denomination must be strictly equal to the issue amount. For instance, if the issue amount equals 1. After the system generates cheques it is necessary to save their details. Only after this may the cheques be put in circulation. You can check data about your issues, their amount and residual amount on the Issues page. The info page which links from the issue name displays its current parameters and collateral information. Next select the collateral placing method: Please note that in the first case a Paymer service fee is charged before the cheques are issued and is calculated using more advantageous fees. When creating uncovered cheques it is advisable to calculate the issue amount with the calculator that is available on the issue parameter input page. Next a name resembling WMR. ECUR is assigned by the Paymer system for the issue; this name is made up according to the following rule: The collateral is transferred via the Merchant service. The amount to be paid consists of the issue face value, the Paymer service system fee, and the WMT fee. After a new issue is created it is then possible to begin generating cheques. When defining the number of cheques please keep in mind that their denomination is a multiple of 0. For example if the issue amount equals 1. After the system generates the cheques, it is necessary to get and save their details. Upon saving the obtained information in a reliable place the user must confirm that they have obtained the details by clicking the Confirm button. After this the cheques may be put into circulation. You can check data about your issues, their amount and residual amount in the Issues section. The info page which links from the issue name displays its current parameters, information about the issue owner and collateral. On this page a user can also initiate the procedure for placing additional collateral the function is currently under development. Paymer system supports a number of additional features. The following capabilities are available to every Paymer system user: Simple transfer by email. New details are not provided to the sender. After the cheque is sent, its details are changed automatically. The sender knows only a new code that they provide to the recipient after the latter has fulfilled its obligations. After the cheque has been sent the service emails both the sender and the recipient providing them with the service web page URL where the parties can complete the transfer. It is faster to use the two last cheque delivery methods after authenticating on the Paymer system. In the next window please specify the following: To complete the cheque transfer do the following: Please keep in mind that this page can be viewed only once. It is only after this point that the new details previously saved by the recipient become valid. Next specify the following issue parameters: On the cheque generating page you should specify the following: After you have chosen the collateral placing method click Continue and specify the following: On the resulting page specify the following: Please note two important points: A service automating acceptance of cheque payments — Paymer Merchant see the description. Verification, splitting, changing details, transfer and redemption of cheques via mobile phones by SMS. Another function is paying for mobile carrier services with cheques.

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