CHRISMON-CHIRON (English post)

CHRISMON-CHIRON (English post)

Coin of Ptolemy III (246-222 BCE) -(Chi-Rho between eagle’s legs)

Also the Chrismon, runic  

= KRISMON, "Krist-man" written, the so-called monogram of Christ, because it brings the first two letters of the Greek word Christos, Ch and R = X and P, is of Ur-Aryan origin. The original form of the word Christos is in fact Aristos, or Haristos. The Greeks, as many peoples still do today, replace the H with a K, G, I, Ch or with a pharyngeal sound. All languages have this Aryan Hari, this high one, "Har = Aar", whose superlative is the Haristos, the "Christos". In Old Indian the word is called Hari-hara and means the connection of Vishnu or Chrishna (Christos) with Siva (the evil) combined in one person. Omitting the last two syllables, Hari, in German: der Hehre, der Hohe (the Holy One, the High One), with the meaning of Indra, the Vishnu, or the Chrishtna, the one "crucified in the space". One considers:

In Hebrew, Hari became: Heres, meaning sun, in Arabic the word changed to Haris, meaning preserver, keeper, the H pronounced as Ch, becoming Charis, or Chris or Christ in Greek. The main Armanen binderune, the Hagall, which pronounces the name Arahari, aar = Sun, hari = the high one, thus ar-hari = the Sun-High one, pronounced, took in Greek the form of the so-called:

monogram of Christ by placing the characters X (ch), P (r) and I (i) and reading chri, finally chris and Christ. Numerous findings show this Krismon, this Hari-Mon or Hari-ManArmann already existed in pre-Christian times, and as such on a coin from

the time of Ptolemy III and on an Ash-Urn from the Golasecca Culture (Italy), which dates to at least 1000 BCE. The Chrismon is thus derived from the Christallsiegel (the "Crystal Seal", "Krist-All Seal") of the high and holy runic name of the Lord, Arahari, which came in the Hagall-Rune to the original runic-image expression. Today's official interpreter of the symbols of the Chist myth and the keeper of the keys of Tyr and Thor, Tür and Tor (door and gate), the pope on the chair of "Peter", namely the Pater (Lat. Father), the Father, who claims "to bind and to loose, to open and to close", namely the "I" ("das Ich" or one's "higher-self") in both physical and spiritual form, has lost the keyword, the All-Raune (meant here the All-Rune, with an allusion to the mandragora/mandrake root, which is called the alraun in Germany, dating back to the Medieval Ages), and therefore can do nothing with the keys, but only open and close with his mouth.

The X, Greek letter Chi and the P, Greek letter Ro, as the "monogram of Christ" still leads us to a further trace of a parable figure.

From the Greek mythology the Kentaur/Centaur Chiro-n (Χειρων/Kheirôn). What is a Centaur according to the mythical image? A man-steed, according to the linguistic image a man-bull, because ken, kun, kan, kon is the word taken from the Kaun-Rune for the expert, the capable (Könner), the man, also indicated by its position as the sixth rune (six-sexus) in the Futhark. Tauer is toreros = bull, resolved Sa-tyr, in general also tyr, tar in the sense of turning/rotational power (such as the revolving Torus in geometry), which is always a procreative power. (See also the Greek god of fertility, Pan, a Sa-Tyr.)

The Kentaur/Centaur Chiro-n (Χειρων/Kheirôn), Athenian black-figure dinos c. 6th B.C.

Therefore with the Greek letters Chi and Ro we are able to justify the name of the name of Chiron better in a monogrammatic sense than the name of the Christos, without forcing ourselves to do so, with more probability at any rate. In Chiron we recognize an initiated being who instructs the noble youth in all sciences. Many great men, according to the legend, were disciples of Chiron. If we assume Chiron as the horse-man (den Roß-Menschen), whose head and chest are taken from the human image, and the body and limbs taken from the horse (dem Rosse), then the Kala solves for us this senseless combination into the Roß-Mann (horse-man), the Hroß-Mann, the Kroß-Mann, the Cross-Man, the Kreuz-Menschen, therefore the Christ with whom he shares the possession of the Chi-Ro monogram. But we know the monogram of Christ, the Hag-all, as the wind-rose, the Wind-Roß (Wind-Horse) of Wotan, Sleipnir, the breath of the world. The Wind-Roß (wind horse) is therefore also the Kreuz-Roß (cross-horse), the Roß-Kreuz (horse-cross), the Kroß, the Cross (Crux) in general. From the horse (Roß) to the Rose is now in the language of the mysteries (die Mysteriensprache), and we come to the "Rosicrucians", the Roß-, Hroß-, "Kroß-Kreuzern". The real Rosicrucian is then to be recognized by the fact that he acknowledges this derivation of his name as the only legitimate one. However, perhaps this somewhat "derivation approach" leads straight into the mystery of the ancient mystery orders, which veiled their gnosis within these mysterious images, otherwise the ignorant could not reject these images so easily, because the rejection by the uninitiated has always been the best protection of higher knowledge against misunderstandings by the masses.

The Wind-Roß (Wind-Horse) of Wotan, Sleipnir.

Source: Rudolf John Gorsleben, Hochzeit der Menschheit

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