CEO from 15.06.2022

CEO from 15.06.2022


Hello everyone.

Today the NFT platform Customer Support ASAP-Eddie has shared the news that we still haven't received the UMI blockchain update. An update that is required to launch the NFT platform. We all are concerned about this fact. And I fully share this concern with you.

I managed to get comments from the UMI blockchain developers - they will decide on the new node on June 21st. Unfortunately, this again means waiting, but waiting for a specific date.

The NFTeam and I will base our actions and adjust the project strategy on this decision. Of course, we'll share in the DevDiaries the decision made by the UMI team and further plans and steps of the NFTeam.

The UMI blockchain update will make it possible to implement on the NFT platform at least all the essential features necessary for working with NFTs: mint, burning, listing, and completing transactions.

Anyway, the process was and will be designed the way that each UMI blockchain update is integrated into the NFT platform. But here's an important question - how fast can the UMI blockchain be updated?

I would like to look back so that you and I understand where we are now and where to go next.

In January 2022, the NFTeam accepted a project to develop an NFT platform.

At that time, the GLZ token was already launched on the UMI blockchain. The token had staking and a referral program.

Nobody from the NFTeam likes the MLM referral programs; we have discussed this many times. But we liked the blockchain - its speed and architecture. That's why we decided it was a good idea to create an incredible product in the field of NFTs and implement this technology the best way. To Implement it better than anyone else has ever done.

We shared our expectations and vision of how we would develop the project in the Memorandum, published on January 19.

A month later, on February 19, we published the first edition of the WhitePaper. We tried to define more precisely what we intended to do and how we planned to do it.

We still maintain our ideas:

  • it's a long-term project 
  • the NFTeam builds a platform with long-term usefulness, without any speculations
  • the NFTeam members are into this project and are interested in its development
  • maximum transparency of NFTeam actions and communication with users

On March 10, the NFTeam launched the DevDiaries (developer diaries). We cover absolutely everything we've done as openly and clearly as possible, answer users' questions, and strive for a better understanding with the community.

On June 3, we launched the closed alpha testing of the NFT platform's first version on the UMI blockchain.

We've spent a lot of effort and money on this project - our own funds that are not associated with GLZ tokens. We have never used the team GLZ tokens and the tokens distributed in the project funds.

Even if the UMI blockchain is not ready to implement a solid, competitive, and scalable product on it now, the NFTeam won't stop.

The NFT platform development on the UMI blockchain will continue at one pace or another. Everything will depend on the speed of UMI updates.

However, we didn't put our eggs in one basket. For each scenario, the NFTeam keeps a backup plan. I think this is a good habit and rule.

Our plans are related to alternative blockchains. Right now, we are deciding which ones. But I won't get ahead of myself and go into detail about these plans. You will learn everything a little later from the DevDiaries. Let's wait for the specifics from the UMI.

The NFTeam will not go anywhere without you. It is crucial for us to have a community that believes in the project, technology, and development; then the rest will follow!

“We must fight for our dreams, and concentrate our efforts to that end” - Paulo Coelho.

This isn't goodbye. We'll see you soon!

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