CBS News的新闻职业操守又惹争议...

CBS News的新闻职业操守又惹争议...


@Moon藕初: CBS吃个哑巴亏,四年后dem还是找个说话利索的吧//@我李老三终于回来了:2500万,跟小扎迫害一个价?//@纪春生在美国:川普之前因此事状告CBS寻求赔偿100亿美金,CBS母公司帕拉蒙特高层因担忧重返白宫的川普会阻挠该公司的重组合并项目,因此目前在和川普方面进行谈判希望和解。 评论配图

@纪春生在美国: CBS News的新闻职业操守又惹争议,先是有Tony Dokoupil事件,最近又因为“60 Minutes”对Harris的专访被人指责:同一段对话,前期预告片对比最终成片,CBS剪出来的Harris的回答是不一样的。

Whitaker: "it seems that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not listening."


"Well, Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by, or a result of, many things, including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region."


"We’re not going to stop pursuing what is necessary for the United States to be clear about where we stand on the need for this war to end."

“60 Minutes”以前对于这种专访,有些会提供完整无删减文字版,但到目前为止,这次对Harris专访的完整文字版没有被公布。

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