

rewards high-quality content makers

Hello friend, on this occasion about sharing unique content that you deserve to see, the name is CBNT.  by using this CBNT platform you can share news articles and knowledge with people around the world using blockchain technology. For a catchy review, please refer to this article.

What is CBNT?

CBNT is a decentralized professional content sharing community based on blockchain technology and the DPGC ecosystem model (Decentralized Professional Content Produced).  At first, we will focus on blockchain and professional financial investment content.  CBNT will create a win-win ecosystem for all participants, including content providers, content readers (viewers), ad publishers, and token holders.  In the CBNT community, are you a content creator or content viewer, both parties can receive a "Mining Rewards" token.  Along with the growth of CBNT and traffic, all the benefits will be distributed to all participants.

Innovation in CBNT communities: participating in mining, exchanging 100% profits;  community autonomy model;  practice independent group management "group wisdom" decentralized operations.  All participants in this ecosystem can get 100% of the right and benefits accordingly, thus achieving a win-win system of "content, traffic, and advertising."

Since the world first multipurpose computer, humans have spent more than 70 years doing unlimited sharing and free distribution of information.  A superior content generator and communicator provides high quality content to Facebook, Zhihu (China Quora), Jinri Toutiao etc.  This user-generated Social Content platform generates billions of dollars in profits every year.  These advantages and values ​​are connected to the content creator carries, but they don't have absolute control over the content they make.  Content is not rewarded with the same financial benefits.

The team at CBNT believes that this business model is not sustainable, and CBNT aims to change the conventional business model of the content platform and let each participant benefit from CBNT.  Adopting the "Participating is Mining" model, the CBNT will issue tokens, which represent rights on the platform.  CBNT will focus on blockchain information and finance and investment sectors that are closely related to the economic token system.  Content generators, viewers, and communicators can mine CBNT stores by posting content, sharing, commenting, and liking etc. on the CBNT platform.


Content Creation Content  

creators will receive tokens if you like their valuable content.  the higher the content ranking, the more tokens the maker will get.

Communication Content  

Viewers can vote and share high-quality articles and will be distributed based on the weight of user contributions.

Paid Q & A  

High-value information equals opportunities in the business world.  Sharing information can give you more benefits.

Monetization of Adverts  

Traditional advertising models.  Pay advertisers to publish advertisements, and advertising costs will be distributed based on fan contributions.

Consensus Ecosystem - Community Selection Mechanism

The CBNT community is an ecosystem consensus where all token holders can participate equally in proposals, voting, etc.  The Token holders can not only share rights and interests of CBNT but also improve and improve various systems and regulations, voting and supervision. In the future, we will adopt a community voting mechanism and launch the appropriate blockchain voting module, including the release proposals, announced results, budget implementation, public offerings, and implementation of supervision.


With the advent of the golden age of network content and blockchain technology development, the Professional Generated Content (PGC) market will develop in a wider space, and the willingness to pay for and high quality content on the market will continue to grow.  Take the video platform, the partners of traditional PGC projects have accelerated from the initial 2,000 to more than 10,000.  Cooperation between projects has reached more than 100,000, and the number of daily games reaches 630 million, which has a certain level of more than 80% every year.  At the same time, this is more popular among users of knowledge content and vertical content. In the initial stages, CBNT will also focus on the blockchain content of technology and financial management.  CBNT will combine blockchain technology,

Allocation of CBNT Tokens:

Info Token  

Token: CBNT  

Platform: Ethereum  

Type: ERC20  

Tokens for sale: 6,000,000,000  

Receive: ETH  

Distributed in ICO: 60%  

Soft cap: 500,000,000

Token Distribution


start CBNT project;  preparation for business rules, process design, and communication with content creators, etc.  

Sep 2018 lists the CBNT Beta version;  invite community beta teams and complete system tests.  

October 2018 includes the CBNT 1.0 version, available for iOS and Android users.  

2019 Sep.  Gradually achieves group policy decision making and independent distribution and community with co-construction ecosystems, community co-governance, and revenue sharing, and where each CBNT holder can participate in community elections, business decision-making activities, etc.

CBNT Team 

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