Wendy Castro

Gomal university admission 2019 (St. Lawrence County) so it's Saturday morning and we're going fishing today is a tournament in Hong Kong and we got a couple of boats here and when the Aberdeen marina the Aberdeen Boat Club so now we're heading out that's the famous floating restaurant we got 6% in the trolley in Hong Kong shanthi shanthi showing price on chopped today so the way they finally cleared up got six lines set and we're trolling again in Hong Kong Shing gotta feel up more nice one okay Bashan second fish fish on fish on fish on big bugger yeah make fish on in Hong Kong nice one so this is why we're going to tie up now and do the weighing when all the other boats are coming in so we're not the first so catch of the day is to my one lost and the small unreleased may i yes you may sir and our fish weighs a three pounds three pounds - Arya - and the second fish to bounce wires Thank You answer soon our photographs Anthony alright well and that's the end of our fishing trip Hofstra University, Hempstead.

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