CANNACOR - Use of Cannabis in Health Services

CANNACOR - Use of Cannabis in Health Services



Blockchain is charming, because it builds outside use on spectacular ideas. In essence, using blockchain technology through cryptocurrency is truly extraordinary and extraordinary. This is based on the platform represented by the Cannacor blockchain platform through Enhanced Plans and adoption of cannabis adoption. This platform is designed to improve the process of shipping, organizing and refining cannibules for large-scale users, due to the entire supply chain management process, cost and process analysis, optimization and production planning. This basically creates the right paradigm shift for users to explore. This is the way the paradigm works for users through making marijuana healthier as a product in general. This is what was created, started,


The Cannacor cryptocurrency platform is a decentralized platform that supports the production of pure genetic, refined cannabis with the Cryptocurrency blockchain company for the use of cannabis in health care and the development of medicines to deal with diseases and pandemics. Cannabis as seen globally as a restricted area for human use. This platform is basically a transition from the norm. It chose to determine cannabis as a health care product in the right perspective and application for general patient improvement, consideration and care. This is what he chose to use through the cryptocurrency blockchain application, the use of the Etheruem ERC-20 paradigm smart contract.


Aquaponics is a complex system involving fish and plants. In short, fish produce waste that encourages the growth of plants and plants clean the water before it is channeled back to the fish tank, and the whole process is repeated. The word aquaponics comes from a combination of the words 'aquaculture' and 'hydroponics', and while aquaponics share certain attributes of both systems, this is a much more developed and unique system. The aquaponic system has three main components of fish, plants and microbes. Microbes are an often neglected part of the aquaponic system, but they are the microbes that do the most important work in the nutrition cycle. Aquaponics does not use soil at all - but can use alternative growing media such as clay gravel, pumice, lava or gravel,

The Cannacor blockchain platform is a unique platform designed to accommodate the right framework for the production of medical products from cannabis. These, however, are collectively designed with a unique set of features. These features include the following:

Supply chain management

The Cannacor platform is designed within the framework of the supply chain management process. This will ensure proper management, planning, analysis, and also the achievement of the objectives of the project goals, objectives, and schedule.

Decentralized Structure



Where cannabis planting and blockchain technology combine CannaCor and Blockchain companies that seamlessly work together with a shared vision to bring lasting change in the field of research, planting, processing, and distribution of cannabis. Our goal is to change the whole process of cannabis cultivation to make it as transparent and safe as possible.

For more information about CannaCor, please click the link below:







Author: coomeeett


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